As gun-carrying permits reach historic levels in Minnesota, related crimes remain in check

The vast majority of mass shootings are committed by people who did legally own their guns. The Coral Ridge Mall shooter legally owned his gun.
Your gonna need to cite more than one example to show a vast majority. I can think of two or three were the shooter did not legally own the gun(s).
The vast majority of mass shootings are committed by people who did legally own their guns. The Coral Ridge Mall shooter legally owned his gun.
Coral Ridge Mall was not the site of a mass shooting, you do realize only 1 person was shot? You do know what is meant by a mass shooting and I'm not talking about a shooting during services at a Catholic Church?

This picture makes me feel safe.
Nice selfie.
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YOUR post was regarding a guy that brought a handgun into the mall with intent to shoot ONE person. Had he been after "mass" killing, he would have shot more than just ONE person. JC!

Glad the gunman died too.
I'm not talking about that shooting. I'm talking about this one. When someone tries shooting up an entire theater with a BB gun and pepper spray, his murder count goes down to zero. Pretty much flies in the face of your argument that these guys will find a way to kill a bunch of people no matter what.
I'm not talking about that shooting. I'm talking about this one. When someone tries shooting up an entire theater with a BB gun and pepper spray, his murder count goes down to zero. Pretty much flies in the face of your argument that these guys will find a way to kill a bunch of people no matter what.
How ignorant and dishonest can you be?

You really believe that guy was intent on killing people? A BB gun?

Probably mentally ill. Probably a Bernie Sanders voter.
How ignorant and dishonest can you be?

You really believe that guy was intent on killing people? A BB gun?

Probably mentally ill. Probably a Bernie Sanders voter.
How dishonest can you be? Whether his intent was to kill people or not, he still didn't. If you don't have autos, it becomes far more difficult to take out a bunch of people. But then again, you know this. You're just playing dumb.
It's comical how some of you still cling to the notion that a knife can be just as efficient at killing as an AK. Well not comical, I guess. It's actually quite sad.
It's comical how some of you still cling to the notion that a knife can be just as efficient at killing as an AK. Well not comical, I guess. It's actually quite sad.
No, genius. We just have enough common sense to know that If someone wants to kill people bad enough, they will find a way. No matter what.

They can kill lots if people with a knife if they choose to. Or a bomb. In fact, many more people with a bomb.

So, just for you, I am going to propose that we make bombs illegal.

Whew. Glad that is settled
No, genius. We just have enough common sense to know that If someone wants to kill people bad enough, they will find a way. No matter what.

They can kill lots if people with a knife if they choose to. Or a bomb. In fact, many more people with a bomb.

So, just for you, I am going to propose that we make bombs illegal.

Whew. Glad that is settled
These are some of the dumbest arguments I've heard in a while.
I dont understand why its such a big problem to do some simple things like closing gun show loopholes and a short waiting period. You won't get rid of every nut who will get a gun, but it couldn't hurt.

The anti government people who think their little collection would stop the BATF make me laugh. Here is a novel concept; Do something in your community. Make a difference. The country is only as good as the people willing to step up. Hiding behind a big gun collection does what??
I dont understand why its such a big problem to do some simple things like closing gun show loopholes and a short waiting period. You won't get rid of every nut who will get a gun, but it couldn't hurt.

The anti government people who think their little collection would stop the BATF make me laugh. Here is a novel concept; Do something in your community. Make a difference. The country is only as good as the people willing to step up. Hiding behind a big gun collection does what??
It's been explained here many times, but there is no "gun show loophole". A dealer at a gun show has to follow the same process as they would if you walked into their shop. If you're talking about private party sales as your loophole, that has nothing to do with gun shows.

Is it not possible to own guns AND do good things for your community?
I dont understand why its such a big problem to do some simple things like closing gun show loopholes and a short waiting period. You won't get rid of every nut who will get a gun, but it couldn't hurt.

The anti government people who think their little collection would stop the BATF make me laugh. Here is a novel concept; Do something in your community. Make a difference. The country is only as good as the people willing to step up. Hiding behind a big gun collection does what??
You really don't know a thing about guns, do you?
You really don't know a thing about guns, do you?
You're arguing that knives can just be as dangerous as fully automatic rifles, and he's the one who doesn't know anything about guns? You might want to rethink that.
You're arguing that knives can just be as dangerous as fully automatic rifles, and he's the one who doesn't know anything about guns? You might want to rethink that.
That's not what I said and you know it.

Stay on task. Why don't you want bombs to be illegal? Shouldn't we outlaw them?
And of course bombs should be illegal. But the plain fact is that making a good bomb takes way more skill than to simply buy a gun, which makes its use far more difficult. How are you not getting this?
It's been explained here many times, but there is no "gun show loophole". A dealer at a gun show has to follow the same process as they would if you walked into their shop. If you're talking about private party sales as your loophole, that has nothing to do with gun shows.

Is it not possible to own guns AND do good things for your community?

Sure its possible...A lot of people hunt and behave responsibly with guns. The problem is that too many don't. I am talking about the group that hides behind their collections...door bolted. The absolutists.

Its not legal to sell bombs last I looked. However, if you literally read the 2nd Amendment, it says arms so I am not sure why not if guns are legal. An arm is an arm is an a strict constructionist at least.
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HG either 1. refuses to see or 2. is just ignorant.

If you want to build something try this -

It doesn't take a well educated person to follow color-by-number instructions.
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HG either 1. refuses to see or 2. is just ignorant.

If you want to build something try this -

It doesn't take a well educated person to follow color-by-number instructions.
Jesus, you guys are jokes. You're seriously arguing that crafting large scale bombs is as easy as making pudding? This is just getting embarrassing.
Why do the 2nd Amendment absolutists not advocate for a right to produce biological or chemical weapons? They are arms after all.
Moving target again - you went from bomb to "large scale bombs" you are pathetic.

Yes to make a ICNBC missle is difficult, ask Iran.

To make a rice cooker bomb is not - ask Boston.
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Moving target again - you went from bomb to "large scale bombs" you are pathetic.

Yes to make a ICNBC missle is difficult, ask Iran.

To make a rice cooker bomb is not - ask Boston.
A bomb capable of killing dozens would have to be a large scale bomb. Once again, how are you not getting this?

And btw I looked it up. Experts say that making a bomb isn't hard...if you're a second year engineering student with the right guidance. That's a far cry from a 9 year old being able to do it with just stuff they picked up around the house.
An inert grenade and a small pipe bomb made by a 13 year old is your proof that a 9 year old can make a large-scale bomb capable of killing dozens? You're not very bright are you?
Bright enough to know that a pipe bomb set off in a crowd can easily kill or injure a dozen people. Also, if he can make one, he can make more than one. It's not freaking hard. Maybe for you it would be, but not for anyone with average or better intelligence.
Bright enough to know that a pipe bomb set off in a crowd can easily kill or injure a dozen people. Also, if he can make one, he can make more than one. It's not freaking hard. Maybe for you it would be, but not for anyone with average or better intelligence.
According to the article, his bombs were small and at least one didn't work. This doesn't support your assertion that he, with ease, built a bomb capable of killing dozens.
According to the article, his bombs were small and at least one didn't work. This doesn't support your assertion that he, with ease, built a bomb capable of killing dozens.
That was just a quick example. Just because your dumb, doesn't mean everyone is. making a bomb is a very simple process and a kid can certainly do it. When I was a kid, my friends and I would take apart fireworks to build bigger ones, many of which were basically bombs. With the internet and google it's easier than ever for a kid to improvise even without access to fireworks or other explosives.
That was just a quick example. Just because your dumb, doesn't mean everyone is. making a bomb is a very simple process and a kid can certainly do it. When I was a kid, my friends and I would take apart fireworks to build bigger ones, many of which were basically bombs. With the internet and google it's easier than ever for a kid to improvise even without access to fireworks or other explosives.
As easy as you think it is to build a working bomb capable of killing dozens from fireworks, it far easier to simply use a gun instead.