Apple Has Threatened to Pull Twitter From App Store, Musk Claims

You are losing it.
Do you think the U.S. government should run surreptitious bot farms to cultivate opinion overseas?
Should they do it here?

Here are the key insights in today’s Adversarial Threat Report:

1. United States: We removed 39 Facebook accounts, 16 Pages, two Groups and 26 accounts on Instagram for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior. This network originated in the United States and focused on a number of countries including Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The operation ran across many internet services, including Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It included several clusters of fake accounts on our platforms, some of which were detected and disabled by our automated systems prior to our investigation. The majority of this operation’s posts had little to no engagement from authentic communities.

We found this activity as part of our internal investigation into suspected coordinated inauthentic behavior in the region. We’ve shared information about this network with independent researchers at Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory, who have published their findings about this network’s activity across the internet on August 24, 2022. Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military.
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Do you think the U.S. government should run surreptitious bot farms to cultivate opinion overseas?
Should they do it here?

Here are the key insights in today’s Adversarial Threat Report:

1. United States: We removed 39 Facebook accounts, 16 Pages, two Groups and 26 accounts on Instagram for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior. This network originated in the United States and focused on a number of countries including Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The operation ran across many internet services, including Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It included several clusters of fake accounts on our platforms, some of which were detected and disabled by our automated systems prior to our investigation. The majority of this operation’s posts had little to no engagement from authentic communities.

We found this activity as part of our internal investigation into suspected coordinated inauthentic behavior in the region. We’ve shared information about this network with independent researchers at Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory, who have published their findings about this network’s activity across the internet on August 24, 2022. Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military.
Tin foil hat time. LOL
Do you think the U.S. government should run surreptitious bot farms to cultivate opinion overseas?
Should they do it here?

Here are the key insights in today’s Adversarial Threat Report:

1. United States: We removed 39 Facebook accounts, 16 Pages, two Groups and 26 accounts on Instagram for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior. This network originated in the United States and focused on a number of countries including Afghanistan, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The operation ran across many internet services, including Twitter, YouTube, Telegram, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. It included several clusters of fake accounts on our platforms, some of which were detected and disabled by our automated systems prior to our investigation. The majority of this operation’s posts had little to no engagement from authentic communities.

We found this activity as part of our internal investigation into suspected coordinated inauthentic behavior in the region. We’ve shared information about this network with independent researchers at Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory, who have published their findings about this network’s activity across the internet on August 24, 2022. Although the people behind this operation attempted to conceal their identities and coordination, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the US military.
You are easily duped. "Individuals associated". Dumb ass.

How and why does Apple have the power to suppress discussion around Covid, vaccines, and around the origins of covid during an active pandemic? This seems wrong.

Who pressured Apple to do this? China?
They're talking about submission to Apple's app-store. Since Apple owns their app store, they can do whatever they want speech wise.

Of course people can criticize them for it, and debate what should be done.
You are easily duped. "Individuals associated". Dumb ass.
You can review the methodology applied by Stanford researchers yourself (it was a link in the link from Facebook that I posted with the initial description).
The campaigns were linked to publicly identified, government controlled sites. Dumb ass.

Assets in the Central Asia group showed clear and repeated signs of coordinated behavior: they posted simultaneously, used the same images, and recycled content over time across accounts. At times, accounts in the group appear to have made an effort to mask this coordination. For example, when sharing identical content, assets would leave periods of hours or days between posts. The same images were also shared with slightly modified captions or headlines (Figure 12). At least half of the assets interspersed their posts with content promoting the cultures and natural beauty of Central Asia, possibly in an attempt to appear authentic and obscure their politically motivated activity.

However, the coordination was especially clear when assets in the group posted about U.S.-related news or used translated content from official American sources, such as U.S. embassies in Central Asia. In one example, the Vostochnaya Pravda Facebook page posted a word-for-word Russian translation of an Englishlanguage news bulletin from the U.S. embassy in Tajikistan (Figure 13 on the next page). The post included a link to a Radio Liberty article on the topic, an excerpt of which was then shared by multiple other assets in the group. The assets also sourced content from media outlets linked to the U.S. military, particularly Caravanserai ([.]com). This outlet is one of three that previously operated as Central News Online (centralasiaonline[.]com), which named the U.S. Central Command as its sponsor and, before 2016, was part of the U.S. government’s Trans-Regional Web Initiative mentioned at the beginning of this report.
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You can review the methodology applied by Stanford researchers yourself (it was a link in the link from Facebook that I posted with the initial description).
The campaigns were linked to publicly identified, government controlled sites. Dumb ass.

Assets in the Central Asia group showed clear and repeated signs of coordinated behavior: they posted simultaneously, used the same images, and recycled content over time across accounts. At times, accounts in the group appear to have made an effort to mask this coordination. For example, when sharing identical content, assets would leave periods of hours or days between posts. The same images were also shared with slightly modified captions or headlines (Figure 12). At least half of the assets interspersed their posts with content promoting the cultures and natural beauty of Central Asia, possibly in an attempt to appear authentic and obscure their politically motivated activity.

However, the coordination was especially clear when assets in the group posted about U.S.-related news or used translated content from official American sources, such as U.S. embassies in Central Asia. In one example, the Vostochnaya Pravda Facebook page posted a word-for-word Russian translation of an Englishlanguage news bulletin from the U.S. embassy in Tajikistan (Figure 13 on the next page). The post included a link to a Radio Liberty article on the topic, an excerpt of which was then shared by multiple other assets in the group. The assets also sourced content from media outlets linked to the U.S. military, particularly Caravanserai ([.]com). This outlet is one of three that previously operated as Central News Online (centralasiaonline[.]com), which named the U.S. Central Command as its sponsor and, before 2016, was part of the U.S. government’s Trans-Regional Web Initiative mentioned at the beginning of this report.
Seriously stop embarrassing yourself. You have some odd resources.
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Seriously stop embarrassing yourself. You have some odd resources.
Odd resources?
It's Facebook's own self report, and a review of their collected data by Stanford researchers.

This isn't the Weekly World News citing a Bulgarian prophet about Batboy's return.
Riveting, go on.

I find it hilarious you have yet to share a single original thought about the topic the entire thread. Why even come to HROT if all you are going to do is waste everyone’s time by shitposting every single time?
I am stating the truth. I don't give a crap about Twitter. You just have no clue how to identify truth in media.
He’s having a fit that Apple gets 30% of the take on revenue generated by an App on their platform and figured he could throw a hissy and get Cook to maybe cut them a special deal on this “secret tax”. It is failing spectacularly.
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I volunteer for the ACLU and have read its analysis. As the WSJ op-ed says, “the constitutional analysis depends on a variety of factors including the types of threats issued and how much coercion is amassed …”

There are a number of viewpoints on this issue - it’s not a bright line that government can never lobby private business to censor. That’s the naive view.

There are dozens of cases on both sides of the coin - about government forced speech and government speech restrictions - and they all depend on the standard of review, the asserted government interest, the means by which the interest is enforced, and other factors.

You appear to want a bright line rule that does not exist.

Where we both agree is that if you think politicians cannot even lobby social media platforms, then both the Texas and Florida laws prohibiting content moderation must fail.

We will see in June.
You are wrong. What you are trying to do is find "loopholes" or abstract concepts to try and find a way to allow government censorship. If you really believed in the foundation of our country, you would try and find a way to eliminate all censorship. The 1st Amendment was placed in our Constitution for a reason and was placed FIRST for a reason. No one will agree with everything someone says but the only way to keep a society free is to allow all to express their opinions whether you agree with them or not.

You seem to be more in line with the CCP or the Iranian government trying to justify censorship.
You are wrong. What you are trying to do is find "loopholes" or abstract concepts to try and find a way to allow government censorship. If you really believed in the foundation of our country, you would try and find a way to eliminate all censorship. The 1st Amendment was placed in our Constitution for a reason and was placed FIRST for a reason. No one will agree with everything someone says but the only way to keep a society free is to allow all to express their opinions whether you agree with them or not.

You seem to be more in line with the CCP or the Iranian government trying to justify censorship.
Wait until Abby learns about the Alient and Sedition Act
Speaking of the foil hat crew, why is the left afraid of allowing free speech? Why does Google, FB, previously Twitter create algorithms to squelch speech, concepts, opinions and believes they don't agree with? I was always taught differing points of view made America stronger.

The Left only agrees with this when the competing views are ones they approve of. They are conditionally principled.
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Dude is a weirdo, no doubt, but point me in the direction of any human that has made the advancements for society he has in say the last 75 years.

If the dude didn't want to shit on Twitter he would be a hero to "90%" of these same people.

I el oh el.
Howard Hughes gave us cleavage on the big screen. That's better than going to outer space or an E car.
You are wrong. What you are trying to do is find "loopholes" or abstract concepts to try and find a way to allow government censorship. If you really believed in the foundation of our country, you would try and find a way to eliminate all censorship. The 1st Amendment was placed in our Constitution for a reason and was placed FIRST for a reason. No one will agree with everything someone says but the only way to keep a society free is to allow all to express their opinions whether you agree with them or not.

You seem to be more in line with the CCP or the Iranian government trying to justify censorship.


You might be the least informed poster on this board regarding the First Amendment. Congrats, because that’s quite an honor.
Speaking of the foil hat crew, why is the left afraid of allowing free speech? Why does Google, FB, previously Twitter create algorithms to squelch speech, concepts, opinions and believes they don't agree with?
Because they’re corporations trying to maximize profits.
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Speaking of the foil hat crew, why is the left afraid of allowing free speech? Why does Google, FB, previously Twitter create algorithms to squelch speech, concepts, opinions and believes they don't agree with? I was always taught differing points of view made America stronger.
When did Apple become the government? Free speech does not require that I allow your speech on my platform as a private entity.
Why isn't anyone going after Rivals and HORT for their anti free speech agenda? Not everyone is on Twitter being victimized by Apple, but we're all on HORT being victimized by this platform.

Free speech? Yeah, go ahead and try to find out how free you are, you'll find there's a censor for certain words. Want to use NI**ER in a sentence - not because you're racist, you have a black friend - you can't! Want to drop a bunch of F-Bombs while spelling the word correctly? You can't!

Images are free speech too! We can't even share non-male NIPPLES! Like a little full insertion in your life? Can't find it here.

Amazing that people will get agitated by free speech issues in a tussle between Apple and Twitter but don't have a peep about their own non-existent free speech rights right here at home on HORT.
Why isn't anyone going after Rivals and HORT for their anti free speech agenda? Not everyone is on Twitter being victimized by Apple, but we're all on HORT being victimized by this platform.

Free speech? Yeah, go ahead and try to find out how free you are, you'll find there's a censor for certain words. Want to use NI**ER in a sentence - not because you're racist, you have a black friend - you can't! Want to drop a bunch of F-Bombs while spelling the word correctly? You can't!

Images are free speech too! We can't even share non-male NIPPLES! Like a little full insertion in your life? Can't find it here.

Amazing that people will get agitated by free speech issues in a tussle between Apple and Twitter but don't have a peep about their own non-existent free speech rights right here at home on HORT.
Great question for PF. Where's your outrage on this obvious restriction on our liberty?
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If apple pulls twitter, I will purchase another iPAD, macbook and throw my android phone and buy an iPhone. No questions asked. F twitter. F Musk.
Riveting, go on.

I find it hilarious you have yet to share a single original thought about the topic the entire thread. Why even come to HROT if all you are going to do is waste everyone’s time by shitposting every single time?
You havent shared a thought, you're just sharing Elon's.
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Because they are private companies who entered into contracts with their users that allow them to moderate content appearing on their platforms.

Good grief.
Nice try, I asked why they do it, not if they had the authority. What are they, and you, afraid of? Are you scared your feeling might get hurt or are you trying to make sure your point of view is the only one people are able to hear?