As gun-carrying permits reach historic levels in Minnesota, related crimes remain in check

Good for you buying it. More likely your family will be shot from it than any intruder. But hey....thats freedom right????
We could be in a car accident tonight or one could get electrocuted in the garage. Lots of risk put there.

Why go around so scared of everything? Be a big boy JR
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Good question.

Why so scared that you need a gun for protection?

My parents moved to Louisiana a week before Katrina hit. A few days after the storm hit they were finally able to call my brother who lived in Dallas and asked him to bring them some things to help them out. Of course there were the usual things like food, water, a generator etc, but they also needed a gun.

You see sometimes things happen and the government does not have the ability to respond. My parents had an interest in protecting themselves and their supplies from looters and thieves (who also did not care about violating the law). You can put your reliance on the government taking care of you from the cradle to the grave but sometimes they fail. Indeed my experience is that the government is terrible at responding to such situations and I prefer to be the one who is responsible for the safety and security of my family.

There is an adage about needing a gun and not having one that rings profoundly true. To think otherwise is profoundly shortsighted.
I don't rely on it. You make assumptions.. A gun is some symbol of self reliance now? Sure...whatever...

There are situations every single day that the government does not have the ability to respond to. No one knows that better than me.
The are prohibitively expensive though. Also If I'm not mistaken, no legally owned fully automatic has ever been used in a crime in the US.

I bought a machine gun about 6 months ago. It was quite expensive and I still don't have it in my hands as I am waiting on the government to approve my paperwork.
But it is legal which means the statement that they are banned is total BS.

Technically the new creation and possession of newly minted machine guns in civilian hands is banned and has been banned since 1986. You can get a machine gun but only one that was lawfully registered prior to 1986.

In essence it depends on how you use the word ban. During the Clinton administration we had what was commonly known as the "assault weapons ban" which likewise prohibited the possession of certain fire arms and magazines but did nothing retroactively. If you use that definition then there is a ban on certain automatic weapons. If your suggestion is that no civilians can have machine guns then the word ban is not appropriate.

BTW if you want a machine gun here's plenty for you to choose from. Just bring your checkbook.

What's up with your avatar? I figured you would be one against the use of the St Andrews Cross.