Are you in the "let it burn club?"

Are you in the "let it burn club"?

  • Total voters
I think it is my coping mechanism. I didn’t want trump to win, but here we are. I have to be hopeful for the next 4 years as do you. I guess that is my point.

From what I have read on the tariffs, which honestly isn’t much as of right now as I was clearly overly optimistic about Harris winning, is he has called for tariffs across the board. If that is the case it is a terrible idea, imo. Not just economically but why ruffle the feathers of our allies? It wouldn’t be good.
Of course I am hopeful but also realistic. As someone who is financially prudent, my plan to use the ACA for health insurance for early retirement is looking bleak right now. That gave responsible middle class people a great way to plan and save to pay for reduced premiums for early retirement. That greatly impacts me as just one example. I could go on but you get the point.
Nazi Germany will not happen again in any of our lifetimes.

Lies, propaganda, xenophobia, bigotry, etc. have persisted throughout the world after the end of the Third Reich and that will continue on long after Trump.
Ragnar, it won't repeat but it could rhyme. Right now immigrants are who you are targeting and blaming for all your problems instead of Jews. Shipping them off or putting them in Centers does look like the game play right now. With limited liability on Trump established by supreme court, you could see a pushing of the button of claiming they are rioting and shooting them, its what he wanted done in 2020 but his cabinet told him no. Do you think they will tell him no this time. Economically even if you decrease regulation, they will be doing some type of immigration policy and tariffs, both will be inflation inducing policies. Generally they are lag situations, I think the inflation will be much more prominent. This will cause immediate issues with the Fed. Most likely will try everything he can to get rid of the fed chair, he is actually fairly well insulated but my guess is Trump succeeds. With rising inflation, a sudden loss in confidence, in the fed system and leadership and already be at highly inflated levels, things will plummet and we will be in a death spiral. Trump will be trying to grasp at anything and punish anyone he can. It will get ugly.
I mean, this is the only logical response.

No one should be cheerleading for Trump to fail, but it’s also common sense that our control over this ended on November 5th.

We get what we get. If it all goes to hell, then I see nothing wrong with a bit of gallows’s humor. Either way, we’re ****ed.
Ragnar of the house of Lothbrok nailed it. I don't hope Trump fails and ruins everything but it's totally possible that happens. Or maybe he succeeds. My plan is to laugh every time he does something even dumber than the last incredibly stupid thing he did.
"Let Trump be Trump" is probably a better way to phrase it than "Burn It All Down."

This essay sums up my feelings on the subject pretty well:

Yeah given the reactions in this thread I tend to think the “burn it all down” is probably too open to misinterpretation from those not savvy enough to understand intent. Maybe not as bad as “defund the police”, but heading down the same path.

Harris voters, like Harris herself, suck at messaging to the American people.
"Let Trump be Trump" is probably a better way to phrase it than "Burn It All Down."

This essay sums up my feelings on the subject pretty well:

Do you mind pasting the part that follows this: "On Tuesday, voters rewarded one of these parties and punished the other. What should Democrats learn from that outcome? One simple thing:"

I had gotten that far and then got paywalled, was hoping to finish.
Ragnar, it won't repeat but it could rhyme. Right now immigrants are who you are targeting and blaming for all your problems instead of Jews. Shipping them off or putting them in Centers does look like the game play right now. With limited liability on Trump established by supreme court, you could see a pushing of the button of claiming they are rioting and shooting them, its what he wanted done in 2020 but his cabinet told him no. Do you think they will tell him no this time. Economically even if you decrease regulation, they will be doing some type of immigration policy and tariffs, both will be inflation inducing policies. Generally they are lag situations, I think the inflation will be much more prominent. This will cause immediate issues with the Fed. Most likely will try everything he can to get rid of the fed chair, he is actually fairly well insulated but my guess is Trump succeeds. With rising inflation, a sudden loss in confidence, in the fed system and leadership and already be at highly inflated levels, things will plummet and we will be in a death spiral. Trump will be trying to grasp at anything and punish anyone he can. It will get ugly.
I have no doubt the next Trump presidency will be even more of a shit show than the first one.

At this point, you could maybe say there is a slant rhyme, perhaps. The difference is Trump is targeting people who are here illegally which is a far cry from rounding up all Jews for the crime of being Jews and sending them to camps to ostensibly be tortured and killed. That distinction must not only be drawn but emphasized.

Yes, I get the rhetoric from Trump is reprehensible. Yes, I understand he is pandering to inbred bigots, which is dangerous. Absolutely, Trump’s plan to deport millions of people is as stupid as it is impractical. All of that is beside the point.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I agree Trump will take things as far as he can and will have a hissy fit when he doesn’t get his way. I still believe comparisons to Nazi Germany at this time are reckless and irresponsible.
Do you mind pasting the part that follows this: "On Tuesday, voters rewarded one of these parties and punished the other. What should Democrats learn from that outcome? One simple thing:"

I had gotten that far and then got paywalled, was hoping to finish.
On Tuesday, voters rewarded one of these parties and punished the other. What should Democrats learn from that outcome? One simple thing:

Do not expend political capital trying to protect voters from Trump.

Americans listened to everything Trump said over the last two years. They heard him talk about abandoning Ukraine, imposing massive tariffs, putting RFK Jr. in charge of healthcare policy, and rounding up millions of immigrants and either deporting them or putting them into camps.

A majority of voters affirmatively chose those policies.

So let Trump implement them. Let’s walk through what that would mean, one policy at a time.

2. The Hot Stove

Ukraine. President Trump is likely to abandon Ukraine to Russia. Democrats should not attempt to stop him.

Pulling back American support of Ukraine will have a number of bad outcomes.

  • It will reward Putin’s aggression, endangering the Baltic states and Eastern Europe.
  • It will strain NATO; or perhaps even break it.
  • All of which will spook global markets.
  • If NATO fractures, Europe will re-arm overnight and Germany would become a nuclear state.1
  • It will signal to China that they have a free hand with Taiwan. Which would also cause a massive disruption to the global economy.
And—not that American voters care about this—it would also mean the death or enslavement of large numbers of Ukrainians.

Because they are silly, the great and good American people have asked for these outcomes. Democrats should not get in the way of them. If Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Mike Johnson want to fight Trump over Ukraine, they can have at it. But they should do so with zero Democratic support.

Democrats should sit on the sidelines and point out all of the dangers. When things go sideways in Europe they should relentlessly highlight the bad outcomes and heap blame on Trump. They should score an endless number of political points and use the chaos and bloodshed in Ukraine to damage Trump politically.

But under no circumstances should they extend themselves politically to stop Trump from doing what he promised to do.

Tariffs. President Trump has promised to impose a massive tariff regime. The result will be rising prices for consumers. Rather than trying to stop it, Democrats should welcome this development.

The only way in which Democrats should fight back against tariffs is by exposing the crony capitalist loopholes Trump carves out for his allies. Democrats should relentlessly highlight the ways in which Trump uses his tariff scheme to help his billionaire friends and they should never shut up about the prices of everything.

But they should not attempt to stop the imposition of the tariffs themselves.

RFK and the vaccines. If President Trump attempts to appoint RFK Jr. to some administrative position from which he can harm America’s health, Democrats should let him.

RFK Jr. wants to take fluoride out of the water? Fine. Democratic governors can stand up programs to get fluoride supplements into the hands of their constituents.

RFK Jr. wants to do away with vaccine mandates? Okay. Democratic governors can support state and local mandates for childhood vaccinations and can run campaigns to encourage their constituents to protect themselves with free vaccinations.

But if Cletus in Alabama wants to abandon polio and MMR vaccines? Let him. No more saving people from themselves.

And then, when dangerous childhood diseases reappear, Democrats can demonize both Republicans and the slack-jawed yokels who made it possible.

Will some innocent people die as a result? Perhaps. But elections have consequences. And Americans have demonstrated, over and over, that they don’t give a political party any credit for preventing harms.

Deportations. It’s unclear exactly how serious Trump is about his deportation promises. Is he really going to round up 15 million immigrants and deport them?

No. This is like promising to build a wall that Mexico pays for.

But he may try to arrest some thousands of immigrants and either deport them or warehouse them in camps.

Democrats should not try to stop him.

Here is the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Lautaro Grinspan reporting from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Atlanta headquarters on the day after the election. I’m going to quote from it extensively.

Alberto Varela crossed the southern border illegally in April 2022, following a perilous journey from his hometown in Cuba. Early on Wednesday morning, just hours after the presidential election was called for Donald Trump, the Cuban national was outside of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Atlanta headquarters, where migrants who entered the country without authorization line up every morning to check in with authorities.
Varela cannot vote in the United States. And if some of Trump’s policies take effect, he could be deported. Still, he believes “the Americans made the right decision.”
In his view, Trump was the better option for the U.S. economy. He also associated his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, with a far-left “Communist” ideology.
Trump’s hard-line stances on immigration, including a campaign pledge to enact mass deportations, weren’t off-putting. Rather, they were a draw.
“Right now, people are coming in who were bad in our countries, and they’ll be bad here,” Varela said, noting that migrants who are in the country working and not committing crimes should have nothing to fear. “Trump doesn’t want to stop immigration; he wants for it to be controlled, and to block criminals from coming in and destroying the country. It’s a mess.” . . .
[O]utside the ICE field office in Atlanta stood Manuel Baez, a migrant from Venezuela who entered the country illegally roughly two years ago. He is temporarily protected from deportation by a Biden administration humanitarian program, but he identifies as a Trump supporter. . . .
“Democrats talk about Trump saying he is going to deport everyone, but that doesn’t really scare us. Everybody knows that’s a lie, that he’s not going to do it. We know Trump just says those things to get the gringos’ votes,” [Andres Castellanos] said. “It’s a lie that people will be stopped in the streets and if they don’t have papers, OK, straight to the plane. . . . If they catch you committing a crime, that’s different.”
In a tweet about his piece, Grinspan added:

Several of the migrants I’ve been speaking with say they would have voted for Trump themselves. Most are folks who crossed the border illegally in the last 2-3 years. They don’t believe Trump will deport them, because they are here to work and are “not criminals.”
I mean, possibly? But also: Possibly not.
Either way, why should Democrats do anything to obstruct Trump if he tries to institute a regime of mass deportation or incarceration?

Because one of two things is possible. Either:

  1. Trump has no intention of following through on his promise—in which case he should not be given an excuse that Democrats somehow prevented him from doing it; or . . .
  2. Trump really will try to arrest 15 million people. In which case it will be a logistical, legal, moral, and economic catastrophe.
Either way, let him do it. Give him no way to blame Democrats for obstructing the glorious immigrant round-up of 2025—whether because it happens or because it does not happen.

Because either way—and this is the key—Trump’s deportation policy isn’t going to disproportionately affect Democratic voters. And Democrats can no longer afford to spend political capital protecting anyone who can’t support them electorally, just because it’s nice or the right thing to do.

At the end of the day, that should be the precept that guides Democrats’ decisions about when and how to spend capital trying to obstruct Trump during the next two years.

If Trump is trying to break the rule of law, then yes, Democrats should attempt to stop him.

If Trump is taking an action that would hurt a Democratic voting group or a Democratic state, then yes, they should attempt to stop him.

But for everything else? Democrats should stand back and stand by.2 And then, when the fit hits the shan, they should demagogue the ever-living-crap out of Trump for any bad outcome that occurs, anywhere.

Make him own it. All of it.

The American people have chosen. They should not be insulated from the consequences of their choice.
Either way, why should Democrats do anything to obstruct Trump if he tries to institute a regime of mass deportation or incarceration?

Because one of two things is possible. Either:

  1. Trump has no intention of following through on his promise—in which case he should not be given an excuse that Democrats somehow prevented him from doing it; or . . .
  2. Trump really will try to arrest 15 million people. In which case it will be a logistical, legal, moral, and economic catastrophe.
Either way, let him do it. Give him no way to blame Democrats for obstructing the glorious immigrant round-up of 2025—whether because it happens or because it does not happen.

Because either way—and this is the key—Trump’s deportation policy isn’t going to disproportionately affect Democratic voters. And Democrats can no longer afford to spend political capital protecting anyone who can’t support them electorally, just because it’s nice or the right thing to do.

At the end of the day, that should be the precept that guides Democrats’ decisions about when and how to spend capital trying to obstruct Trump during the next two years.

If Trump is trying to break the rule of law, then yes, Democrats should attempt to stop him.

If Trump is taking an action that would hurt a Democratic voting group or a Democratic state, then yes, they should attempt to stop him.

But for everything else? Democrats should stand back and stand by.2 And then, when the fit hits the shan, they should demagogue the ever-living-crap out of Trump for any bad outcome that occurs, anywhere.

Make him own it. All of it.

The American people have chosen. They should not be insulated from the consequences of their choice.

Thanks for pasting! I follow the logic, and even if it was followed, I'm not certain it would be effective. All of the things that he thinks would be blamed on Trump - reap what you sow - I'm not certain actually would be. Our politics exist in separate realities, all of the things that should be blamed on Trump, aren't necessarily, it's the media, the Democrats, the Deep State, Soros, the Jews, etc. etc. There's always a foil.

Trump, tried to steal the 2020 election in a few different ways. That's reality. Yet, in the mind of a majority of Republicans, as a matter of faith, the election was stolen by Democrats, who - again a matter of faith - regularly steal elections using fake votes, fake ballots, all sorts of schemes.

Fox News paid out something like $700M for peddling the fake news, was there a wake up call for the MAGAs? No, they carried on.

And this is sort of an example of my earlier response in this thread. I'm less concerned about a economic challenge or recession, and more concerned about the continued poisoning of shared reality, shared culture.
Rooting for Trump to fail is basically rooting for the country to fail.

Petty bitches you are.

Even if you don't like the guy, you should WANT him to be the greatest President of all time.

That means the country is in amazing shape.

No different than how a Republican should have WANTED Biden to be the greatest ever.
Yes, it is a tad hyperbolic I suppose. But then you see Tom’s post just a few below yours. My point is that neither of us truly know what is going to occur. I am going to choose to be hopeful that these next 4 years are prosperous for our country as opposed to letting and watching it burn.
I was on the record for being "hopeful" for Trump in 2016. Now I am quite positive of what we are going to see the next 4, and it's a helluva lot worse than his previous term. NOTHING I have seen from him suggests otherwise no matter what the board righties try to convince me to get my eyes and ears to ignore. I've been right so far. The historians and people who have WORKED WITH TRUMP, warning us about him have NOT lying. But I'm supposed to think the board willies and abbys are right? Are you serious with that crap?

I don't want the country to burn but I can definitely see what Trump voters just did to it. I have NO HOPE for his next term. Not after the last 8 years and what I have read about Project 2025. Everyone who is actually normal in the federal government is scrambling trying to figure out how to deal with what's coming. Not to mention our allies.
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Rooting for Trump to fail is basically rooting for the country to fail.

Petty bitches you are.

Even if you don't like the guy, you should WANT him to be the greatest President of all time.

That means the country is in amazing shape.

No different than how a Republican should have WANTED Biden to be the greatest ever.
You don't read good.
On Tuesday, voters rewarded one of these parties and punished the other. What should Democrats learn from that outcome? One simple thing:

Do not expend political capital trying to protect voters from Trump.

Americans listened to everything Trump said over the last two years. They heard him talk about abandoning Ukraine, imposing massive tariffs, putting RFK Jr. in charge of healthcare policy, and rounding up millions of immigrants and either deporting them or putting them into camps.

A majority of voters affirmatively chose those policies.

So let Trump implement them. Let’s walk through what that would mean, one policy at a time.

2. The Hot Stove​

Ukraine. President Trump is likely to abandon Ukraine to Russia. Democrats should not attempt to stop him.

Pulling back American support of Ukraine will have a number of bad outcomes.

  • It will reward Putin’s aggression, endangering the Baltic states and Eastern Europe.
  • It will strain NATO; or perhaps even break it.
  • All of which will spook global markets.
  • If NATO fractures, Europe will re-arm overnight and Germany would become a nuclear state.1
  • It will signal to China that they have a free hand with Taiwan. Which would also cause a massive disruption to the global economy.
And—not that American voters care about this—it would also mean the death or enslavement of large numbers of Ukrainians.

Because they are silly, the great and good American people have asked for these outcomes. Democrats should not get in the way of them. If Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Mike Johnson want to fight Trump over Ukraine, they can have at it. But they should do so with zero Democratic support.

Democrats should sit on the sidelines and point out all of the dangers. When things go sideways in Europe they should relentlessly highlight the bad outcomes and heap blame on Trump. They should score an endless number of political points and use the chaos and bloodshed in Ukraine to damage Trump politically.

But under no circumstances should they extend themselves politically to stop Trump from doing what he promised to do.

Tariffs. President Trump has promised to impose a massive tariff regime. The result will be rising prices for consumers. Rather than trying to stop it, Democrats should welcome this development.

The only way in which Democrats should fight back against tariffs is by exposing the crony capitalist loopholes Trump carves out for his allies. Democrats should relentlessly highlight the ways in which Trump uses his tariff scheme to help his billionaire friends and they should never shut up about the prices of everything.

But they should not attempt to stop the imposition of the tariffs themselves.

RFK and the vaccines. If President Trump attempts to appoint RFK Jr. to some administrative position from which he can harm America’s health, Democrats should let him.

RFK Jr. wants to take fluoride out of the water? Fine. Democratic governors can stand up programs to get fluoride supplements into the hands of their constituents.

RFK Jr. wants to do away with vaccine mandates? Okay. Democratic governors can support state and local mandates for childhood vaccinations and can run campaigns to encourage their constituents to protect themselves with free vaccinations.

But if Cletus in Alabama wants to abandon polio and MMR vaccines? Let him. No more saving people from themselves.

And then, when dangerous childhood diseases reappear, Democrats can demonize both Republicans and the slack-jawed yokels who made it possible.

Will some innocent people die as a result? Perhaps. But elections have consequences. And Americans have demonstrated, over and over, that they don’t give a political party any credit for preventing harms.

Deportations. It’s unclear exactly how serious Trump is about his deportation promises. Is he really going to round up 15 million immigrants and deport them?

No. This is like promising to build a wall that Mexico pays for.

But he may try to arrest some thousands of immigrants and either deport them or warehouse them in camps.

Democrats should not try to stop him.

Here is the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Lautaro Grinspan reporting from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Atlanta headquarters on the day after the election. I’m going to quote from it extensively.

In a tweet about his piece, Grinspan added:

I mean, possibly? But also: Possibly not.
The "saving people from themselves" reminds me of an old George Carlin routine, where he eventually said, "Eff the children." We have spent decades NOT THINNING OUT THE HERD, which has saved millions of idiots from harm. If we still had real lawn jarts maybe a few more dummies would have dropped them on their skulls. Saving dummies from drinking chemicals. Bicycle helmets. Instead we have saved the lives of tens of thousands of procreating MAGA voters and here we are.

Yes I know my job is to protect children which I do on a daily basis but man, there are many who make me wonder how they have survived this long, and then usually I realize after I see mom or dad.
I’m hopeful too in my own way. My optimism comes in believing the American electorate will eventually be smart enough to realize what a mistake they made choosing the MAGA form of governance. That’s why I am ok with a painful lesson. It doesn’t always work to tell your kid something is hot. Sometimes you have to them burn their finger and learn for themselves.

At the same time a part of me thinks that is naive optimism…we Americans tend not to learn the lessons history teaches us.

Unfortunately, for a certain portion of the electorate, it would take a full blown melt down to wake them up. I was hopeful that would happen on election night with a blue tsunami. Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out. The only other way that you are mentioning is full blown blown crisis, imo. I just can’t hope for that to happen. I just can’t.
Nazi Germany will not happen again in any of our lifetimes.

Lies, propaganda, xenophobia, bigotry, etc. have persisted throughout the world after the end of the Third Reich and that will continue on long after Trump.

You keep thinking that.

First they came for the immigrants ...
Then they came for the birthright ...
Then they came for ...

Just hope they don't get to you.
Of course I am hopeful but also realistic. As someone who is financially prudent, my plan to use the ACA for health insurance for early retirement is looking bleak right now. That gave responsible middle class people a great way to plan and save to pay for reduced premiums for early retirement. That greatly impacts me as just one example. I could go on but you get the point.

I guess we will see. He said he was doing away with aca during his first term and…. Nothing. So, here us too hoping.
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I was on the record for being "hopeful" for Trump in 2016. Now I am quite positive of what we are going to see the next 4, and it's a helluva lot worse than his previous term. NOTHING I have seen from him suggests otherwise no matter what the board righties try to convince me to get my eyes and ears to ignore. I've been right so far. The historians and people who have WORKED WITH TRUMP, warning us about him have NOT being lying. But I'm supposed to think the board willies and abbys are right? Are you serious with that crap?

I don't want the country to burn but I can definitely see what Trump voters just did to it. I have NO HOPE for his next term. Not after the last 8 years and what I have read about Project 2025. Everyone who is actually normal in the federal government is scrambling trying to figure out how to deal with what's coming. Not to mention our allies.

Unfortunately, I understand where you are coming from. Ugh, I hate what this election has done to our country. The divisiveness is real. I have a mother/daughter client group. Very close family. Up until the election. They are no longer on speaking terms. it’s a shame
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I have no doubt the next Trump presidency will be even more of a shit show than the first one.

At this point, you could maybe say there is a slant rhyme, perhaps. The difference is Trump is targeting people who are here illegally which is a far cry from rounding up all Jews for the crime of being Jews and sending them to camps to ostensibly be tortured and killed. That distinction must not only be drawn but emphasized.

Yes, I get the rhetoric from Trump is reprehensible. Yes, I understand he is pandering to inbred bigots, which is dangerous. Absolutely, Trump’s plan to deport millions of people is as stupid as it is impractical. All of that is beside the point.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I agree Trump will take things as far as he can and will have a hissy fit when he doesn’t get his way. I still believe comparisons to Nazi Germany at this time are reckless and irresponsible.
No offense they basically viewed the Jews as illegal immigrants.
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What Rag is failing to realize is, once the administrations start making their own rules, they can label anyone they want as an illegal immigrant.
The Ice director is already on record of saying if you were born in the united states to illegal immigrants you are considered illegal, and they would ship you off with the illegal parents, ramifications and where this can go and expanded to could get ugly quick. Most are thinking we are fear mongering, the issue is Trump has done everything in his power to limit anything or anyone that will say no to him, the end game was total power, and to crush any opponents (putin style), so yes the possibilities of this getting very ugly very quick with no adults in the room is very much in play.
Couple people have mentioned this in the last week. Curious how many people have just let go of the steering wheel and are on board with "screw it".

I can't be that way. I will laugh at each fail, but IMO we collectively need 47 to succeed.
If you want America to fail because you don't like someone, either seek professional help and get on meds, or Canada isn't too far away, move there. It makes me sick to and breaks my heart that I fought and almost died for a country that someone hopes it fails and Americans are made to suffer. You're a spoiled brat and you didn't get your way so now you hope everyone suffers for it. GET HELP!
Its probably a stupid move, but I will effectively to be selling my investments locking in gains at the beginning of the year. I may be giving up a bit of gains by not waiting, but risk rewards, I just don't see it. Lock in a ton of cash and no matter what I expect a pullback of some sort. Can then gage what this administration will be in the first 6 months. If my fears are overblown I should still have a good opportunity to get back in. If they are not then should have a good opportunity at trying to pick up the rubble after he has nuked our economy.
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If you want America to fail because you don't like someone, either seek professional help and get on meds, or Canada isn't too far away, move there. It makes me sick to and breaks my heart that I fought and almost died for a country that someone hopes it fails and Americans are made to suffer. You're a spoiled brat and you didn't get your way so now you hope everyone suffers for it. GET HELP!
We don't want it to fail . . . but if it does, what will you say? Democrats should have done more to win the election.
Democrats should have done more to understand what voters were looking for,... If they run the country with that information in mind, the election takes care of itself.
Yep. Voters were looking to be lied to and scared and the Democrats didn't do enough of that. Telling the truth to voters didn't work. :rolleyes:
We don't want it to fail . . . but if it does, what will you say? Democrats should have done more to win the election.
The only thing they did, was not listen to what people were asking for... a better economy and better border policies.
The Ice director is already on record of saying if you were born in the united states to illegal immigrants you are considered illegal, and they would ship you off with the illegal parents, ramifications and where this can go and expanded to could get ugly quick. Most are thinking we are fear mongering, the issue is Trump has done everything in his power to limit anything or anyone that will say no to him, the end game was total power, and to crush any opponents (putin style), so yes the possibilities of this getting very ugly very quick with no adults in the room is very much in play.
Catholics best be working their way into key positions as well... those southern baptists are way ahead of them and we know what the baptists think of the catholics.
Yep. Voters were looking to be lied to and scared and the Democrats didn't do enough of that. Telling the truth to voters didn't work. :rolleyes:
You are so far off it isn't even funny. I have been saying for a year now, the economy isn't good and the border is an issue. The lies came with the White House and other officials that the economy was great and the border was secure. People saw through those lies and voted for Trump. I have stated over and over, the Democrats need a good middle of the road candidate for President. Find one and you'll win 2028 in a landslide.
I have no doubt the next Trump presidency will be even more of a shit show than the first one.

At this point, you could maybe say there is a slant rhyme, perhaps. The difference is Trump is targeting people who are here illegally which is a far cry from rounding up all Jews for the crime of being Jews and sending them to camps to ostensibly be tortured and killed. That distinction must not only be drawn but emphasized.

Yes, I get the rhetoric from Trump is reprehensible. Yes, I understand he is pandering to inbred bigots, which is dangerous. Absolutely, Trump’s plan to deport millions of people is as stupid as it is impractical. All of that is beside the point.

As far as the rest of your post is concerned, I agree Trump will take things as far as he can and will have a hissy fit when he doesn’t get his way. I still believe comparisons to Nazi Germany at this time are reckless and irresponsible.
Except that he's talking about more than people here illegally. The Haitians are here legally and yet he's talking about throwing them out as well. He will try to remove anyone he and his supporters consider 'other'.
Democrats should have done more to understand what voters were looking for,... If they run the country with that information in mind, the election takes care of itself.
If republicans elected a pathologically liar who makes this a dictatorship and runs this into the ground, the least democrats can do is say told you so.
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