She's in denial. Easier to be a rube for the GQP than admit your daughter went crazy.She's feels like shit that she raised a piece of shit human
Hopefully Brazil asks for Bannon to be extradited in order to stand trial there.
She's in denial. Easier to be a rube for the GQP than admit your daughter went crazy.
Or, someone said stand down. Better chances of the coup being seen as legitimate, or maybe succeeding?Shitty and not unexpected. A little surprised that Brazil’s military wasn’t activated at the first sniff of this stuff happening. Or maybe they were and I just haven’t seen it.
Hopefully Brazil asks for Tucker to be extradited for inciting the coup attempt.
Brazil’s Supreme Court had given the okay to start an investigation into Bolsonaro’s role in the insurrection.
Tucker will compare this to night of long knives on Fox prime time.Lulu has sacked the chief of the army, and scores of officers in the administration.