I’m selling that Vox is a very misleading news source and like Info Wars, has contributed to the mass political misinformation campaigns of the last decade or so.
Fair enough...but there are a shit ton of articles about it. The guy I was replying to was flat out wrong as usual.
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Did you in any way shape or form look at what the Dems in the house put in that bill and why the Reps blocked it? Nah lets not take those things into account when we discuss what Trump wanted to do. Dems tried to use that thing to push through stupid liberal agenda items as a guise they were going to help Americans. Can't be a simple bill to give folks 2G can it? Gotta shove pork and BS liberal items in it!
It is almost the same damn bill!! You probably believe the 9% goes to Covid BS, don't you. The vast majority of that bill is for covid relief. Clearly you haven't read anything about it other than what lying Republican commentators or the corrupt Republican congressmen and women have told you.
Says the man who waits for the government's permission to live his life.

Pudding brained Joe said maybe by July 4th... keep the hope alive.
What about July 4? Use his exact words...not the crap Tucker, Shawn and Laura twisted them to. Use his exact words.
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Crenshaw obviously isn't seeing the entire picture here.
What about July 4? Use his exact words...not the crap Tucker, Shawn and Laura twisted them to. Use his exact words.

I can tell you (almost) exactly what the previous guy said:

"We have 15 cases and it'll be down to zero soon"
"This will all magically disappear in the summer"

That was 450,000-520,000 American deaths ago. @coloradonoles still worships that guy and anything he said.

'Why' is still an utter mystery....
It is almost the same damn bill!! You probably believe the 9% goes to Covid BS, don't you. The vast majority of that bill is for covid relief. Clearly you haven't read anything about it other than what lying Republican commentators or the corrupt Republican congressmen and women have told you.
God, you're quite the idiot!
Weird...I think the same thing about you every time you post. Sadly, for you, I'm the one who is right. You keep spreading nonsense. Again, you're just lost.
Hahahahaha! Wish I could meet you so I could see what true stupidity looks like! It would be truly be a fantastic event to laugh like never before.
Someone in Dem leadership needs to remind AOC that the Republicans have NEVER had an idea to help solve the immigration crisis on tge nation’s southern border. NEVER!
The phuquin’ Republicans are devoid of constructive ideas!
“Republican” in Latin literally means “no phuquin’ idea”!
Someone in Dem leadership needs to remind AOC that the Republicans have NEVER had an idea to help solve the immigration crisis on tge nation’s southern border. NEVER!
The phuquin’ Republicans are devoid of constructive ideas!
“Republican” in Latin literally means “no phuquin’ idea”!
Didn’t the house republicans pass an immigration bill in May?

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