He’ll be a proud man when he gets out.“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said. “Please show me mercy,” he said, adding, “I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.”
Judge: “Nah, I won’t do that…I’m gonna take your 40s and 50s.”
fifyI bet she banged him.
Does that make him a DINO?
Hopefully, he'll spend the time studying for the GED test.
What is a typical sentence length for a crime of this type?
Think faces 12 months.What is a typical sentence length for a crime of this type?
Next time, just machine-gun the lot of them.
How many times have we heard that from the, “They should have complied”, crowd?Next time, just machine-gun the lot of them.
How many times have we heard that from the, “They should have complied”, crowd?