Any of you willing to admit you think 9/11 was an inside job?

Wrong. So full of shite! OiT, period. Who would have guessed?

Like for the Eskie dog.
I think my favorite conspiracy explanation was when Rosie O’Donnell declared “I do believe that it's the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel.”

I guess Rosie has never been to Colonial Williamsburg to see a blacksmith in action.
Where there really airplanes or was it CGI?
well the theory goes that those two that hit in New York City were actually empty and they were drones or remote control and all the people were taken out of the planes in a hangar in Ohio or something. Or just Holograms like that lady named Judy something or other thinks. Now the other two are up for debate because the one at the Pentagon left a hole the size of a missile and the one in Pennsylvania left a debris field as if it was exploded or shot down in the air. so the one at the Pentagon could have been real and could have been fired upon and also the one in Pennsylvania real and it was fired upon. but this doesn't explain where the planes went with the people on board unless they went to Ohio.
well the theory goes that those two that hit in New York City were actually empty and they were drones or remote control and all the people were taken out of the planes in a hangar in Ohio or something. Or just Holograms like that lady named Judy something or other thinks. Now the other two are up for debate because the one at the Pentagon left a hole the size of a missile and the one in Pennsylvania left a debris field as if it was exploded or shot down in the air. so the one at the Pentagon could have been real and could have been fired upon and also the one in Pennsylvania real and it was fired upon. but this doesn't explain where the planes went with the people on board unless they went to Ohio.
They’re not here in Ohio.
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I love threads like this. The 1st thing a detective does when any crime is committed is to ask who benefits. E.g; If a spouse is murdered, police will check out insurance policies. But, not in this case. For some perverse reason, people refuse to even look into that window for fear of being labeled for challenging the wink wink "official story". Well, you're cowards. What you call conspiracy is aka police work.

We do know that the Watson Institute at Brown University said something like $6-$8 TRILLION has been spent fighting this tactic we call terror and it can move in and out of countries giving us carte blanche to invade and bomb sovereign countries at will. Who is the recipient of this tax payer largesse?

We do know that just weeks before 9/11, a new detection system was put into place costing billions. This system operates by looking for a needle in a haystack. Dick Cheney's friend built it. The system that was scratched, designed by NSA legendary code-breaker, William Binney, would have alerted us on 9/11. Watch the documentary, The Good American.

We do know that traitors high up in government called for a Pearl Harbor like event at the Project for a New American Century as early as 1997.

We do know that members of the 9/11 Commission (Bob Kerrey, Lee Hamilton et al) said the commission was a whitewash.

We do know that just 11 days after 9/11, former 4 star General Wesley Clark was told of government's top secret plans to invade 7 countries in 5 years.

And remember when everyone was so distraught at the loss of life? Rightly so...3k Americans died that day. I ask you, where is that outrage today? We have lost a hell of a lot more than that and not a whisper. Over 37 million people have been displaced from their homes causing a plethora of other problems.

So, I ask again...who benefited? Hint: it wasn't the Muslim countries that we dropped bombs on for the past 30 years.
I love threads like this. The 1st thing a detective does when any crime is committed is to ask who benefits. E.g; If a spouse is murdered, police will check out insurance policies. But, not in this case. For some perverse reason, people refuse to even look into that window for fear of being labeled for challenging the wink wink "official story". Well, you're cowards. What you call conspiracy is aka police work.

We do know that the Watson Institute at Brown University said something like $6-$8 TRILLION has been spent fighting this tactic we call terror and it can move in and out of countries giving us carte blanche to invade and bomb sovereign countries at will. Who is the recipient of this tax payer largesse?

We do know that just weeks before 9/11, a new detection system was put into place costing billions. This system operates by looking for a needle in a haystack. Dick Cheney's friend built it. The system that was scratched, designed by NSA legendary code-breaker, William Binney, would have alerted us on 9/11. Watch the documentary, The Good American.

We do know that traitors high up in government called for a Pearl Harbor like event at the Project for a New American Century as early as 1997.

We do know that members of the 9/11 Commission (Bob Kerrey, Lee Hamilton et al) said the commission was a whitewash.

We do know that just 11 days after 9/11, former 4 star General Wesley Clark was told of government's top secret plans to invade 7 countries in 5 years.

And remember when everyone was so distraught at the loss of life? Rightly so...3k Americans died that day. I ask you, where is that outrage today? We have lost a hell of a lot more than that and not a whisper. Over 37 million people have been displaced from their homes causing a plethora of other problems.

So, I ask again...who benefited? Hint: it wasn't the Muslim countries that we dropped bombs on for the past 30 years.
Clearly it was all faked. Just look at this photo. Don't you recognize the guy in the top left? Actors were pretending to be firemen on 911!!!! OIT was right all along!12!!!!

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I do not believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

I've watched Loose Change, a film that explains how it was an inside job. It's well done, seems to be supported by interviews and science - they make a very good case.

But, the reasons I don't believe it are simple -

1. If the government actually planned this, it was executed with perfection. Impossible.
2. It would take weeks to set up controlled demolition charges in the Towers. No one noticed? Impossible.
3. No one credible that was directly involved ever talked? Named names? Exposed documents? Impossible.

Not to mention all the people on the alleged planes. Where did they go?
well yeah but this means they would have had to had the bombs in the buildings to demolish it ahead of time weeks in advance
Lol! I guess the video of them destroying the foundation floor so it would fall in are faked like the moon landing.
If you were involved in 9/11 litigation, either on the coverage side or the recovery side against the House of Saud, it's very clear who was involved and it wasn't the US government or the NWO.
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I make it a point to never accept, at face value, the "official government story" for practically anything. That's more naive than I'm willing to be. I'm not agreeing with any-and-all conspiracy theories, because I don't think THEY know, either. But, I sure as hell do not trust any official government entity to be truthful with me, or the American public. As Nat said; You gotta follow the money and who benefited.

If the intelligence cells of the US government (CIA, FBI, State Department, whoever) couldn't do it, then I have my doubts that these strip-club-drunk Muslims with box-cutters and minimum flying skills managed to pull all of that off with that kind of precision. I said "I have my doubts", I never said it was impossible. The guy flying into the Pentagon was the best pilot in the history of the human species. And, it's so lucky for Rumsfeld and Co. that it his the very part of the Pentagon where they'd just lost a bazillion dollars in accounting for new toys and such.

I think people will believe whatever they feel comfortable believing. Most people cannot allow themselves to feel, or be, betrayed by an institution that they trust. That makes total sense. I don't trust the American government with anything. I have no reason to, and I don't see that changing. I don't trust the "9/11 Commission" any more than I trust the "Warren Commission." They both could have happened exactly as those commissions claimed. But, I don't trust them. And, frankly, it doesn't bother me if I don't ever know for sure. But, I don't believe it because "THEY SAY IT." I don't believe every catastrophic event is a secret/co-op/black-op conspiracy. But, I also don't believe that none of them are, either. There's way too much to gain from taking advantage of a crisis.
I make it a point to never accept, at face value, the "official government story" for practically anything. That's more naive than I'm willing to be. I'm not agreeing with any-and-all conspiracy theories, because I don't think THEY know, either. But, I sure as hell do not trust any official government entity to be truthful with me, or the American public. As Nat said; You gotta follow the money and who benefited.

If the intelligence cells of the US government (CIA, FBI, State Department, whoever) couldn't do it, then I have my doubts that these strip-club-drunk Muslims with box-cutters and minimum flying skills managed to pull all of that off with that kind of precision. I said "I have my doubts", I never said it was impossible. The guy flying into the Pentagon was the best pilot in the history of the human species. And, it's so lucky for Rumsfeld and Co. that it his the very part of the Pentagon where they'd just lost a bazillion dollars in accounting for new toys and such.

I think people will believe whatever they feel comfortable believing. Most people cannot allow themselves to feel, or be, betrayed by an institution that they trust. That makes total sense. I don't trust the American government with anything. I have no reason to, and I don't see that changing. I don't trust the "9/11 Commission" any more than I trust the "Warren Commission." They both could have happened exactly as those commissions claimed. But, I don't trust them. And, frankly, it doesn't bother me if I don't ever know for sure. But, I don't believe it because "THEY SAY IT." I don't believe every catastrophic event is a secret/co-op/black-op conspiracy. But, I also don't believe that none of them are, either. There's way too much to gain from taking advantage of a crisis.

Seems like you're rather dismissive of the capabilities of well funded believers. But of course the evil profiteers can manage anything and keep it secret?
You can't bring down a building in a matter of minutes you have to go set up the demolition weeks in advance
Fair enough. So, the theory is that the charges were set in advance - firefighters went in to fight the fire for a while and then when the FDNY told them they couldn't save the building he decided to detonate the charges? And, none of the firefighters noticed the building was wired for demo?

So, why didn't he use that strategy on the Towers?
While these threads can be entertaining, I do hate the fact they make light and imo disrespect the thousands of people who died terrible deaths that day... along with pain it likely causes their families. Choosing to willfully spread the idea hundreds of people weren't on those planes as the plummeted into buildings or the ground knowing they were about to die, is pretty fuvking heartless.
he already has in the form of the maitreya


Well, that's a picture I haven't seen or thought about in a couple decades.

About 20 or so years ago I was told by a monk, who would know, that the antichrist was alive on earth. Asked who it was, and was told it was this guy. I had never heard of him, obviously. Did a decent amount of research as to who it was, the internet was still pretty early stages, but it was a rabbit hole for a while.

Crazy to see the image pop up randomly like this.
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If you were involved in 9/11 litigation, either on the coverage side or the recovery side against the House of Saud, it's very clear who was involved and it wasn't the US government or the NWO.
the house of Saud is the New World Order and they ran our government under Bush
Fair enough. So, the theory is that the charges were set in advance - firefighters went in to fight the fire for a while and then when the FDNY told them they couldn't save the building he decided to detonate the charges? And, none of the firefighters noticed the building was wired for demo?

So, why didn't he use that strategy on the Towers?
I guess you haven't heard the interviews of the firefighters and janitors and Security Guys and a bunch of guys who heard the Charges going off. These are guys who made it out alive and they do describe a bunch of Charges going off in a series
well the theory goes that those two that hit in New York City were actually empty and they were drones or remote control and all the people were taken out of the planes in a hangar in Ohio or something. Or just Holograms like that lady named Judy something or other thinks. Now the other two are up for debate because the one at the Pentagon left a hole the size of a missile and the one in Pennsylvania left a debris field as if it was exploded or shot down in the air. so the one at the Pentagon could have been real and could have been fired upon and also the one in Pennsylvania real and it was fired upon. but this doesn't explain where the planes went with the people on board unless they went to Ohio.
How do you account for the missing passengers? Did they take the passengers off in Ohio and killed them? That seems like a wasted step.
I have a buddy who came out as such a couple weeks ago. He's always been into conspiracy theory stuff (which I will never understand). He thinks the government orchestrated 9/11 and is making up/lying about coronavirus. I guess that's an easier pill for some to swallow than reality just sucking sometimes.

I find that most conspiracy theorists are high school f**kups that are pissed about their position in life but refuse to accept any responsibility for it so blaming some shadow government, deep state conspiracy keeps them from having to face the poor decisions they made earlier in life that put them in the place they are now.

Also, the Venn diagram of Qanon people and 9/11 truthers is basically a circle.