Still wondering how the frack we pay for that, though.

Where was the concern over the massive budget-busting tax cut for the wealthy?

Tax policy needs to address that incredible wealth disparity, because it's gutting the middle class. Trickle-down economics has been an utter failure. The uber-rich don't use their money to create jobs, they use it to take international vacations and buy properties - many overseas. If that money were instead focused on rebuilding middle America - either directly through taxes OR the option of tax cuts for domestic investments in middle America by those private entities, we'd have a much more robust economy.
Crenshaw is lying. It's what he does. Republicans supported the same thing when it was going to be signed by Trump. Democrats also supported it. Now it's a Democrat thing - they all vote no. The 2 sides are not the same. You can see it just by watching the difference between Trump and Biden and how they actually do their job. Cons didn't have a problem with the cost giving 1.2 trillion to corporations and the wealthy. But helping everyday Americans? Can't afford it. They are scum.
It cost every family of 4 in the US $22,000 of their tax money + interest. Very wasteful considering the amount of money that is actually going to Covid Relief and helping those who are struggling. Pure politics.
It cost every family of 4 in the US $22,000 of their tax money + interest. Very wasteful considering the amount of money that is actually going to Covid Relief and helping those who are struggling. Pure politics.

It is LITERALLY what Trump himself pushed for last year. And you were all dolled up in your MAGA Cheerleader outfit with the pig lipstick for that one.
Good thing they passed the stimulus but that’s just a start. That being said, the Pro Act, which is similar to California’s AB5 legislation, is a giant piece of short sighted shit.
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It cost every family of 4 in the US $22,000 of their tax money + interest. Very wasteful considering the amount of money that is actually going to Covid Relief and helping those who are struggling. Pure politics.

When is that bill due?
When is that bill due?

Who knows. The point is they send families $5000 and everyone thinks they got a great deal. When actually, they could have sent every family of 4 $22K of their own money back and it would have really made a difference. Instead, they send the money to non associated programs/cities that don't really help most tax payers and most peoples long term situations. Not political, just a terrible piece of governing in my opinion.
Who knows. The point is they send families $5000 and everyone thinks they got a great deal. When actually, they could have sent every family of 4 $22K of their own money back and it would have really made a difference. Instead, they send the money to non associated programs/cities that don't really help most tax payers and most peoples long term situations. Not political, just a terrible piece of governing in my opinion.

Does it matter to you that your opinion isn’t based on reality or are you just used to it at this point?
Since when have Republicans been against giving tax payers money back? And they sure as hell never cared about deficit spending when poon grabber was in office. Apparently, Republicans are only okay with giving tax payers money back if they're filthy rich. Interesting perspective.
But not those taxpayers...this is different! Deficit spending for whatever reason, by a Democrat is a mortal sin...ask any financially responsible GOPer.
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It cost every family of 4 in the US $22,000 of their tax money + interest. Very wasteful considering the amount of money that is actually going to Covid Relief and helping those who are struggling. Pure politics.

Now do the 2017 tax cuts that sent $2.3 trillion to large corporations and the wealthy and out of the pool of revenue available to the Treasury.
Explain. Those are facts. Do you think the money is spent well?

First off, families of four don’t owe $22k, so if you were concerned about that, you can relax, don’t let Fox get you worked up. You also have a mixed up understanding of what could have happened, lots of people who will receive money paid no taxes at all, there is no concept of just getting their money back.

While I don’t exactly know what you meant about non associated programs and cities getting money that doesn’t help people, I do find it funny that you refer to that as a fact.

As for your question, I don’t have a strong opinion about it. I’m not informed enough to feel too strongly about it, but I suspect it will help overall, but likely could be accomplished more efficiently and effectively.
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Who knows. The point is they send families $5000 and everyone thinks they got a great deal. When actually, they could have sent every family of 4 $22K of their own money back and it would have really made a difference. Instead, they send the money to non associated programs/cities that don't really help most tax payers and most peoples long term situations. Not political, just a terrible piece of governing in my opinion.
All conservatives wanted was "why can't this be targeted?" well it is, just not the way you think. For example, COBRA is now covered, think that is a targeted plan? Unemployed people are "getting" coverage for extremely expensive ($1500/mo) insurance that they would otherwise need to pay out of pocket. I'm certainly not an expert on the bill but I understand a thing called nuance.

That particular point is also a great argument for universal health care but can you imagine what corporations would pay in salary if workers weren't tied to their job mostly for healthcare? I mean, there's a reason the wildly popular idea is opposed by Republicans...but that's for another thread.
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First off, families of four don’t owe $22k, so if you were concerned about that, you can relax, don’t let Fox get you worked up. You also have a mixed up understanding of what could have happened, lots of people who will receive money paid no taxes at all, there is no concept of just getting their money back.

While I don’t exactly know what you meant about non associated programs and cities getting money that doesn’t help people, I do find it funny that you refer to that as a fact.

As for your question, I don’t have a strong opinion about it. I’m not informed enough to feel too strongly about it, but I suspect it will help overall, but likely could be accomplished more efficiently and effectively.

I don't think we're that far apart on this topic. My point is this.... if it is decided that the tax payer is going to pay $1.9T to people who need help during the pandemic, then why don't they get more? If half of the population hasn't been negatively affected, then you could send those families that need help 2X the $22K per family. Send them $44K (not saying that's the actual number). But when I see $600M being sent to San Francisco as a part of the Bill, it stinks of politics (a certain politicians home town). I would just rather see this money sent to people who actually need it and to programs that are actually financially strapped because of the pandemic. Whether REP or DEM directives, I wish we were better with managing the money and sending it to more appropriate and helpful programs. It's both parties. One last thing, I rarely watch FOX and I am not a Donald Trump fan. Just an fyi.
You bribed Americans with their own money

Still wondering how the frack we pay for that, though. Are we just printing money at this point? I net 6-figures and yet I'm about to get another $4,200 for no apparent reason.
Once you realize money is just a made up concept as a physical representation of access to resources, then it doesn't really matter.

We're all paying for it, we're all in this together.
Who knows. The point is they send families $5000 and everyone thinks they got a great deal. When actually, they could have sent every family of 4 $22K of their own money back and it would have really made a difference. Instead, they send the money to non associated programs/cities that don't really help most tax payers and most peoples long term situations. Not political, just a terrible piece of governing in my opinion.

Local government directly impacts individuals and this bill helps in that regard.

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