The issue of veterans and what they thought wasn't brought up by me, I just responded. So now we know the blanket statement is incorrect. I'm not offended by those people using that flag. I don't necessarily support it, or oppose it, I'm indifferent. I'm certainly not offended by people exercising their rights. On either side FWIW.
As for the rest of the post, several of these items have been debunked. You can believe that, do some research, or not. That's up to you. But there are several former Trump administration officials, one notably that doesn't currently like Trump, who gave insider views on why much of these widely reported stories aren't accurate. No one really knows, but I personally choose to believe the one guy who hates Trump, and indicates this stuff isn't true. The Five Star family thing is interesting in that he clearly didn't like the one set of folks, but largely Five Star families supported him. So I'm not speaking to, or defending that, specifically. But the suckers and losers has been debunked by someone who doesn't like Trump, and was present when this supposedly happened. Which is going to be as good of a source as we ever get. And doesn't change the fact the entire debate is not going to change anything, in any meaningful way. Especially since he is no longer POTUS, and presumably, this issue, along with several others, aided in his departure.
In the end my position is that this thread is as ridiculous as the Benghazi threads. The DOJ has already given a report to Congress, and Trump is off the hook. Some people got out of control. Maybe way out of control. Was it an insurrection? I doubt these people can get their clothes on in the morning, let alone conspirer to overthrow the US Government. Some of the prosecutions are pushing the limit of fairness as I see it, but those being prosecuted wouldn't be getting prosecuted if they practiced some restraint, and federal criminal justice reform, and reform of federal law enforcement is an issue that needs addressed outside of partisan extremists, of which this thread is largely comprised of.
This said, I do find it entertaining that those that hated right extremists for this type of debate and behavior, copy it exactly, and seem to think it's o.k. when they participate in it. All the while convincing no one, and solving nothing.