Are you in the "let it burn club?"

Are you in the "let it burn club"?

  • Total voters
If we are being honest, the issue isn't Rs vs Ds. The issue is how much people support Trump. My Dad and I had respectable conversations over Bush v Kerry and Obama v Romney even tho we were on opposite sides. His love for Trump is like nothing else. He literally has told me that. He has Trump hats and shirts and hangs on the mans every word. We still talk but I'm just sick of his constant Trump love. If they had nominated Haley and she beat Harris (which she would have imo) then I wouldn't feel anywhere near this.

Same, unfortunately. My mom sent me a pic last week of my dad with the biggest bass he’d ever caught. 8lb.+.

A great pic, one I’ll keep forever, but he’s wearing a GD Trump hat. At least there’s photoshop.
Trump must be the worst Nazi ever to get so many minority votes. So please stop with comparing him with Hitler. Hitler had socialist views and Trump does not.
You are obviously not big into history. My guess is Trump has a very similar psych profile to Hitler.
No right thinking American will root for the demise of America. I’m skeptical Trump will cause any positive changes to our country or economy but I will take a wait and see attitude just like I did in 2016. Unfortunately he was extremely disappointing as POTUS, those who say otherwise have washed the memory of his actions and inaction from their collective memories.

I suspect this cycle will be much worse for our country, especially from an economic perspective. MAGA looks down their noses at the well educated and the experts who warned his “concepts of proposals” will be disastrous. If it does crash downward I will feel some empathy for those most affected (children and the chronically poor) but their suffering will be necessary to cause any lasting change in our political environment. Ignoring the warnings of experts is rarely a recipe for success in anything.

If things get really bad, I’ll take care of me and mine, close friends and family. tBW has already stipulated that any family/friends who aided in 47’s election will be outside of that defined circle of people, and that list includes my MIL. The remainder will have to make ends meet on their own, since they’re so much smarter than the well educated and experts I’m certain they’ll be absolutely fine without any assistance from us.

Good luck everyone I hope this turns out well for all of us, but I have some serious doubts.
Lets create a similar timeline.

2016 Trump becomes President, Hitler becomes the Leader of the Nazi Party in 1921

2020 Trump lost election, tried a coup attempt through electoral votes, later encouraged Jan 6th in a failed attempt and had several charges lawsuits. Hitler had a failed coup attempt in in 1923. Was sentenced to prison, after a year was released.

2022-2024 Trump tries to retain and entrench more power, attaining it through rhetoric of going after immigrants. Is re elected president 1924 to 1932 Hitler begins to regain power with anti communism and antisemitism. Became Chancellor in 1933.

2025 Trump begins 2nd presidency - wanting to start deportation program of immigrants . . . . . 1933/34 Hitler changed Germany into Dictatorship through the enabling act of 1933 based on totalitarian and autocratic ideology and became leader on August 1934. Began by deporting and then began killing Jews.
Yeah that all sucks. I really do think this will take an entire generation or two to fully unravel. The most ardent Trump supporters that I know (and data backs this up) are 45 and up. I think it's going to take until some of that generation dies off and we are 20 or 30 years out from Trump being in office.

If we are being honest, the issue isn't Rs vs Ds. The issue is how much people support Trump. My Dad and I had respectable conversations over Bush v Kerry and Obama v Romney even tho we were on opposite sides. His love for Trump is like nothing else. He literally has told me that. He has Trump hats and shirts and hangs on the mans every word. We still talk but I'm just sick of his constant Trump love. If they had nominated Haley and she beat Harris (which she would have imo) then I wouldn't feel anywhere near this.

What we actually need are for people for go back to just liking politicians. This will only happen once Trump is no longer in the picture. Hopefully that's 2028 but he just told the House yesterday half jokingly that he may have to run "if they need him" in 2028 which is exactly what I think may happen. We shall see.

Man that's tough. I truly feel for normal people who have a MAGA in the family. Hopefully some sense of normalcy returns when - as you put it - Trump is no longer in the picture.
Or go the Stalin approach

Consider, for instance, the executive order prepared for Trump by his transition team, on which The Wall Street Journal just reported. It would establish a “warrior board” of retired generals and admirals with the power to recommend the sacking of any current generals and admirals whom it deems soft on wokeness, or just meh on Trump. It would thereby bypass altogether the military’s promotion, demotion, and dismissal processes. The sacking of multiple top military leaders for presumed lack of personal loyalty to the president (and reluctance to send the Army against American citizens) is without precedent in American history.

It has ample precedent in Soviet history, however. As Stalin’s executions of most other Communist political leaders wound down in 1938, due largely to the shortage of remaining political leaders, he refocused his attention on the country’s Communist military leaders. In short order, he executed Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky, who had led the transformation of the Red Army into a sizable and well-led fighting force, as well as most other Soviet generals. By the time the purge was done, 35,000 officers had been discharged, many of them sent to the gulag and several thousand to their deaths. In consequence, the Soviet army was shellacked by the Finnish army when it invaded Finland in 1939, and was a largely leaderless sitting duck when Germany invaded the USSR in June of 1941.
I’m not suggesting that Trump would execute or imprison generals whose every breath he can’t completely control, just that the sacking of generals who don’t demonstrate abject personal loyalty to the whims of the head of government has a rich history.

So, too, does the conflicted loyalty of senior U.S. officials. Decrypts of once-secret Soviet intelligence files (the Venona Files in particular) in recent decades have revealed that some high-ranking officeholders, such as Harry Dexter White, who headed the international desk at the Treasury Department during World War II, were passing information to the Soviet Union, which, of course, was then our ally in the war against Hitler. (Despite that, White’s work at the Bretton Woods conference ensured that postwar U.S. domination of the world economy would proceed unhindered.)

Consider, now, the case of Tulsi Gabbard, whom Trump nominated yesterday to be the director of national intelligence, the post in charge of the nation’s 18 spy agencies. We have no Venona Files on Gabbard, of course, but she has publicly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin and support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with whom she met in 2017 after he’d killed numerous fellow Syrians with poison gas. Whatever she may be, Gabbard is no mole; her affinities for blood-drenched anti-American dictators are completely out in the open.

Then we come to Matt Gaetz, whom Trump nominated yesterday to be his attorney general. While Gabbard has no history or familiarity with intelligence agencies, Gaetz, at least, is no stranger to the justice system, having been investigated by Trump’s and then Biden’s Justice Department for alleged sexual crimes. His legal acumen is clearly demonstrated by his decision to resign from Congress yesterday, thereby keeping the bipartisan House Ethics Committee from releasing its impending report on his alleged misconduct. (The committee’s investigative powers are limited to sitting House members only.) While there’s no direct Stalin-era precedent for this, I will note that Stalin’s secret police head, Lavrentiy Beria, was known to have raped large numbers of underage women and girls while retaining Stalin’s support, chiefly for imprisoning and executing a sufficiently high number of fellow Russians.

So let’s forget all this Trump-Hitler nonsense and focus on Trump-Stalin!
Man that's tough. I truly feel for normal people who have a MAGA in the family. Hopefully some sense of normalcy returns when - as you put it - Trump is no longer in the picture.
Yea, I have learned to just brush it off when it comes up in conversation but I'll be damned if he doesn't find a way to bring up Trump or "dirty liberals" in almost every way possible. In a way, Trump winning makes it easier because he will complain less ... hopefully :)
You're exactly right, it was the economy in Germany. Then hitler started blaming and hating the Jews (and others) and treating them as outsiders. Now let's take a look at why everyone claims they voted for trump, the economy and immigrants. trump has been telling everyone how bad the economy is (just read the posts on here) and complaining about immigrants (outsiders). Exactly the same two issues allowed hitler to take hold of Germany. You really think the democrats will do anything about it? Hell, they don't have the balls to arrest the republicans who have committed crimes. There is zero stopping trump from never leaving office again. This isn't an if situation, it's a when.

Look, I’m not suggesting what you are proposing is completely out of the realm of possibilities. But I will quibble with a few of your main points.

1. Antisemitism was nothing new in Europe at the time. Hitler didn’t just one day wake up and tell Germans, “Hey, we finally figured out it’s the Jews screwing us.” The Jews were a convenient scapegoat because the prejudice already existed.

2. There is no comparing the current state of the US economy to the state of the German economy back then. Yes, it matters. Germany was devastated by WWI and the German people were that desperate.

3. The economy is discussed about every election cycle. I agree immigration hate and xenophobia have peaked since Trump, but these two issues are really not unique as far as political talking points are concerned. They are discussed in European politics all the time, particularly with resistance toward Muslims. Nothing close to another Holocaust has happened there and the likelihood of it happening here is just as low.

Yes, I understand Trump is bad for democracy. Yes, I get right now Republicans control everything and that we have the fox watching the hen house in terms of checks and balances. But we also have this thing called midterm elections. If shit gets as bad as expected, the tide will shift again and Democrats will control Congress. Then there will be another round of impeachment talks and Trump will find new ways to cook his own goose.

In short, I believe it’s more likely that Trump gets impeached and convicted by 2028 than an American version of the Holocaust occurring. Pray and hope I am right.
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No right now as stated, its not, but they are going to send them to effectively camps. Lets say violence ensues what happens in these camps. What happens if Trump feels he is losing power and wants to make examples of these immigrants to keep everyone else in line. Without any one else saying no, and the Supreme Court giving Trump free reign, this can get ugly quick. We are at the whim of an individual who has strong authoritarian tendencies and I really think would want to modulate his rule on Putin.

I will acknowledge this is likely a slim possibility, but before I would have said remote or zilch chance. The adults have left the room. Going this far in the curve, with a possibility it could happen is scary as hell.
Yeah, I am mystified this country chose to elect Donald Trump again. The sad reality is with Trump there isn’t much off the table in terms of the stupid shit he is capable of. Again, I voted for the cackling brown woman.

So, I go back to my original point: I voted. What else can I do? If things get bad, like I said before, I will raise hell and harness my inner John Rambo on these MAGA twats.

Until then, I will hope shit doesn’t get too bad. No other way to view it IMO.
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Look, I’m not suggesting what you are proposing is completely out of the realm of possibilities. But I will quibble with a few of your main points.

1. Antisemitism was nothing new in Europe at the time. Hitler didn’t just one day wake up and tell Germans, “Hey, we finally figured out it’s the Jews screwing us.” The Jews were a convenient scapegoat because the prejudice already existed.

2. There is no comparing the current state of the US economy to the state of the German economy back then. Yes, it matters. Germany was devastated by WWI and the German people were that desperate.

3. The economy is discussed about every election cycle. I agree immigration hate and xenophobia have peaked since Trump, but these two issues are really not unique as far as political talking points are concerned. They are discussed in European politics all the time, particularly with resistance toward Muslims. Nothing close to another Holocaust has happened there and the likelihood of it happening here is just as low.

Yes, I understand Trump is bad for democracy. Yes, I get right now Republicans control everything and that we have the fox watching the hen house in terms of checks and balances. But we also have this thing called midterm elections. If shit gets as bad as expected, the tide will shift again and Democrats will control Congress. Then there will be another round of impeachment talks and Trump will find new ways to cook his own goose.

In short, I believe it’s more likely that Trump gets impeached and convicted by 2028 than an American version of the Holocaust occurring. Pray and hope I am right.
The question is can he pass some type of legislation that consolidates power prior to fall of 2026 similar to the Enabling Act of 1933. They would have cleared out any dissent in the defense by eliminating opposition leaders by sacking them. He has trying to put enough fear by pushing through just awful candidates for his cabinet - Tulsi with pro Russia tendencies (possibly more than that), RFK absolute loon who wants to eliminate the FDA abolish vaccines and eliminate fluoride in the water. Matt Gaetz as attorney General, who had sex with a 17 year old and has flaunted his escapades in congress. These are all individuals who will not oppose Trump. Then you add in Elon - also pro Putin tendencies, has threatened all republican congressmen or senators if they don't fall into line he will personally make sure they lose at the next election. Already setting up for camps for the immigrants to go to. Just damn right stupid stuff.
1. Antisemitism was nothing new in Europe at the time. Hitler didn’t just one day wake up and tell Germans, “Hey, we finally figured out it’s the Jews screwing us.” The Jews were a convenient scapegoat because the prejudice already existed.

2. There is no comparing the current state of the US economy to the state of the German economy back then. Yes, it matters. Germany was devastated by WWI and the German people were that desperate.
Yes, Germany was in much worse shape than we are.

I think the point is that Trump (and FOX, et al) got millions and millions of Americans to believe we are in bad shape - rather than believing their own lying eyes.
Yes, Germany was in much worse shape than we are.

I think the point is that Trump (and FOX, et al) got millions and millions of Americans to believe we are in bad shape - rather than believing their own lying eyes.

There are a lot of fat ass Americans pissed off filing their shopping carts full of soda, Doritos, and ho hos cost a combined fifty dollars more than it used to. That is a far cry from what was happening in Germany back then.

I am in complete agreement Americans are stupid.
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If there are enough Republicans on board with passing something like that, then our democratic republic is already over.
Thats the f*cking scary part . . . and its not too far a leap Ragnar . . . the supreme court is already compromised could become further compromised. Already stating Trump has immunity. You eliminate all dissent in the armed forces, so effectively will follow any order trump demands, will have started the deportation system - violence ensues he will push harder. If congress or senators begin to wobble even with Elon's threats he may begin using the armed forces or having senators fall out of buildings as a further deterrent. Pass this legislation or else.

Maybe its all a figment of my imagination, but these cabinet appointments are scaring the shit out of me. Before I thought you would have enough adults in the room to head off any issues. Who is going to be the adult in this room?

There are a lot of fat ass Americans pissed off filing their shopping carts full of soda, Doritos, and ho hos cost a combined fifty dollars more than it used to. That is a far cry from what was happening in Germany back then.

I am in complete agreement Americans are stupid.

Germany started out much worse but how many MAGA actually know anything about what happened in Germany or even care. MAGA's are worried about one person, themselves and they've been told to believe that the economy is terrible and they believe it. They're not comparing our current state to what Germany was like. And when the Jews were being rounded up, the Germany economy was much improved and people were living good. The Jews were rounded up during good times, not bad.

Question for you, do you think there's someone who trump wouldn't add to his administration because he felt they were too dangerous? I feel you could take the worse person in America and if they praised trump enough, trump would add them to his administration. I truly don't think there's a limit.
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What are the odds, between now and 2028, of getting a constitutional amendment through to allow Trump to run again? I'm thinking pretty near zero.

More likely is to amend the constitution to ditch the "natural born" requirement. There's no good reason why long-term citizens who weren't born here should be barred from the presidency.

I wouldn't vote for him, but Elon Musk (US citizen since 2002) should be eligible - just to name an obvious example.
Maybe because enemy operatives could become US citizens.
Can you explain how it is even close to the same?
You're saying that Trump's years from 2017-2021 was because of Obama. Well I quote, "The great economy of 2021-2025" that the left have been saying, is Trump's work.
You are obviously not big into history. My guess is Trump has a very similar psych profile to Hitler.
I'm marking this conversation and on Jan 20, 2025, people are aren't being marched to gas chambers and a world war isn't happening, then you are wrong. If he is Hitler part 2, then I guess we'll be fighting in a war. Stop being so drama dramatic, he's nothing like Hitler!
Germany started out much worse but how many MAGA actually know anything about what happened in Germany or even care. MAGA's are worried about one person, themselves and they've been told to believe that the economy is terrible and they believe it. They're not comparing our current state to what Germany was like. And when the Jews were being rounded up, the Germany economy was much improved and people were living good. The Jews were rounded up during good times, not bad.

Question for you, do you think there's someone who trump wouldn't add to his administration because he felt they were too dangerous? I feel you could take the worse person in America and if they praised trump enough, trump would add them to his administration. I truly don't think there's a limit.
My point was people aren’t desperate like they were in Germany back then, so only the really bigoted MAGAts are going to be on board with an American version of the Holocaust.

And to answer your question: No. The only actual requirement to serve in his administration is to glue your lips to his ass cheeks and maintain groupthink without exception.
I'm marking this conversation and on Jan 20, 2025, people are aren't being marched to gas chambers and a world war isn't happening, then you are wrong. If he is Hitler part 2, then I guess we'll be fighting in a war. Stop being so drama dramatic, he's nothing like Hitler!
You do realize the march to the gas chambers and WWII came several years after Hitler officially rose to power, right?

In terms of WWII, that officially started in 1939—six years after Hitler became chancellor and then Führer.
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I'm marking this conversation and on Jan 20, 2025, people are aren't being marched to gas chambers and a world war isn't happening, then you are wrong. If he is Hitler part 2, then I guess we'll be fighting in a war. Stop being so drama dramatic, he's nothing like Hitler!
Check the timeline it effectively took 6 years to consolidate power begin deportation, camps then killing Jews then attacking Poland. As stated may not repeat but rhyme.

Honestly I hope it doesn’t. I’m just showing how some of his current thought processes are scary and can become a slippery slope is something we want no part of.
Germany started out much worse but how many MAGA actually know anything about what happened in Germany or even care. MAGA's are worried about one person, themselves and they've been told to believe that the economy is terrible and they believe it. They're not comparing our current state to what Germany was like. And when the Jews were being rounded up, the Germany economy was much improved and people were living good. The Jews were rounded up during good times, not bad.

Question for you, do you think there's someone who trump wouldn't add to his administration because he felt they were too dangerous? I feel you could take the worse person in America and if they praised trump enough, trump would add them to his administration. I truly don't think there's a limit.

To Trump, a "dangerous" person is one who isn't completely loyal to Trump. The only value of a Matt Gaetz is that Trump would completely own him.
Burn It To The Ground GIF by Parker McCollum
You do realize the march to the gas chambers and WWII came several years after Hitler officially rose to power, right?

In terms of WWII, that officially started in 1939—six years after Hitler became chancellor and then Führer.
Does that mean we have to wait 2 more years for WWIII?

Maybe Trump can get a head start on the concentration camp part of Hitler's timeline.
Why silly? Do you not think one of our adversaries would go down this path?
Sure. But we'd probably catch them.

I don't think the fear of a mole is a good reason to block talented people who have made their home here from holding top offices.

A much more realistic worry is that the rich, the powerful, and maybe even foreign powers will buy natural born Americans and put them in top offices. Some say that's already happening.
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Sure. But we'd probably catch them.

I don't think the fear of a mole is a good reason to block talented people who have made their home here from holding top offices.

A much more realistic worry is that the rich, the powerful, and maybe even foreign powers will buy natural born Americans and put them in top offices. Some say that's already happening.
Sure. But you are trying to compare it to a situation that can’t currently happen.
Thats the f*cking scary part . . . and its not too far a leap Ragnar . . . the supreme court is already compromised could become further compromised. Already stating Trump has immunity. You eliminate all dissent in the armed forces, so effectively will follow any order trump demands, will have started the deportation system - violence ensues he will push harder. If congress or senators begin to wobble even with Elon's threats he may begin using the armed forces or having senators fall out of buildings as a further deterrent. Pass this legislation or else.

Maybe its all a figment of my imagination, but these cabinet appointments are scaring the shit out of me. Before I thought you would have enough adults in the room to head off any issues. Who is going to be the adult in this room?

Geez man. You need to quit reading whatever you are reading. This is some serious rabbit hole pessimistic shit right here. Guess my reference to nazi germany earlier in this thread wasn’t so hyperbolic after all.
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Trump is almost 80 years old. He will be dead or demented in 5 years.

I hope and pray the next President is sane.
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Have you taken your children out of daycare since the election? Things are going to get painful for you when Elon and Vivek get rid of the government programs you leech off of. All of you worthless activists leeches can fvck off. It’s funny that you think you have investments.
Majority of parasitic republican voters suck the government teat with great fervor. Tremendous fervor, actually, so they can fvck off too. They’re lazy, uneducated white trash anyway, so I’ll enjoy their struggle and angst.
I guess we will see. He said he was doing away with aca during his first term and…. Nothing. So, here us too hoping.
John McCain was only reason it survived. And Trump is still not over it and will for sure attempt to overturn ASAP to claim the win. He will even bring up McCain in some classless way too when it is overturned.

It will be a giant dildo of consequence when it does, impacting literally millions of Trump voters negatively. But not my family really, sitting in our lawn chairs with sunglasses, eating popcorn watching it burn with our low cost full healthcare from my wife’s state job.
Geez man. You need to quit reading whatever you are reading. This is some serious rabbit hole pessimistic shit right here. Guess my reference to nazi germany earlier in this thread wasn’t so hyperbolic after all.
we will be able to tell a lot early on. Does Gaetz and RFK make it through? Neither should. Next will be what is the immigration policy. Last is how much of a purge in the military and FBI, CIA occurs.