Biden’s Christmas in July

Is this an act? The 2 are the candidates for this election. Of course it's but Trump this comical crap is posted here about Biden while people supporting the Insurrection leader and terrorist who has way more episodes of these that you are posting about Biden as well as an absolute disaster of an administration is 100% relevant. Hypocrisy and Irony 101 textbook elementary stuff. Grow up.
Even if I grant your premise that it's relevant here, and frankly its marginally relevant when you're worried about a potential WW3 breaking out anyday and we have our leader saying Ho Ho Ho on the 4th of July, to say Trump has way more episodes than Joe is either a display of ignorance on your part or just grift. I'll let you decide.
You’re right - the years just prior to Joe were spent burning this mother to the ground.

Groceries and gas were cheaper, and I was absolutely miserable. Almost completely burnt to the ground and then, thankfully, JB graced us with his presence in leadership.

I. Am. Rolling. HAHAHAHAHA
Oh yeah, I’m definitely the one saying “There isn’t anything funny about...” You sound like a 58 year old woman trying to fit in with the 30 year old women. I like watching you try to be cool.
Dude I have zero idea what you're trying to accomplish here. If it helps I'll make sure to write you down for Toughest Poster at the end of year awards.
It's cute how you think you have any moral high ground as Trump is pure evil and corruption to the highest degree. We could create by hour threads that you are doing here on Trump but we know how to operate and condense them into a few that you comically ignore. Biden > 💩 > Trump. Congratulations for trying to justify something that can ever be.

Ashley biden diary page 68. GFY
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