Apple TV Miniseries: Manhunt


HR Legend
Sep 23, 2003
Has anyone else been watching this miniseries? I watched the final (7th) episode Friday night which deals with the Lincoln Assassination and the manhunt, not only for John Wilkes Booth, but also for all of the other conspirators in Lincoln's murder. It's well worth the watch for anyone that might be interested, IMO.

What struck me from watching it is how many parallels there are between the political atmosphere at that time at the end of our nation's Civil War and in today's political culture, where we also had another, but lot lesser, attempt to overthrow our nation's government. It's kind of scary given with what is at stake in this fall's elections.

One of the things that was revealed in the miniseries is how much I didn't know about Canada's involvement in the Civil War, especially the city of Montreal, which seemed to have been a haven of Confederate spies, conspirators, and apologists, not to mention the moneyed interests which came to the aid of the South during the CW.

Not taking the miniseries account as "factual", I Googled some of the claims made and found that they were in reality probably more factual than the miniseries indicated. It seems that some of the South's leaders were considered as Rock Stars, in today's nomenclature. Jefferson Davis was given a half hour standing ovation at a public appearance he made in Montreal after being released on bail in the US in May of 1867.

And in 1957: the United Daughters of the Confederacy erected a plaque on the west wall of the Hudson’s Bay department store on Union Street to pay tribute to the place where Davis and his family stayed in 1867 at what was then Lovell’s home.

In August 2017, prompted by objections from citizens and probing by journalists, the Bay was forced to unceremoniously remove the plaque that had adorned its flagship Montreal store for six decades. Bad enough Montreal’s elites treated the leader of the slave South as a hero. Why did a leading Canadian corporate empire keep honouring a slave leader well into the 21st century?

Anyway, I came across this tonight and thought I would share. Maybe, just maybe, some of the MAGA crowd of today can still find comfort in Canada, if they actually don't want to really go to Russia, when this country finally comes back to its senses?
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Couldn't you just tell us about the series and why you liked it? Instead you have to throw in a bunch of current times BS?

JAN 6th was like the JWB assassination attempt? No dude. Just no.

I'm really gonna enjoy this board in November if things go the way you fear.
Couldn't you just tell us about the series and why you liked it? Instead you have to throw in a bunch of current times BS?

JAN 6th was like the JWB assassination attempt? No dude. Just no.

I'm really gonna enjoy this board in November if things go the way you fear.
I guess if you don't know Russian, you might want to brush up on your French?

Btw, you might like Montreal, I understand they get a lot of snowflakes just like you.

Has anyone else been watching this miniseries? I watched the final (7th) episode Friday night which deals with the Lincoln Assassination and the manhunt, not only for John Wilkes Booth, but also for all of the other conspirators in Lincoln's murder. It's well worth the watch for anyone that might be interested, IMO.

What struck me from watching it is how many parallels there are between the political atmosphere at that time at the end of our nation's Civil War and in today's political culture, where we also had another, but lot lesser, attempt to overthrow our nation's government. It's kind of scary given with what is at stake in this fall's elections.

One of the things that was revealed in the miniseries is how much I didn't know about Canada's involvement in the Civil War, especially the city of Montreal, which seemed to have been a haven of Confederate spies, conspirators, and apologists, not to mention the moneyed interests which came to the aid of the South during the CW.

Not taking the miniseries account as "factual", I Googled some of the claims made and found that they were in reality probably more factual than the miniseries indicated. It seems that some of the South's leaders were considered as Rock Stars, in today's nomenclature. Jefferson Davis was given a half hour standing ovation at a public appearance he made in Montreal after being released on bail in the US in May of 1867.

And in 1957: the United Daughters of the Confederacy erected a plaque on the west wall of the Hudson’s Bay department store on Union Street to pay tribute to the place where Davis and his family stayed in 1867 at what was then Lovell’s home.

In August 2017, prompted by objections from citizens and probing by journalists, the Bay was forced to unceremoniously remove the plaque that had adorned its flagship Montreal store for six decades. Bad enough Montreal’s elites treated the leader of the slave South as a hero. Why did a leading Canadian corporate empire keep honouring a slave leader well into the 21st century?

Anyway, I came across this tonight and thought I would share. Maybe, just maybe, some of the MAGA crowd of today can still find comfort in Canada, if they actually don't want to really go to Russia, when this country finally comes back to its senses?
Now that the series has concluded I will watch it. It’s been on my watchlist ever since it was announced
Fun fact nobody watches Apple TV
Is constellation good? On my watchlist.

Just started Franklin.
Not sure yet. First episode was great and sucked me in. We're 5 episodes in and still trying to figure out what the heck is going on...haven't cracked the "mystery". Hoping it's not like the alien reveal in Signs or the stupid trees in The Happening.
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I am 4 episodes in and I really like it. It is a story I had no idea existed.

While Apple TV doesn't have a huge catalog most of there shows are excellent.

Slow Horses
Ted Lasso
For All Mankind
Mystic Quest
I am 4 episodes in and I really like it. It is a story I had no idea existed.

While Apple TV doesn't have a huge catalog most of there shows are excellent.

Slow Horses
Ted Lasso
For All Mankind
Mystic Quest
Shrinking might be my favorite comedy of the last 10 years.
There is no shortage of books written on Booth and the Lincoln assassination, why not read one?
There is no shortage of books written on Booth and the Lincoln assassination, why not read one?
I believe this series is based on a book by the same name. Somewhere in the bowels of HORT there is a Lucas80 book report about it.
I am 4 episodes in and I really like it. It is a story I had no idea existed.

While Apple TV doesn't have a huge catalog most of there shows are excellent.

Slow Horses
Ted Lasso
For All Mankind
Mystic Quest
Bruh, no Foundation? That show is amazeballs. Apple TV has done some great sci fi, which I love.