I've watched it several times now trying to find a way to get over it. It was an absolutely amazing football game, 2 teams that absolutely played their hearts out and it was the most physical game I watched all year by a wide margin.
I still can't get over the last drive. I'm sure I'll continue to have a few people with issues with me, but that last drive absolutely ruined the game and wss an embarrassment for the conference officials. There were several blatant no calls or missed calls, I believe they were no calls and not simply missed as obvious as they were. The irritation for me is Iowa had at least 2 possessions that I can remember where we started at or near our 20-25 yard line and immediately started with a holding penalty that buried us field position wise. They were the right calls. Bit then to have Michigan State put that drive together with their offensive linemen getting away with obvious infractions on multiple occasions, anyone of which could've dramatically changed that game if called, is the frustrating part. I know the final score says we lost. I just can't see it that our team lost.