Beth needs to get ahold of

About him staying at Iowa, leaving or being replaced.
There is absolutely no speculation about him being replaced - except among fans that are completely out of touch. The football program is on solid ground, with very strong fan support, and Ferentz will set his own timeline for retirement.

Fran, on the other hand, is not in such a strong position. Completely different support at the fan level.
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There is absolutely no speculation about him being replaced - except among fans that are completely out of touch. The football program is on solid ground, with very strong fan support, and Ferentz will set his own timeline for retirement.

Fran, on the other hand, is not in such a strong position. Completely different support at the fan level.
I don’t think anyone is implying that they’re going to fire him. But I laugh at everyone who thinks this guy deserves to call the shots here when it is clear he has no life outside of Iowa football and might see himself dying in the office.

When you deify your living coach and he refuses to ever leave to begin a new era, it never ends well. Penn State and Florida State will attest to that.

Kirk would be wise to have an exit strategy with a firm end date. He has to hate NIL and seeing guys like Saban giving it up has to tell him it is time to go while the program is in great shape.
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The above was before 2023 season. But coming in at #14 in wins the 10 years through 2022. What's your guy gonna get you? Up to 13?

Also it is all money driven now with players being bought and Iowa is not gonna compete with the big boys with the deep pockets.

#13th in winning percentage among the power five schools. Elite? No. But a strong program that absolutely should NOT be blown up. I can't for the life of me understand the vocal minority that want Ferentz gone. Especially when you consider how difficult it's been to find a great coach in basketball (easier to build a winning program in basketball than football) and how long it took our own school to find a winning coach after Evy quit. I mean, look at Nebraska, most of the people associated with that program would sell their sister to have a winning football program and they're 94th! in winnning percentage the past decade. Minnesota 40th, Illinois 111th, ISU 84th. Among our closest rivals only Wisconsin has outperformed us - they're 8th.
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The above was before 2023 season. But coming in at #14 in wins the 10 years through 2022. What's your guy gonna get you? Up to 13?

Also it is all money driven now with players being bought and Iowa is not gonna compete with the big boys with the deep pockets.
So you're scared of change? Kirk isn't going to coach forever and very few want him too. I'm ready for a Dan Campbell type.

Iowa has deep enough pockets to stay at the level they've always recruited at.
I don’t think anyone is implying that they’re going to fire him. But I laugh at everyone who thinks this guy deserves to call the shots here when it is clear he has no life outside of Iowa football and might see himself dying in the office.

When you deify your living coach and he refuses to ever leave to begin a new era, it never ends well. Penn State and Florida State will attest to that.

Kirk would be wise to have an exit strategy with a firm end date. He has to hate NIL and seeing guys like Saban giving it up has to tell him it is time to go while the program is in great shape.

Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan, Clemson, Notre Dame, Oregon, and Oklahoma. Those are the power 5 schools with a better winning percentage than us the past 5 years. And you act like Ferentz has lost it. 5 of the past 6 seasons we've finished in the top 25. Only one other time in Iowa football history have we finished ranked 5/6 seasons - during the mid-80's with Fry. That's it. And you're trying to sell the idea we're doing poorly and Ferentz has hung on too long?
#13th in winning percentage among the power five schools. Elite? No. But a strong program that absolutely should NOT be blown up. I can't for the life of me understand the vocal minority that want Ferentz gone. Especially when you consider how difficult it's been to find a great coach in basketball (easier to build a winning program in basketball than football) and how long it took our own school to find a winning coach after Evy quit. I mean, look at Nebraska, most of the people associated with that program would sell their sister to have a winning football program and they're 94th! in winnning percentage the past decade. Minnesota 40th, Illinois 111th, ISU 84th. Among our closest rivals only Wisconsin has outperformed us - they're 8th.
And yet what do we have to show for it that you can truly hang your hat on? A few decent to good bowl wins. Three failures in the conference championship.
For all Kirk has done, it's been against the weak competition you mention sprinkled with a few great wins but those are even rare lately. Maybe Lester will save him for another 5 yrs but I'd rather move on and try something different.
So you're scared of change? Kirk isn't going to coach forever and very few want him too. I'm ready for a Dan Campbell type.

Iowa has deep enough pockets to stay at the level they've always recruited at.

And that recruiting level is largely going to be a losing program without an elite development program.

And I want a Coach K type in basketball. Surely if we wish it then it will happen.
Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan, Clemson, Notre Dame, Oregon, and Oklahoma. Those are the power 5 schools with a better winning percentage than us the past 5 years. And you act like Ferentz has lost it. 5 of the past 6 seasons we've finished in the top 25. Only one other time in Iowa football history have we finished ranked 5/6 seasons - during the mid-80's with Fry. That's it. And you're trying to sell the idea we're doing poorly and Ferentz has hung on too long?
Drop the junk stats on overall win %. I love Iowa FB and KF is a great man who has done solid solid work there. But Iowa has enjoyed hilariously soft schedules for that time, playing in what was arguably the weakest division in CFB history.

Kirk has been here 25 years. In that time, if you laid out his 5 toughest non con games, it would be the Arizona Schools, Pitt, Syracuse, though mizzou backed out. He typically has a few marquee games with Wisconsin, tOSU, PSU, Michigan, maybe 1-3 of those and then a bunch of nobodies like Iowa state, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, northwestern.
And yet what do we have to show for it that you can truly hang your hat on? A few decent to good bowl wins. Three failures in the conference championship.
For all Kirk has done, it's been against the weak competition you mention sprinkled with a few great wins but those are even rare lately. Maybe Lester will save him for another 5 yrs but I'd rather move on and try something different.

If that's your standard, what does Iowa football have that you can truly hang your hat on? In the past 60 years - how many truly elite seasons have we had and how many elite bowl wins?

And Ferentz doesn't need 'saved' - he's competing at a very high level. As for another 5 years, I think it's fair to say his retirement is coming in the next few years. But it will be when he's ready.

And I, for one, will be happy to see Seth Wallace, Woods, or Parker named the next head coach.
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Drop the junk stats on overall win %. I love Iowa FB and KF is a great man who has done solid solid work there. But Iowa has enjoyed hilariously soft schedules for that time, playing in what was arguably the weakest division in CFB history.

Kirk has been here 25 years. In that time, if you laid out his 5 toughest non con games, it would be the Arizona Schools, Pitt, Syracuse, though mizzou backed out. He typically has a few marquee games with Wisconsin, tOSU, PSU, Michigan, maybe 1-3 of those and then a bunch of nobodies like Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, northwestern.

Weakest division in college football history? Good grief, man.
#13th in winning percentage among the power five schools. Elite? No. But a strong program that absolutely should NOT be blown up. I can't for the life of me understand the vocal minority that want Ferentz gone. Especially when you consider how difficult it's been to find a great coach in basketball (easier to build a winning program in basketball than football) and how long it took our own school to find a winning coach after Evy quit. I mean, look at Nebraska, most of the people associated with that program would sell their sister to have a winning football program and they're 94th! in winnning percentage the past decade. Minnesota 40th, Illinois 111th, ISU 84th. Among our closest rivals only Wisconsin has outperformed us - they're 8th.
All I want from Ferentz is to look at replacing qb if playing poorly. He does that with every other position.
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So you're scared of change? Kirk isn't going to coach forever and very few want him too. I'm ready for a Dan Campbell type.

Iowa has deep enough pockets to stay at the level they've always recruited at.
Not so sure. I do know Kirk gets loyalty from his players even when maybe they could have made more money elsewhere. Kirk has also had a lot of exposure to the NFL model for the pay to play and managing roster spots and obviously NFL coaching experience. We are gonna LOSE A LOT when he is gone.
Weakest division in college football history? Good grief, man.
Never won a conference title. Probably had fewest major bowls of any division over the BT E/W era. There was certainly no easier power conference road over that time. Just never had any powerhouses who reload every year; hell, the big ten west rarely had teams in contention for major bowls. The big twelve north is the only comparison, but they had Nebraska in their prime competing for national titles during that run of the big 12 north era.

But I would add that one thing the Big Ten west didn’t get a lot of credit for was having a strong collection of decent teams. The bottom of the division was often bowl eligible if memory serves me. Very seldom did they have really bad teams.
Even if it takes a couple of attempts.
Why do you think it would take just "a couple", which means 2, coaches? Evy retired in 1960. Left the preseason #1 to Jerry Burns. Jerry took this team to a 5-4 record in 61, bottom of the B!G. I was 2 years old. Five coaches and 20 years later Iowa had another winning record. I was completing graduate school.

While more atrocious than the average, look at programs like the Goophers, Illini, Purdue, Indiana, Bug Eaters, Rutgers and Michigan St (some great seasons but a lot of awful seasons as well). Or look around the country. Iowa State was usually terrible for 20 years, they'd sneak in a 6- or 7-win season but then quickly back in the shitter.

Ultimately you are saying that you are willing to risk everything we have (saw the 1-134 power ratings this week and Iowa is 26) on an unknown and unknowable future time when Iowa exceeds our current level of success? That's like a guy that splits nines in blackjack. Remember those guys leave the casino broke and never understand why.
Why do you think it would take just "a couple", which means 2, coaches? Evy retired in 1960. Left the preseason #1 to Jerry Burns. Jerry took this team to a 5-4 record in 61, bottom of the B!G. I was 2 years old. Five coaches and 20 years later Iowa had another winning record. I was completing graduate school.

While more atrocious than the average, look at programs like the Goophers, Illini, Purdue, Indiana, Bug Eaters, Rutgers and Michigan St (some great seasons but a lot of awful seasons as well). Or look around the country. Iowa State was usually terrible for 20 years, they'd sneak in a 6- or 7-win season but then quickly back in the shitter.

Ultimately you are saying that you are willing to risk everything we have (saw the 1-134 power ratings this week and Iowa is 26) on an unknown and unknowable future time when Iowa exceeds our current level of success? That's like a guy that splits nines in blackjack. Remember those guys leave the casino broke and never understand why.
The last two coaches at Iowa were both very successful, even though they came in under far worse circumstances than where Iowa sits today.

What makes you think the next one won’t be too?
I don’t think anyone is implying that they’re going to fire him. But I laugh at everyone who thinks this guy deserves to call the shots here when it is clear he has no life outside of Iowa football and might see himself dying in the office.

When you deify your living coach and he refuses to ever leave to begin a new era, it never ends well. Penn State and Florida State will attest to that.

Kirk would be wise to have an exit strategy with a firm end date. He has to hate NIL and seeing guys like Saban giving it up has to tell him it is time to go while the program is in great shape.
KF is at an age where he and his wife have already had the conversation about hanging up the clipboard. Although, you might be right and KF cannot see life after football. Cold gets colder every year after 60. I totally agree that KF hates the new world order and some freezing cold game at the end of the season could very well be the straw.