Are you religious?

That's been debunked. The Apostles wouldn't die for a lie.

The Apostles were men capable of telling lies to further their importance in history.

Like I said before, John was gay,
When you sin do you go to confession and it wipes away all the bad stuff you did in your mind? So you can do it again?

I try not to repeat the same sins.

Confession is very freeing. I usually feel serene afterwards.

You'd like it.
I go time to time with my wife to a Catholic Church. I resent the fact that I can't take communion because I'm not catholic. It is not the body or blood of christ

You can get it if you convert. Your wife did.

Also, you can get a blessing. Just walk up to the priest with your arms crossed in the Communion line.
Here is something they don’t tell you n church: the Catholic Church has committed genocide.

Hundreds of thousands of North American indigenous children forcefully separated from their parents and tortured. Mass graves have been discovered in Canada and America.

Don't tell you? It's all over the news endlessly.

Here's something they REALLY don't tell you:

The Catholic Church is the largest non-governmental charity in the world.

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