Biden in NC

Proud Cult of Biden apologist. ⭐️
There's no cult. Biden is a terrible candidate, and he's a different person than he was 4 years ago. If the GOP put out anyone but the worst human being to ever be a candidate, I'd just stay home on election day. But Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. I'm forced to vote for a man clearly facing a physical and mental decline because the alternative is unthinkable, and his followers are literally cultists. MAGAs aren't allowed to accuse anyone of being in a cult. It's fvcking laughable.
There's no cult. Biden is a terrible candidate, and he's a different person than he was 4 years ago. If the GOP put out anyone but the worst human being to ever be a candidate, I'd just stay home on election day. But Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. I'm forced to vote for a man clearly facing a physical and mental decline because the alternative is unthinkable, and his followers are literally cultists. MAGAs aren't allowed to accuse anyone of being in a cult. It's fvcking laughable.

Then how do you explain the WH/DNC/DemMSM obscuring the fact that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be POTUS presently, much less for another term, for MONTHS.

Until, it became undeniably clear within 10 minutes of a Live TV debate?

Intentionally obscuring the truth & lying to protect the Cult Leader.

THAT is the hallmark of a CULT.
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Then how do you explain the WH/DNC/DemMSM obscuring the fact that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be POTUS presently, much less for another term, for MONTHS.

Until, it became undeniably clear within 10 minutes of a Live TV debate?

Intentionally obscuring the truth & lying to protect the Cult Leader.

THAT is the hallmark of a CULT.
No, it's being afraid that if it came out, the actual cult leader would have an easy path to the White House again.

It's obvious that Biden needed to announce a year ago that he wouldn't run again. But he didn't, so the spin machine went into work. It's the same thing that Fox News and Trump apologists do every day. For example, I don't think Hannity is a cultist, I think he's a an evil yet intelligent piece of shit making millions off of rubes.

Making your candidate look better than he is doesn't make it a cult. Trying to violently overthrow an election does.
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No, it's being afraid that if it came out, the actual cult leader would have an easy path to the White House again.

It's obvious that Biden needed to announce a year ago that he wouldn't run again. But he didn't, so the spin machine went into work. It's the same thing that Fox News and Trump apologists do every day. For example, I don't think Hannity is a cultist, I think he's a an evil yet intelligent piece of shit making millions off of rubes.

Making your candidate look better than he is doesn't make it a cult. Trying to violently overthrow an election does.

Yep, push the lie push the lie, deny deny deny, but not a cult. Okay sure.
Yep, push the lie push the lie, deny deny deny, but not a cult. Okay sure.
God, you're a moron. MAGAs have been called cultists for years, so you're only reply is, "I'm not in a cult, you're in a cult." It's a playground level argument. I've said over and over that Biden is unfit. How is that a cultist? I'm just a realist that is forced to pick the man who may not live for the next four years over the man who I wish would die today.
God, you're a moron. MAGAs have been called cultists for years, so you're only reply is, "I'm not in a cult, you're in a cult." It's a playground level argument. I've said over and over that Biden is unfit. How is that a cultist? I'm just a realist that is forced to pick the man who may not live for the next four years over the man who I wish would die today.
Biden stood on the stage in NC today saying I know what I know, I don’t lie.

He and his handlers have been lying to the country for months if not longer. And, he lied on the debate stage.

Who do you think is running the country?
Is there a chance they knew this would happen so they planned the debate for June to give a chance to slide a new candidate in by August?
Doubtful. Biden's team wanted him to do well, otherwise their jobs/gravy train goes away. Your theory would involve them putting country first.