Biden Falls Asleep Again

Former president Donald Trump closed his eyes and at times appeared to nod off Monday afternoon in a Manhattan courtroom, as prospective jurors were instructed on what they would need to do to serve on the jury in his hush money criminal trial.

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The former president spent the day inside the courtroom of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, frequently appearing bored or uninterested during the morning session as prosecutors and defense lawyers sparred over preliminary matters including what evidence could be admitted.

Former president Donald Trump closed his eyes and at times appeared to nod off Monday afternoon in a Manhattan courtroom, as prospective jurors were instructed on what they would need to do to serve on the jury in his hush money criminal trial.

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The former president spent the day inside the courtroom of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, frequently appearing bored or uninterested during the morning session as prosecutors and defense lawyers sparred over preliminary matters including what evidence could be admitted.

I'd fall asleep if I had to listen to an obviously corrupt leftist judge too. The judge doesn't deserve respect and is owed exactly zero. Biden fell asleep on national television (again!) with a world leader and all you can do is deflect to the Washington post which is a known spreader of misinformation about Donald trump. Cope harder.
Did your boy fall asleep while on trial for a criminal case on day one that could send him to jail for the rest of his life
You say Donald trump is the worst human ever then use his behavior as defense for Joe biden doing the same thing but worse. You're not a serious person.
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I'd fall asleep if I had to listen to an obviously corrupt leftist judge too. The judge doesn't deserve respect and is owed exactly zero. Biden fell asleep on national television (again!) with a world leader and all you can do is deflect to the Washington post which is a known spreader of misinformation about Donald trump. Cope harder.
yes...why are people paying attention to something trump did today?

why isn't everyone talking about a press conference from 2 years ago?
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The only defense per usual is "but trump!!"

Oh leftists, you're all just so basic and predictable lol
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Why did the OP post a 3 year old debunked story on the day Trump appeared to fall asleep in court? I’m starting to question Scruddy’s truthfulness when stating not going to vote for trump.
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Did my "boy" fall asleep on national TV while speaking with a world leader for the 13th time of his presidency? Didn't think so. Maybe sit this one out.
He probably doesn't because he's high on adderall or coke most of the time.
He probably doesn't because he's high on adderall or coke most of the time.
He getting high on joe and hunter's private stash? Again, weird deflection given the coke actually found in the Biden Whitehouse. Pure projection.
This thread makes me sleepy

Tired Good Night GIF by MLB
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You still can't even answer the simple question you simpleton.
He meant "Eat poop, and Die!", but didn't type because of one of two reasons.
1. He was warned before
2. It would look bad if you violated your own rules as a moderator
Lololololololol... You are trying too hard. Just admit you boy is slow and now named sleepy Don for a reason.
I get the right back at you, considering who he supports, but you don’t think this is embarrassing at all?