Biden/Trump to debate in June

A LOT of what you said applies to both guys. Joe will always come off more presidential even if he has some senior moments. Trump is an awful debater and a terrible person and that is even more evident with a debate.

Both choices suck and a debate won't change anyone's mind on who to vote for.
The only thing that’d move the needle is if one of them has a Mitch McConnell minute.
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How does Biden handle the additional rules announced by CNN?
No notes to be brought in.
Candidates provided with pen, paper, and water.
2 media breaks.
Candidates may not interact with their staffs while on stage or during breaks.
Podiums will be exactly the same, and a coin flip will determine which one is used.

Aside from the personal attacks that will happen early and often, what will people be paying attention to?

Trumps felony convictions and trials?
Policies under each guy during their terms?
Results under each guy during their terms?
How many obvious lies each tells during the debate?
Current world events - wars, borders, inflation, etc.
Biden's mental and physical fitness?

Will the moderators lean left, right, or truly be unbiased?

Will we have a drinking game?
Biden mention of 1/6, legal cases against Trump, or any of his many common childhood ethnic experiences, or lies about guns.
Trump using the words "crooked" or "Biden crime family", or "horrible".
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The debate happened.

The question now is will there be a second debate (September 10, hosted by ABC)?