Bettendorf grandparent rages that pep rally was drag show

I imagine the whackos will really flip out when my local high school plays the traditional powder-puff football game - with the senior girls matching up in a flag football game against the junior girls, and the guys for each dressing up in cheerleading skirts & sweaters.

Come to think of it, we did that too.
I was expecting the outrage to be over something like this. I know there’s been countless pep rally’s where the football team dress up as cheerleaders a bit.
Yeah. Powderpuff football game, where the players dress up as cheerleaders, many with makeup and wigs and the girls dress up in the football unis. It's as american as apple pie. I was wishing she was bitching about this and found out her grandson was dressed up and was like "well, that's different" and went and screamed in a pillow.
For Homecoming week, didn't everyone have a day where the girls dressed in baseball/football unis and guys dressed as cheeleaders? We did, I think twice in my 4 years.
That was not part of the Pella Dutch homecoming festivities in the 70s and 80s anyway.
Yeah. Powderpuff football game, where the players dress up as cheerleaders, many with makeup and wigs and the girls dress up in the football unis. It's as american as apple pie. I was wishing she was bitching about this and found out her grandson was dressed up and was like "well, that's different" and went and screamed in a pillow.
Curious if this is still “allowed” or frowned upon?
Curious if this is still “allowed” or frowned upon?
No clue, but was normal in the 90s. But I can bet there's some that consider it conforming to gender and sexist stereotypes and arguing with those that welcome challenging gender norms or someshit like that, all the while the high school kids just want to get drunk and laid at the bonfire afterwards.
Curious if this is still “allowed” or frowned upon?
I think a lot of schools have phased it out because of injuries. The high school where I did my student teaching ended it that year (1999) because there was a broken nose and two broken wrists. One of them was a good basketball player and that ended her season. (Montana used to play GBB in the fall.)
That was not part of the Pella Dutch homecoming festivities in the 70s and 80s anyway.

You guys just wore the old fashioned Dutch boy/girl outfits and painted wooden shoes, didn't you?

FTR, my wife has about 6 pairs of wooden shoes.
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I watched the 1958 classic South Pacific last week. I assume the GQP is going to forbid any high school from putting on a production of South Pacific. Or, at least scrub the scene where Billis dresses in drag for the big production in front of the troops.
By the way, Billis in the movie is ably played by Ray Walston, who went on to play Mr. Hand in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.
Sounds like a nut job. Is some random nut job making nut job social media posts really newsworthy?
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There is a guy that wears skirts around downtown Ames all the time and everyone knows him on a first name basis. Doesn't hurt a fly. Nice gentleman No harm to anyone.

I don't understand the hate for someone different from you
Why do you equate “questioning the transitioning of a toddler by a parent” to “hating trans people”?
I watched the 1958 classic South Pacific last week. I assume the GQP is going to forbid any high school from putting on a production of South Pacific. Or, at least scrub the scene where Billis dresses in drag for the big production in front of the troops.
By the way, Billis in the movie is ably played by Ray Walston, who went on to play Mr. Hand in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.
Some Like It Hot is regarded as one of the greatest comedies of all time and the entire premise is men (Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon) masquerading as women.

And it's got Marilyn Monroe.

I watched the 1958 classic South Pacific last week. I assume the GQP is going to forbid any high school from putting on a production of South Pacific. Or, at least scrub the scene where Billis dresses in drag for the big production in front of the troops.
By the way, Billis in the movie is ably played by Ray Walston, who went on to play Mr. Hand in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

How about White Christmas, where Bing Crosby cross dresses with Danny f-ing Kaye? Cancel that.
Some Like It Hot is regarded as one of the greatest comedies of all time and the entire premise is men (Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon) masquerading as women.

And it's got Marilyn Monroe.

Totally gay. Cancel it.
How about White Christmas, where Bing Crosby cross dresses with Danny f-ing Kaye? Cancel that.
Nice catch. That is about when America started it's free fall into hedonism and lost it's way. If people had been more woke and cancelled Bing Crosby America wouldn't be in this mess.
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