Any good Sci-Fi (or post apocalyptic) shows out there?

I will not try Napoleon based on this- thanks for saving my time haha
It’s a solid flick; but yeah - classic case imo of a movie that advertised to be something other than what it was. Trailers looked far more action-packed, and as a history guy, what they did to battle of Waterloo was an abomination.
Vanessa Hudgens Holiday Parties GIF by BuzzFeed

My wife had to have a glass of wine to recover each day during her last year of teaching.
Mine is ironic - I just rarely drink and honestly have never been drunk in my life.
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@Tenacious E

You need to scroll through here. Since this post I've watched BSG another full time through (during COVID along with FireFly), I got into the Expanse (thanks to @BelemNole 's nudge) and it was fantastic. Additionally, I've watched:

  • Foundation
  • Silo
  • Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (and gone back and rewatched every Godzilla/Kong movie that's tied to it)
  • Travelers
  • All the Star Wars shows, Mando, Fett, Ahsoka & Kenobi
If you never watched Jericho, that was a great series, that like FireFly, got canx too soon. They wrapped it up with a graphic novel.
I have watched Monarch and all of the Star Wars shows. I have started Foundation but haven't made it through the first episode yet. Never heard of Silo, Travelers, or Jericho. Happy to have more things in the hopper, so thank you for the suggestions.
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I have watched Monarch and all of the Star Wars shows. I have started Foundation but haven't made it through the first episode yet. Never heard of Silo, Travelers, or Jericho. Happy to have more things in the hopper, so thank you for the suggestions.
I thought it was you that I was chatting about Foundation with...watched the entire 2 seasons in like a week.

Am I Crazy Warner Bros GIF by Leroy Patterson
@Tenacious E

You need to scroll through here. Since this post I've watched BSG another full time through (during COVID along with FireFly), I got into the Expanse (thanks to @BelemNole 's nudge) and it was fantastic. Additionally, I've watched:

  • Foundation
  • Silo
  • Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (and gone back and rewatched every Godzilla/Kong movie that's tied to it)
  • Travelers
  • All the Star Wars shows, Mando, Fett, Ahsoka & Kenobi
If you never watched Jericho, that was a great series, that like FireFly, got canx too soon. They wrapped it up with a graphic novel.
Is Foundation good? I started it but never got past Episode 3 or so.
The Stand as a book suffers from what I think of as the Stephen King disease: books that are awesome to start but degenerate into too weird and/or boring by the end.

The Stephen King disease is sort of like the Piers Anthony disease, where later books in a series seem to be written by an author who has lost interest and is just churning out crap because he signed a contract for 7 books. King just manages to get their within the same book.

Which is to say I loved the beginning of The Stand (the book). I think I finished it, but was disappointed by the end. I never finished the 1994 TV version (7.1 on IMDb) and doubt I'll inflict the new one (5.7) on myself, unless you guys can convince me otherwise.
It's worth it--very faithful to the book, and well acted, IMHO.
Is Foundation good? I started it but never got past Episode 3 or so.
It was excellent - once I got it through my thick head that it was only superficially connected with Asimov's novels.

I'm still pissed they didn't try to do something more faithful to the source, but once I got over myself I really started to like it.

Looking forward to much more. Fingers crossed.
It was excellent - once I got it through my thick head that it was only superficially connected with Asimov's novels.

I'm still pissed they didn't try to do something more faithful to the source, but once I got over myself I really started to like it.

Looking forward to much more. Fingers crossed.
Heard the same from my dad. I never read the books so I didn’t have the same problem.

Kinda sounds like a truly faithful adaptation would be near-impossible.
Clearly it is not new, but I am halfway through Stargate SG1 right now. It is entertaining. I had a laugh at a few recent episodes such as Ascension in which Maj. Carter is visited by an alien that nobody else can see, and everyone else doubts her. It's been several years of non stop wonder and stuff that shouldn't happen, but the thought of an alien who can hide from them, even though they have already encountered these types of aliens, is beyond their comprehension.
Also, love the Dom Deluise episode. I figured out in season 3 that the Peter Deluise in the credits must be a relative.
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Clearly it is not new, but I am halfway through Stargate SG1 right now. It is entertaining. I had a laugh at a few recent episodes such as Ascension in which Maj. Carter is visited by an alien that nobody else can see, and everyone else doubts her. It's been several years of non stop wonder and stuff that shouldn't happen, but the thought of an alien who can hide from them, even though they have already encountered these types of aliens, is beyond their comprehension.
Also, love the Dom Deluise episode. I figured out in season 3 that the Peter Deluise in the credits must be a relative.
I loved the first 10 seasons of the show - still solid but wasn't the same seasons 11 and 12 when they had to create new villains.

Still pissed that Stargate Universe got cancelled.
I loved the first 10 seasons of the show - still solid but wasn't the same seasons 11 and 12 when they had to create new villains.

Still pissed that Stargate Universe got cancelled.
I'm miffed that Carter and Frasier don't show their jigglies very often.
I'm miffed that Carter and Frasier don't show their jigglies very often.
I didn't realize until after it originally aired that the first 5 seasons were on Showtime (hence the nudity we see in the pilot and then it switched to SyFy. those first few seasons definitely had more suggestive costumes when they went off planet compared to later.
Not rereading the thread, but has anyone mentioned See on AppleTV?

Mankind as we know it ends, all people become blind. Generations later, vision begins to appear and it becomes a struggle to control sighted people who are blamed for the end of civilization. Jason Momoa is in it. So far into season 2, enjoying it.
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What are people's opinions on Fallout? I"m not into the computer game series. I'm 3 episodes in and my buddy really liked the show, but I'm finding it dull and hope it picks up. Not much character development and very disjointed.

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