Any good Sci-Fi (or post apocalyptic) shows out there?

What's the best way to know if a show is a serial (plot driven) or episodic (monster of the week)? I'm really wanting another continuing story, or series of story lines like Agents of SHIELD or a BSG.

I've already watched:

- BSG (2x)
- FireFly
- Lost
- The 100
- Revolution
- Falling Skies
- Walking Dead (and Fear)
- Heroes
- Upload
- Stranger Things
- All Trek and Star Wars
- Black Mirror

Since my OP, I've added:
- The Orville
- The Expanse
- Agents of SHIELD
- Lost in Space (reboot)
- Picard, Strange New Worlds (Discovery sucked!)

Considering Next:
- 12 Monkeys
- Farscape (going old school)
- Travelers
- Station Eleven
Don't forget For All Mankind (8.0)

A few cerebral (less action) shows worth checking out include

Counterpart (8.0)
Night Sky (7.4)
The City and the City (6.4)

The City and the City is based on the novel by China Mieville. Which probably explains the rating. His stuff can be, um, challenging. Not everybody likes that. It's like subtitles: You have to be in the mood to pay attention.

As for your bolded "considering next" choices, definitely go for Travelers.

I liked Station Eleven as a novel, but didn't get into the show. It wasn't bad, though. Probably just too soon after reading the book.

I also liked 12 Monkeys.
It looks like all the American stuff is covered, so I’ll mention a couple of good foreign series.

Alice in Borderlands is essentially the Squid Games in an oddly abandoned Tokyo.
Hellbound is a Korean show about otherworldly beings appearing and telling people they have a set time to live before they drug to hell in horrific fashion in front of people. It’s very well done because it basically takes the position of what if it really did occur to todays society. What if All of the Biblical nonsense was suddenly real…or is it? And how various cults and factions would occur.
Space Sweepers is a FANTASTIC Korean scifi movie that is basically a mix of Firefly and Cowboy Bebop.
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Don't forget For All Mankind (8.0)

A few cerebral (less action) shows worth checking out include

Counterpart (8.0)
Night Sky (7.4)
The City and the City (6.4)

The City and the City is based on the novel by China Mieville. Which probably explains the rating. His stuff can be, um, challenging. Not everybody likes that. It's like subtitles: You have to be in the mood to pay attention.

As for your bolded "considering next" choices, definitely go for Travelers.

I liked Station Eleven as a novel, but didn't get into the show. It wasn't bad, though. Probably just too soon after reading the book.

I also liked 12 Monkeys.

Gonna have to add For All Mankind to the list.

I never saw Suits during the first run, watching that these days.

I love Night Sky, mentioned it before, but the cast is awesome. Hope it gets a run, but not beyond the good arc of the story.
People get put off by the first season because they watch a few episodes and they make a determination about what kind of show it it. Oh, this a plague show, or this is a politics show, or this is a civil war space battle show, this is a show about racism....
The thing is, it's season one of a series that's based on a 9 part book series. It's going places you can't imagine. Be patient, hold on, and enjoy the ride. It will all start making since soon.

It took me most of the first season to get hooked. Definitely one of the better sci fi shows out there.



I've watched the following:

- BSG (2x)
- FireFly
- Lost
- The 100
- Revolution
- Falling Skies
- Walking Dead (and Fear)
- Heroes
- The Expanse (couldn't get into it)

- Upload
- Stranger Things
- All things Trek and Star Wars

Thinking about watching 12 Monkeys, but curious if I've missed something.
Station Eleven is probably the best post-pan/post-apocalypse show i've watched all year.
Station Eleven is probably the best post-pan/post-apocalypse show i've watched all year.
I'm 3 episodes in. It's good, but still not 100% certain I know what's going on. LOL It has a LOST feeling to it where all these story lines are going to intersect.
I'm 3 episodes in. It's good, but still not 100% certain I know what's going on. LOL It has a LOST feeling to it where all these story lines are going to intersect.
They do a lot of jumping between characters and timelines but it ties together eventually.
I didn't like it at first, but Bel told me to keep watching. I did and man did it get good--far from boring.
I disagree. I’m typically not a space sci-fi, kind of guy… But I thought the expanse was very good. It started a little slow, and was definitely not what I thought it was going to be. But it’s very intelligent.
I prob didn't give it enough time, but I don't watch much tv and I don't have the patience for shows to get good.
Did you ever read Wool? One of the best opening chapters ever.
Yes. I thought it was a really good series and thought it would make a good TV series. Then I see it's coming out in March on Apple TV+ I'll be excited about this one
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Farts and Procreation was good but you could easily jump in at S3. S1 and 2 weren't good but they were short and they were 22 minute episodes and not 42-60.
I found its legs midway through S2. Had to put Ron in a primary role.
I disagree. I’m typically not a space sci-fi, kind of guy… But I thought the expanse was very good. It started a little slow, and was definitely not what I thought it was going to be. But it’s very intelligent.
I had read and loved a couple of the novels in the series before they launched the TV show. I expected it to last about 3 episodes before they pulled the plug. It's quite complicated at first and I really didn't think they could translate it to the screen and keep people engaged long enough to get it. Very glad to be wrong. It's superior SF.
As for your bolded "considering next" choices, definitely go for Travelers.
Does Travelers abruptly end or does it wrap up and actually finish? I'm on season 2, ep 3 and really like it.

I liked Station Eleven as a novel, but didn't get into the show. It wasn't bad, though. Probably just too soon after reading the book.
I really liked the first episode, but honestly was bored the rest of the way (and not a good bored like with Andor, like a "why am I watching this still" type bored). I finished it, though. Meh.
Evidently I am a good deal older than most of the posters here so take this with a grain of sand.
My favorite television sci-fi show of all time remains Babylon 5. I know many of you dismissed it because it wasn't a major studio production, had no box office stars or wasn't part of an already existing tv franchise. Oh well your loss. It was the show "Deep Space Nine" wished it was. It started with a tv movie/ pilot in 1993 other than to get a feel for the set design and "atmosphere" It was pretty forgettable. If you choose to watch it ,a few thoughts , be patient, this is not a "monster of the week" series. It is a fully realized television novella intended to play out over Five seasons. The next is "pay f-ing attention" as several times along the way a seemingly chance exchange will turn into a major plot point. Oh and one little "Jab" at many other sci-fi series, Babylon 5 existed in a universe governed by physics, ie: solid objects only move in straight lines. But enough of my fanboy rantings, another series I thought should have lasted longer was "Dollhouse" and not just because of Eliza Dushku.
Station Eleven is probably the best post-pan/post-apocalypse show i've watched all year.

What was that? Was that like Brecht but with the fourth wall kind of in tact technically contained in the TV show? Having roughly the plot of Hamlet play out with three characters in the show and then within the play they portray their appropriate Hamlet analogs in Hamlet?
What was that? Was that like Brecht but with the fourth wall kind of in tact technically contained in the TV show? Having roughly the plot of Hamlet play out with three characters in the show and then within the play they portray their appropriate Hamlet analogs in Hamlet?
@millah_22 ChatGPT agrees with me:

There are several elements of Bertolt Brecht that can be seen in the HBO Max sci-fi drama series "Station Eleven." Here are a few examples:
  1. Epic Theater: Brecht's concept of epic theater sought to distance the audience from the emotional content of a play in order to encourage critical engagement with its themes. "Station Eleven" employs a similar technique, particularly in the way it uses multiple timelines and perspectives to tell its story. By constantly shifting between the past and present, the show forces the viewer to take a more analytical approach to its characters and themes.
  2. Alienation Effect: Another key aspect of Brecht's epic theater was the use of techniques to break the audience's emotional connection to the characters and events on stage. "Station Eleven" uses a similar strategy by focusing on the aftermath of a global pandemic that wipes out most of humanity. By depicting a world that is so radically different from our own, the show creates a sense of dislocation and estrangement that encourages viewers to think critically about the society we live in.
  3. Political Critique: Brecht was known for his political engagement and his use of theater as a tool for social critique. "Station Eleven" also engages with political themes, particularly around issues of class, race, and power. The show depicts a world in which the survivors of the pandemic are forced to band together in order to survive, but also highlights the inequalities and injustices that persist even in the face of catastrophe.
Overall, while "Station Eleven" is not a direct adaptation of Brecht's work, it does share some key thematic and formal similarities with his ideas about theater and society.

Can you please confer on me an honorary minor in Theatre Arts from UI? I did one semester as theatre arts major including a playscript analysis class.
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