Bernie Sanders: I cannot understand the absurdity that it costs 10x as much for insulin in the USA as it does for the same exact drug in Canada

WHY can it not happen with insulin? Because it's necessary? That's bullcrap. If the price is "exorbitant" then someone would undercut the competition.

The problem is the regulatory barrier to entry. End of story.
Those same regulatory hurdles exist for eye surgery but the procedure is much more competitive on price. Why? Because the private insurance market for that procedure basically doesn’t exist and there is more competition
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Ther is no r&d on insulin. It was developed decades ago. Stop defending the indefensible.
It appears you have never run a business. Every single item in a companies inventory is not sold strictly based on the manufacturer's cost of that single item. Many items are price averaged for many reasons. Some produsts subsidize other items because of the differing costs and the ability to sell as many products at as reasonable price as possible. Have you ever considered that the price of insulin might lower the price of other needed medications that if not supported by insulin would be too expensive for most? Or that maybe the cost of insulin helps fund research on new drugs?
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WHY can it not happen with insulin? Because it's necessary? That's bullcrap. If the price is "exorbitant" then someone would undercut the competition.

The problem is the regulatory barrier to entry. End of story.
Please explain how regulations are creating this problem.

Serious question. I strongly doubt that it's true, but if it is, that should be addressed.
Good old robber baron capitalism.

A lot of us think we can and should do better.
Not a bad analogy, consider the robber barons received their bounties from the state that typically includes provisions to limit ‘dog eat dog’ competition.
For the consumer’s ‘protection’, of course.
People in the US are dying or suffering poor health because they can’t bear the cost. Meanwhile, other countries citizens pay much less for insulin.
Why do you defend the indefensible without getting a cut?
I assume you aren't actually saying it would be OK if he were getting a cut.

What's the difference between defending the indefensible with vs without a cut?

One is mindless. The other is immoral.
Patents precluding competition and too many consumers disconnected from costs by a regulatory framework that makes third party payers the norm.

The third party payers negotiate lower prices for themselves for that product. Insurance companies don't pay sticker price for anything.

Which means the un-insured people who are basically the poorest among us are the only ones stuck paying full price.
How many "Cash" buyers are there? This entire market is driven by insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid, and a few companies who offer discount pricing. (GoodRX?? ... I am not sure how they work, but my pharmacy routed a couple of my orders through them when I went into the Coverage Gap; they were even cheaper than Medicare.)

Everyone seems to be playing angles in this business ... Even buying generic is strictly speaking companies offering inferior quality drugs at a much lower price ... and then claiming the the quality is the same.


Also, note that often times your copay at the pharmacy is higher than the cash and carry price for the same thing.
Everyone pays for their drugs, but yes they are on "plans" by the insurance companies that stratify the costs into 3-4 tiers

According to a 2017 Lancet paper on insulin price increases, “Older insulins have been successively replaced with newer, incrementally improved products covered by numerous additional patents.” The result is that more than 90 percent of privately insured patients with Type 2 diabetes in America are prescribed the latest and costliest versions of insulin.
Oh, I'm familiar with that scam. They do the same thing with the medication I take. Once it went generic the manufacture made a slightly different version and kept charging the insane prices. What did they change? They added ibuprophen to it.
I get the generic, not the new formula because I'm not an idiot.
The issue with insulin is that it's a monopoly and they game the system in order to keep it that way.
The issue with insulin is that it's a monopoly and they game the system in order to keep it that way.
The system they are gaming is our patent law.
That is what grants a monopoly.

Are we afraid no one would manufacture insulin without the promise of monopoly profits?
The system they are gaming is our patent law.
That is what grants a monopoly.

Are we afraid no one would manufacture insulin without the promise of monopoly profits?
We're afraid that the money will stop coming in for all those feeding at the trough. Billions are made each year on insulin and it's spread around to make sure it stays that way and that laws aren't changed.
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We're afraid that the money will stop coming in for all those feeding at the trough. Billions are made each year on insulin and it's spread around to make sure it stays that way and that laws aren't changed.
Solution to that is removing the laws precluding other producers from getting their more efficient snouts in that trough.
Solution to that is to outlaw lobbying.

Now that we've all had a good laugh... how do we actually stop people from dying for want of a drug that costs pennies to produce?
Quit making it illegal for people to compete producing the drug that costs pennies.
It might irk Bernie if we had 10 choices of insulin on the shelf, but can anyone argue we’d be worse off under free competition than the government management of competition we endure now?
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People die in the US for lack of insulin. 1 in 4 insulin users in the US are skimping on their dosages because of prices. On a drug whose patent was sold for $1 so that no one would ever go in need of it.
The inventors must be spinning in their graves.
The US model is broken.
It literally took one post before someone tried to explain away why drug prices are more in the US than basically anywhere in the world. Our way of doing things in health care is a joke. Bought and paid for politicians doing the bidding of the drug companies for one thing.
Because US consumers pick up the difference when places like Canada negotiate lower prices for themselves. That is the dirty secret of these types of healthcare systems that Canada uses....we subsidize it.
Well that makes us kind of dumb, doesn't it?
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Quit making it illegal for people to compete producing the drug that costs pennies.
It might irk Bernie if we had 10 choices of insulin on the shelf, but can anyone argue we’d be worse off under free competition than the government management of competition we endure now?
lol, you're nuts. Bernie isn't keeping away competition - the pharma companies are. They pay big bucks to keep the system the way it is.
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Explain then. You're going to contend that they need to charge exorbitant prices for a ridiculously cheap, necessary-for-life drug that millions use to fund their research?
Just to add, Katie Porter proved that to be a freaking lie by a Pharma CEO. Research, my ass.
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JFC! We don't have socialized breakfast cereal, or cars, or soda pop, or clothes.

In virtually every other market, competitors try to cut into the "name brand's" market share by selling a cheaper version of the same product.

But this doesn't happen in the drug business.

Why O why is that, HROT? Please enlighten me.
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lol, you're nuts. Bernie isn't keeping away competition - the pharma companies are. They pay big bucks to keep the system the way it is.
Bernie doesn’t like competition, it’s a point he has re-iterated over decades. Is a misconception on his part regarding efficiency. Choices are wasteful. And choices are hard. Best to have someone else make them for you anyway.

The solution to the problem of monopoly profits is to end the government monopoly protections that permit them.

Bernie thinks the solution is more bureaucracy to allocate goods and services, even if just by setting their prices.
Trad understands that socialism does not work.

Unfortunately, we do not have capitalism in the pharma market in this country, because of stifling regulation. You have a handful of players who are authorized to control the market by the feds, and the barriers to entry are too steep to allow any new upstarts into the game.

If you can't see this, then I don't know what to tell you.
Trad doesn't understand we have all kinds of working socialism in the USA. Well, some of it works only for farmers and the wealthy, but we have it.
Trad doesn't understand we have all kinds of working socialism in the USA. Well, some of it works only for farmers and the wealthy, but we have it.
Hilarious and apropos that you cite graft as evidence of ‘working socialism in the USA’.
I will never understand why Republican voters, like Trad, defend our system that obviously rips off the American people. Again, no other civilized country wants to trade systems with us...because ours sucks. Americans get screwed over and over and people like Trad defend it.
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Hilarious and apropos that you cite graft as evidence of ‘working socialism in the USA’.
We have all kinds of socialism in the US, that Americans take advantage of...but Republican politicians have been using the word as this scary thing for decades. Hell, Truman talked about it. Scary socialism! Ignorance.
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I will never understand why Republican voters, like Trad, defend our system that obviously rips of the American people. Again, no other civilized country wants to trade systems with us...because ours sucks. Americans get screwed over and over and people like Trad defend it.
You truly are a bit clueless. Define civilized....this should be an interesting take from an avowed leftist.
No. It makes them selfish and ungrateful.

It makes us smart because this is where the innovation on drug development takes place.
Katie Porter showed this to be absolute nonsense. That money isn't being spent on research like big pharma tells you it is. Katie grilled a CEO. Called out his bullshit. You should look it up.
Quit making it illegal for people to compete producing the drug that costs pennies.
It might irk Bernie if we had 10 choices of insulin on the shelf, but can anyone argue we’d be worse off under free competition than the government management of competition we endure now?
If "free" means "untested."

If "free" means "eventually the product will fail in the market if enough people die."

Bernie is not opposed to having different choices of drugs.
Katie Porter showed this to be absolute nonsense. That money isn't being spent on research like big pharma tells you it is. Katie grilled a CEO. Called out his bullshit. You should look it up.
You truly are out of your depth. The US and those evil pharmaceutical companies develop the vast majority of new drugs in the world. It isn't close.

As for your belief that other countries would t trade for our healthcare system? They are using out healthcare system. Those companies are a part of out healthcare system and they are getting a free ride. Not to mention the people in those other countries that can afford it make their way to the US for specialized care. Because literally no one does it better than us.

Please though do explain what you mean by other civilized countries. Do you mean western Europe and Canada? Largely white homogeneous wealthy countries that still feed off our system and pass their costs onto US citizens? Golly mister that sounds kind of racist of you. I guarantee people in Latin America want out healthcare. Asia as well.
You truly are out of your depth. The US and those evil pharmaceutical companies develop the vast majority of new drugs in the world. It isn't close.

As for your belief that other countries would t trade for our healthcare system? They are using out healthcare system. Those companies are a part of out healthcare system and they are getting a free ride. Not to mention the people in those other countries that can afford it make their way to the US for specialized care. Because literally no one does it better than us.

Please though do explain what you mean by other civilized countries. Do you mean western Europe and Canada? Largely white homogeneous wealthy countries that still feed off our system and pass their costs onto US citizens? Golly mister that sounds kind of racist of you. I guarantee people in Latin America want out healthcare. Asia as well.
I love it when people who like being ripped off tell others they are out of their depth.

We don't have single payer. They do so no they aren't. That's ridiculous. People in other countries don't go broke when a family member gets sick. In the US, you can work, pay taxes, have health insurance and it STILL doesn't cover your bills if someone in the family gets sick. My wife had blood clots last spring and even with insurance we just paid off the several thousand in hospital bills. That's a vacation out the window.

NO other countries with government run healthcare want to trade with that. If you really want to play whatever stupid racist game you are trying to play, JAPAN doesn't want to trade with us. Again, you like being screwed.
The US and those evil pharmaceutical companies develop the vast majority of new drugs in the world. It isn't close.
Unless you are counting cosmetics and snake oil OTCs, that's unlikely to be true.

Last I heard, most serious/important drugs are developed in universities and places like (or supported by) NIH and are subsidized by our government.
Unless you are counting cosmetics and snake oil OTCs, that's unlikely to be true.

Last I heard, most serious/important drugs are developed in universities and places like (or supported by) NIH and are subsidized by our government.
This is a level of gaslighting is monumentally stupid it goes well beyond idiocy. I think you may actually believe your own bullshit. Good lord.
I’m curious what all GoodRx covers? I’ve had to use it before for a drug my insurance didn’t cover and the price went from like $300 to about $18.

Regardless, I do think we need to figure out a way to drive down healthcare costs. In my view, part of lowering costs is penalizing people who refuse to get down to a reasonable weight with higher premiums. I also think government covering preventive medicine for those who are uninsured or underinsured would help as well. If we focused more on prevention and catching things early, a lot of people would not have serious health problems down the road that cost an arm and a leg to treat.