What factors contributed to this decision?
There are multiple factors at play, including our role in the Mountain West and the long-term best interest of the university and its athletic department. Still, every decision made within collegiate athletics involves budgetary and compliance issues for the short and the long term.
Wonder if they will elaborate on the "compliance issues" for the short and long term?
Maybe title IX compliance means they would need to bring on another women's sport or cut a men's program to start up a baseball program?
Here are the POC's if you guys feel like a rant:
President Bob Kustra
Athletic Director Curt Apsey
Assistant AD Bob Carney
Media Relations Joe Nickell
Agree. This is strictly a pet project from the president. See attached link. Baseball allows 11.7 schollies and averages 35 athletes at the D1 level. Wrestling allows 1.8 fewer schollies and has about the same participants. So at best, this move is a wash financially if Boise St under funds its scholarship amounts and this does nothing for a true Title IX compliance where balance is not currently being achieved. I don't think this move has anything to do with Title IX beyond keeping status quo. The president simply desires baseball at the expense of wrestling.
Pet project of the president. Currently in TIX compliance, wrestling goes to the chopping block to make room.
If you write to Kustra, say hi to Melissa for me - she's his executive assistant so will probably be screening all emails. She's also the wife of a good friend of mine - I'll be calling her tomorrow to see what she can tell me, though the news stories seem to provide enough information. Her hubby, my buddy, grew up with me in SW Iowa.
Here's a link to another story in the Idaho newspaper - gives some additional details, such as in 2015-16 the wrestling program had $115K in revenues and $467K in expenses (surprises me that 14 of their 16 sports lost money).
Some notes about BSU, for those who might not have followed them. In 2006 they had an NCAA champ --- Ben Cherrington at 157. I officiated a match of his when he was a little tyke in jr. high in Colorado - Ben then coached N. Colorado for 5 years. His coach at BSU was Greg Randall, a 3x AA for Iowa - Randall coached at BSU for 14 years and brought them some decent success.
Agree. This is strictly a pet project from the president. See attached link. Baseball allows 11.7 schollies and averages 35 athletes at the D1 level. Wrestling allows 1.8 fewer schollies and has about the same participants. So at best, this move is a wash financially if Boise St under funds its scholarship amounts and this does nothing for a true Title IX compliance where balance is not currently being achieved. I don't think this move has anything to do with Title IX beyond keeping status quo. The president simply desires baseball at the expense of wrestling.
I know, and stated as such in my post, but the way I worded it was messy. Some compliance issues are to address a current imbalance and some are to maintain balance. This move is to maintain balance. Crappy move from the prez no matter what. Like D1 baseball needs a 296th team.The only reason it is a factor is that they can't add baseball and stay compliant. They have to start a women's program or drop a men's program.
The only reason it is a factor is that they can't add baseball and stay compliant. They have to start a women's program or drop a men's program.
This is a real shame...I guess I hadn't realized Randall had been let go...he had some good teams over the years and for awhile pretty much owned the pac 10....I always loved watching them wrestle at nationals and always said they looked like Iowa wrestlers in blue and orange with their wrestling style years ago I was in St. Louis for the tournament and we were in line at a food joint and I was behind some Boise fans....mentioned to them that I was really impressed with the program and one kid in particular...think he was a 184 pounder....turned out the kids dad was one of them....they all were big Iowa fans too....anyone know where Randalls at now....out of wrestling?
This is a real shame...I guess I hadn't realized Randall had been let go...he had some good teams over the years and for awhile pretty much owned the pac 10....I always loved watching them wrestle at nationals and always said they looked like Iowa wrestlers in blue and orange with their wrestling style years ago I was in St. Louis for the tournament and we were in line at a food joint and I was behind some Boise fans....mentioned to them that I was really impressed with the program and one kid in particular...think he was a 184 pounder....turned out the kids dad was one of them....they all were big Iowa fans too....anyone know where Randalls at now....out of wrestling?
kirk smith
this does nothing for a true Title IX compliance where balance is not currently being achieved. I don't think this move has anything to do with Title IX beyond keeping status quo. The president simply desires baseball at the expense of wrestling.
As I said on my home board:I would guess that baseball costs a lot more than wrestling. Bats, balls and field maintenance arent cheap. they would also have to travel a lot if they dont have a dome I would guess. I doubt Boise is warm in the spring. Probably a lot of politics here.
Exactly wasdt21, it's like I said when they were going to drop wrestling in the Olympics, It's the only thing the Americans, Iranians, Russians, Mongolians, Japanese etc can agree on 100%. Now Iowa, Ok St, Penn State, tOSU etc have to unite behind Boise.didn't they learn anything from the olympic movement, don't mess with wrestling.
Hey BSU admins:Big football donors are PISSED about this as well as student leadership. I think that wrestling has a much better chance than I did this morning.
The football donors are reportedly threatening to take money away from the football program and that'd be a huge problem. This could actually be the best thing to ever happen for BSU wrestling (if they keep it).