Biden/Trump to debate in June

your side wouldn't know truth if the chick's cock slapped you on the forehead.
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I was told Biden wouldn’t debate. We’re only a few months away from “they drugged drugged him up” again.
His poll numbers are awful and debating Trump is maybe his only shot. And yes he will be drugged up
Are we being duped?

Biden team has a lot of stipulations on this thing. Maybe they're hoping trump balks at one so they can say trump backed out? Then it's just a back and forth down party lines?
  1. Auto mic cutoff: like it
  2. No audience, only in TV studio: don't like it but whatever. I can see why Biden wouldn't want that.
  3. No 3rd party candidates: breaks from tradition but honestly, the 3rd guy is just noise.
Moderator is really everything here. Hope it's not a CNN employee. CNN is unlikely to place an unbiased moderator in the position, so maybe the best option is 2 moderators, one democrat, one republican.

Hope this happens, would be fun... uncomfortable, but fun...
For a year the cultists have been pushing the Sleepy Joe line. Yeah, he's old, but, you haven't been paying attention to Trump lately. He's struggling to form sentences. Without an audience to play to he won't have his favorite out of riffing to get the crowd going. Maybe it is the strain of the trial, but he isn't well. My guess is there is only one debate. Trump will crater and claim he's the victim of a massive conspiracy with rigged microphones and LIB MODERATORS, and declare he will not participate in the second one even though he's totally the alpha.
Disagree. Trump will make talking over his priority. Deep down Trump knows his only chance to win is for Biden to have a dementia type moment on live TV with no safety next. Pumping up Biden’s adrenaline blood pressure and anger is his best bet. I think any debate without audio controls will be almost like a bar room shouting match that will embarrass everybody not on far left or far right.

Frankly Biden should refuse to debate without 100% audio lockdown during speaking turns.
lol - why would Trump think the only way to win the debate is for Biden to have a dementia moment? Heck, all he needs to do is point out all the failures of the Biden administration, such as: wide open southern border, inflation, wars around the world, high crime, disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, etc to win the debate.
I really don't see a purpose for any debate with Trump. All he is going to do is yell and talk longer than he supposed to. Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt.

I do feel confident that Biden can kick his ass on policy debate. I just don't see that happening with El Gordo
lol…any policy debate highly favors Trump.
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Like just about everything else he promises, Trump will try to weasel out of a debate. Truth!
You’ve got to be kidding…right? Much more likely that Biden will try to get out of any such debate.
I think any debate at this point will be worthless. Is anyone really going to change their mind based off of a debate between these two? People are pretty much locked into who they are voting for now. No debate is going to change that.
Somewhat agree, unless either one of these two candidates has a real senior moment leaving a voter to question their ability to lead this country four more years.
For a year the cultists have been pushing the Sleepy Joe line. Yeah, he's old, but, you haven't been paying attention to Trump lately. He's struggling to form sentences. Without an audience to play to he won't have his favorite out of riffing to get the crowd going. Maybe it is the strain of the trial, but he isn't well. My guess is there is only one debate. Trump will crater and claim he's the victim of a massive conspiracy with rigged microphones and LIB MODERATORS, and declare he will not participate in the second one even though he's totally the alpha.
Sounds like your dream scenario.
Yikes. I think this is a bad move by Biden.

It’s difficult to counter lie after lie when you’re sharp. Biden is not sharp and is not up to the task.

If Trump managed to pull it together for a couple hours he could make Biden look awful.

Counter point, this allows Biden to include his preferred requirements and make the offer a power move. If trump had challenged Biden, Im sure it would be catered to Trump's stronger attributes, e.g. riffing, playing to an audience, and rambling as long as he sees fit. With no fact checking. So by being the one to throw down the gauntlet, he can goad trump into a more balanced event. IMO.

But I expect this will result just like the last one. Both will have moments they look strong, they look weak, both will be parsed into showing how much the other guy lies and then both sides will go to their corners and declare victory. IMO Trump cannot find a way to pull in more votes. Biden has a legit shot at pulling some fo the 13-19% of GOP voters still voting for Haley.
Was the election stolen?
No, I think Joe Biden garnering more votes than Obama, Reagan, and Trump (who coincidently would have had the most votes in history had he won) is totally legit. Biden is a rock star, he fills out ice cream shops everywhere he goes.
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No, I think Joe Biden garnering more votes than Obama, Reagan, and Trump (who coincidently would have had the most votes in history had he won) is totally legit. Biden is a rock star, he fills out ice cream shops everywhere he goes.
continuous population growth is very suspicious ...
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Should be Biden’s first demand. Really, only demand.
I will only watch if they do shut off the mics. There’s a great chance, though, that I won’t watch at all, I highly doubt anything either candidate will say will change my vote.

This debate will not be a good look for this country. Two candidates well past their prime, both with cognitive issues…we deserve better.
Are we being duped?

Biden team has a lot of stipulations on this thing. Maybe they're hoping trump balks at one so they can say trump backed out? Then it's just a back and forth down party lines?
  1. Auto mic cutoff: like it
  2. No audience, only in TV studio: don't like it but whatever. I can see why Biden wouldn't want that.
  3. No 3rd party candidates: breaks from tradition but honestly, the 3rd guy is just noise.
Moderator is really everything here. Hope it's not a CNN employee. CNN is unlikely to place an unbiased moderator in the position, so maybe the best option is 2 moderators, one democrat, one republican.

Hope this happens, would be fun... uncomfortable, but fun...
The no audience thing is definitely advantage Joe and I can't remember a presidential debate without an audience. Trump riffs off the crowd and this takes it away from him.

Like you say...the moderator is everything.

If I was team Biden I'd be pushing for Stephanopoulos in the ABC debate.

CNN? Tapper?
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You’ve got to be kidding…right? Much more likely that Biden will try to get out of any such debate.
Not kidding.

--Found liable for sexual assault/rape.
--Jury. verdict in excess of $85M for defaming the rape victim.
—Criminally indicted by four different grand juries involving more than 90 criminal charges
--Trump Org. found guilty on multiple counts of criminal tax fraud and falsifying records, ordered to pay a $2M fine.
--Trump and two sons found liable for civil fraud and ordered to pay more than $350M.
--Former Trump cabinet members and senior admin officials have denounced him, variously described as “a moron” (Trump Secretary of State), “an idiot”,(Trump Chief of Staff), “a threat to democracy” (Trump Secretary of Defense), “unfit to be President” (Trump National Security Advisor)
—Insurrectionists are “hostages”, and promised to pardon
—Banned from operating a charity after found guilty of stealing donated funds

….the list goes on and on. That’s some baggage bro and I didn’t even mention, cheating on his wife, cheating at golf, and banging porn stars.

Edit: Trump has publicly stated on multiple occasions that he will testify in his current Manhattan criminal trial. Does anyone believe him? If he does take the witness stand, I will self-impose a year long ban from this forum.
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The obese 78 year old wants nothing to do with a debate. Biden was simply calling out his bluff here…lol. Drumpf is scrambling after all the talk of wanting a debate. I can’t believe how many of you on here fall for the grift.
The obese 78 year old wants nothing to do with a debate. Biden was simply calling out his bluff here…lol. Drumpf is scrambling after all the talk of wanting a debate. I can’t believe how many of you on here fall for the grift.
I predict he will invent some bogus reason to back out of a debate ….. it’s rigged, rules are unfair, media/moderators are biased, etc., etc.
I read Trump is already pushing for a third debate with FOX and Biden team saying a deal is a deal.

Probably realized he agreed to a bad deal and is now trying to modify it to help him have a home game. It was obvious in the first 2 debates he agreed to (likely just to be boisterous) that the deal wasn't in his favor. No FOX and no audience to play to.
Probably realized he agreed to a bad deal and is now trying to modify it to help him have a home game. It was obvious in the first 2 debates he agreed to (likely just to be boisterous) that the deal wasn't in his favor. No FOX and no audience to play to.
well...if we know anything about trump, we know that he'll just see the shortcomings of the deal, but honor the terms he agreed to and face the circumstances with a trademark stiff upper lip

j/k - he's going to be a whining piss baby about it, then try to back out or alter the agreement if he doesn't get every single thing he's literally his MO
Lol can we have USADA do testing on these geezers before each debate? I’d love to know what they have them juiced up on.
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instead of these boring and completely predictable debates that both sides will claim as victory regardless of what happens...

let's do a american history/civics quiz, live

i think that would be WAY more entertaining (and that's all we're really doing with presidential politics at this point - entertainment)
instead of these boring and completely predictable debates that both sides will claim as victory regardless of what happens...

let's do a american history/civics quiz, live

i think that would be WAY more entertaining (and that's all we're really doing with presidential politics at this point - entertainment)
Careful. I proposed a Wonderlic between Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr on this board and got ridiculed for it
Would have been smarter to realize the original deal wasn't that good for Trump and to make that a counter offer.

Being a business genius and all, Im sure he is just playing 3D chess here.
Here's how I see it. He's clearly confident he can hang with Biden on any terms, which is why he was quick to accept. Had he countered, it would have been fodder for team Biden and the media to say "trump can't handle it!" It's clear from the restrictions and venue that team Biden orchestrated this carefully to give themselves the best chance of success, but are trying to present it as if it's mono y mono on a level playing field.

Trump's simply calling their bluff here, i.e. 'great let's do one hosted by FoxNews too' knowing Biden isn't going to accept something on Trump's terms...

So now Trump can say "I was totally willing to do it on your terms, why are you scared to do it on mine, which are much less restrictive btw?"

He gets the talking point Biden was probably aiming for to begin with, and he can say "I'm willing to do it on your terms!"

Biden wanted trump to turn tail, instead he turned the tables.
Here's how I see it. He's clearly confident he can hang with Biden on any terms, which is why he was quick to accept. Had he countered, it would have been fodder for team Biden and the media to say "trump can't handle it!" It's clear from the restrictions and venue that team Biden orchestrated this carefully to give themselves the best chance of success, but are trying to present it as if it's mono y mono on a level playing field.

Trump's simply calling their bluff here, i.e. 'great let's do one hosted by FoxNews too' knowing Biden isn't going to accept something on Trump's terms...

So now Trump can say "I was totally willing to do it on your terms, why are you scared to do it on mine, which are much less restrictive btw?"

He gets the talking point Biden was probably aiming for to begin with, and he can say "I'm willing to do it on your terms!"

Biden wanted trump to turn tail, instead he turned the tables.
Uh huh.

People are used to Trump being outsmarted by Biden.
Here's how I see it. He's clearly confident he can hang with Biden on any terms, which is why he was quick to accept. Had he countered, it would have been fodder for team Biden and the media to say "trump can't handle it!" It's clear from the restrictions and venue that team Biden orchestrated this carefully to give themselves the best chance of success, but are trying to present it as if it's mono y mono on a level playing field.

Trump's simply calling their bluff here, i.e. 'great let's do one hosted by FoxNews too' knowing Biden isn't going to accept something on Trump's terms...

So now Trump can say "I was totally willing to do it on your terms, why are you scared to do it on mine, which are much less restrictive btw?"

He gets the talking point Biden was probably aiming for to begin with, and he can say "I'm willing to do it on your terms!"

Biden wanted trump to turn tail, instead he turned the tables.
Here's how I see it. He's clearly confident he can hang with Biden on any terms, which is why he was quick to accept. Had he countered, it would have been fodder for team Biden and the media to say "trump can't handle it!" It's clear from the restrictions and venue that team Biden orchestrated this carefully to give themselves the best chance of success, but are trying to present it as if it's mono y mono on a level playing field.

Trump's simply calling their bluff here, i.e. 'great let's do one hosted by FoxNews too' knowing Biden isn't going to accept something on Trump's terms...

So now Trump can say "I was totally willing to do it on your terms, why are you scared to do it on mine, which are much less restrictive btw?"

He gets the talking point Biden was probably aiming for to begin with, and he can say "I'm willing to do it on your terms!"

Biden wanted trump to turn tail, instead he turned the tables.

Uh huh.

People are used to Trump being outsmarted by Biden.
That's a very strange comment. It almost seems like you know I'm right but don't like it. What's not to like even?

It's a chess match between the two of them now, and I find it interesting to watch play out.

Let's see what happens next.