AP story on why Latinos voted overwhelmingly for Trump

You are clearly one of the "stupids" that can't be fixed.

It's a shame that you ever attempt an adult discussion because you clearly can't be helped there, either.
When a clown looks in the mirror, does he see a clown looking back at himself?
Trump has told Netanyahu that he wants the war wrapped up by the time he's sworn in.

I know, I know....

Well sure. Just telling a guy who will lose power the second the war ends should work really well. And, taken another way it may necessitate the use of something as drastic as carpet bombing. I won't say much about it either. One, I still have a hard time feeling sorry for people who picked a fight in the first place and two, they voted for this.
You said you were stepping out of this thread.

Can't fix stupid (you); can't fix your short term memory (clearly); can't fix you.

Take A Bow Kiss GIF by Major League Soccer
Latinos tend to be Catholic where they actually go to church and believe in the church's teachings.

So, I can see why they'd not vote for a candidate who was pro-abortion. I can also see why they'd have a negative reaction to a person wanting to change their sex (thru surgery and hormone injections) that was assigned at birth. Ask a Muslim voter what they think about these issues and you will get an even stronger reaction.

Again, yelling at them, telling them to delete their accounts, and telling them that they are stupid is not a good way to converse or to change their minds. JMHO.
So, telling lies about liberals is alright in your mind, but calling a moronic, maga scum, asshole stupid isn't?
Messaging is clearly not a strong point for liberals. And it all starts at the top.

Joe Biden has been a part of Washington DC politics for 51 years (he was elected to the US Senate in 1973). Biden calling the 74,650,754 who ended up voting for Trump "garbage" was a horrible message that ended up going viral. Biden, of all people, should know better.
He was right though.
So Latinos are as retarded as you are?
Do you hateful superlibs have anything in the playbook other than calling people you don't agree with "dumb" or "retarded" or "morons", etc? It's a good part of why you've become so disliked that a majority of the population voted for Trump. You're actually a great example, individually. Congrats. Yawn. Get some new material.
You're calling me a fraud, and a liar and you are too lazy to read your own posts. GFY
I'm asking you which post you think is disinformation so we can review what about it you consider false.
You made the charge, but can't back it up.
Hence, you're a fraud.
No, comments like this and people like you are the reason he won.
OK, no explanation from this guy as expected.

Anyway, this comment is an artifact from decades and decades ago when Republicans ran as the "normal" "traditional values" "discipline" party and painted the Democrats as a bunch of out-of-touch lazy hippie weirdos.

But the Republicans are the Trump/MAGA fly your freak flag and phuck your feelings party now, and the leader of the party is the biggest freak. Yet they still keep doing the "no, comments like this and people like you are the reason he won" schtick.

Let alone that anyone saying that is admitting they don't vote on the basis of thought on the issues or the personal character/quality of candidates, just on their own personal pique towards members of the other party.

Anyway, brokenrecord.gif, these people are just so comprehensively full of shit.
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I have participated in many of the trans threads on here and provided plenty of links. if you really want to learn more, go read through those threads and then we can discuss.

Biden has advocated for gender affirming care for kids. in my opinion, this alone is an act of trying to make kids trans. You can search white house press briefings to find what policies he has implemented and what he has said.

Read the wpath files if you want to hear the truth from actual doctors who cared for those kids. read the cass report for the truth. read how the wpath came to be and the evolution it underwent from when it was the Harry Benjamin standards of care.

My guess is you would not look at these sources though, because you dont really care about these trans kids, you just want to use it as a political talking point even though you know nothing about it.
You're proving my point that Trump won with disinformation. You yourself have fallen for it.
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All the dem social policies like trans, racism, fascism, covid origins, climate agenda, inflation reduction act were all based on lies.

The American dream is that if you work hard,you can move up in the world and better your situation. The Biden economy with its inflation is making this harder.

Abusing kids by making them trans is not the American dream.

As an independent I just want to point out that just because your side won, that doesn't mean everything you believe is true. Same for when the democrats win.

For me I don't care if someone want to be trans, it's a family decision, but keep them out of women's sports.

Many on the trump side are extremely racist, that's a fact.

trump will go full facism if he's allowed. But many voters believe that there's enough checks in place to keep him from taking over, just like many who voted for him don't think he's deport 20 million immigrants. For me, I'm not willing to risk him eliminating democracy.

You people and your hanger over covid. Get over it and move on. This election wasn't lost over the origins of covid.

Another one of your crazy topics, the climate. It is real, and again, this election wasn't lost over climate, most people don't care.

This election was lost for three reasons. trump has a large group of people who think he can help the economy. For me, last time he was in office my taxes went up. I believe he's just going to take up farther in debt with no real gain. The border was a huge issue and the democrats failed and failed terribly. I don't want all of those people crossing the border so I suspect other independent don't as well. I also don't really want people from countries who aren't our allies, such as palestinians. If another country is not our friend, then why are we allowing their people into our country so they can protest against us. They need to go protest in another country. I have no problem with natural citizens protesting if they want, that's their right as a citizen. The final is the democrats had was that they ran a female. Huge mistake for trying to get independent votes. Most men won't vote for a woman, as bad as that is, but even worse, women won't vote for a woman. trump is 0-1 when going against a male, he's 2-0 when going against a female.
Latinos tend to be Catholic where they actually go to church and believe in the church's teachings.

So, I can see why they'd not vote for a candidate who was pro-abortion. I can also see why they'd have a negative reaction to a person wanting to change their sex (thru surgery and hormone injections) that was assigned at birth. Ask a Muslim voter what they think about these issues and you will get an even stronger reaction.

Again, yelling at them, telling them to delete their accounts, and telling them that they are stupid is not a good way to converse or to change their minds. JMHO.

I quit reading at pro-abortion. Anyone using pro-abortion doesn't understand the issues and really is ignorant about the topic.
I quit reading at pro-abortion. Anyone using pro-abortion doesn't understand the issues and really is ignorant about the topic.

I simply wrote that Harris was a "candidate who was pro-abortion."

And that was incorrect? Of course not.

A person like you who is so ignorant on the issues should do everyone a favor and simply not post.
All the dem social policies like trans, racism, fascism, covid origins, climate agenda, inflation reduction act were all based on lies.

The American dream is that if you work hard,you can move up in the world and better your situation. The Biden economy with its inflation is making this harder.

Abusing kids by making them trans is not the American dream.
You've really swallowed the BS anti dem propaganda. I don't know where to start with so much wrong in your post.
I simply wrote that Harris was a "candidate who was pro-abortion."

And that was incorrect? Of course not.

A person like you who is so ignorant on the issues should do everyone a favor and simply not post.

Holy crap, I can't deal with your mental issue where you can't come up with a new insult, you only can repeat what you've read. Dipstick, she's not pro-abortion. Try to understand to the two sides, I know it's hard when someone gives you your talking points because your illness will only allow you to repeat what you've been told. But try to understand the real issue that's being discussed around abortion, I don't think you're mentally capable so it's not worth discussing with someone with your disability.
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You've really swallowed the BS anti dem propaganda. I don't know where to start with so much wrong in your post.
You support the party of lies and propaganda. You support the party of abusing children and genital mutilation. You support the party who wants to bring in illegals and treat them better than American citizens. You support the party who wants to hire based off a persons identity rather than merit. So suck it

I didn't even realize that making kids "Trans" was even a "national agenda" in this election. I guess my Soros memo didn't fully explain this.

YOU PEOPLE don't even recognize when you have been played for, wait for it, FOOLS!

The "Trans Agenda" is nothing more than a subterfuge, if you even know what that means, to keep from voting for your own self interests. I feel so sorry for people like yourselves.

Someday soon, I hope you will realize that you have been duped. Unfortunately, it will be too late.☹️
This is how I know you are fully under the spell of the dem propaganda. Have you seen the massive increase in trans kids in the last 10 years? The number of kids diagnosed with a gender dysphoria tripled from 2017 to 2021. You might want to rethink who is being fooled. Ill give you a hint, its not me.
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I sincerely hope you get the mental healthcare that you desperately need.

Good luck to you; it's clear you will need a lot of it.

Imagine that, fran responding with the same insult, who knew. Do yourself a favor and focus in the issues because insults are not something you're good at.
Imagine that, fran responding with the same insult, who knew. Do yourself a favor and focus in the issues because insults are not something you're good at.

In the issues? You just continue to show how dumb you are.

What are you good at, exactly? Don't answer because you don't have an answer to that question.

Unfortunately, due to your severe mental issues, it's very likely that you will attempt to answer.
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In the issues?

What are you good at, exactly? Don't answer because you don't have an answer to that question.

If you're incapable of deciphering the fact I had a typo and meant "on" instead of "in", then you have much bigger problems than understanding the issues around abortion. Now might be a good time for you to go back to the basketball board and post someone else's twitter feed.
If you're incapable of deciphering the fact I had a typo and meant "on" instead of "in", then you have much bigger problems than understanding the issues around abortion. Now might be a good time for you to go back to the basketball board and post someone else's twitter feed.

As predicted, due to your severe mental issues, you did attempt to answer.
Read some piece this am with a quote from a d rep which framed it in a very Maslow-like framework that I thought was pretty solid. In the hierarchy of human needs, economics come before both immigration policy and sexual mores.
Do you hateful superlibs have anything in the playbook other than calling people you don't agree with "dumb" or "retarded" or "morons", etc? It's a good part of why you've become so disliked that a majority of the population voted for Trump. You're actually a great example, individually. Congrats. Yawn. Get some new material.
Thats rich from the party of lying and dis-informaton. Look in the mirror!
Holy crap, I can't deal with your mental issue where you can't come up with a new insult, you only can repeat what you've read. Dipstick, she's not pro-abortion. Try to understand to the two sides, I know it's hard when someone gives you your talking points because your illness will only allow you to repeat what you've been told. But try to understand the real issue that's being discussed around abortion, I don't think you're mentally capable so it's not worth discussing with someone with your disability.

Abortion is the only issue of finality I have ever seen that you can be completely against, and completely support at the same time.
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