Buddy has been married 8 months, wife cheated

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My buddy has been married for just 8 months and his wife is screwing someone else. What should he do? End the short marriage? Try and work it out? Therapy and family counseling?
This isn't even a question of what to do. Hookers and blow time.
Most likely been going on since before the wedding.
This was back in the 70s-my best friend found out his wife of only a couple of years was seeing old boyfriends (sometimes 2 at a time) when he went out to play basketball with his friends.
They got divorced and he married a great gal and had a several kids. The first boy was named after me:)
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If no kids - divorce
If kids - work it out

I understand the sentiment on "work it out" for the kid's sake. But there is going to be so little trust and the division will just make everyone miserable. So the notion just doesn't hold any water for me. Esp if she is running around after 8 months, that means she was doing it before.

Obviously as the hypothetical in this case, but also in the case in general. It just seems like a silly thought process when you think about the big picture.
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My buddy has been married for just 8 months and his wife is screwing someone else. What should he do? End the short marriage? Try and work it out? Therapy and family counseling?
Of no kids involved choice is simple . Boot her cheatin a$$ to the curb. If she’s preggo, that’s a rougher spot. All I can say is it’s rough either way. Been there and it was a hard time to deal with on many levels.
( No kids for me BTW in that marriage.)
How rich is her family? I could put up with it if they're loaded. If not tell him to bang her sister or her friends and video tape it.
Oh shit that’s funny!
My buddy has been married for just 8 months and his wife is screwing someone else. What should he do? End the short marriage? Try and work it out? Therapy and family counseling?
Yeah… I say put that relationship in the rear view mirror … as quickly as he can
The one major difference is I have _never_ stepped foot in court :) My brother is a civil litigator like you who specializes in divorces and the stories he has shared make my skin crawl. I admire your gig since you actually have to face judges. I write stuff, send it out and get it rubber stamped by fellow nerds. Always enjoy your posts!
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One of these days you'll have to remind me to post Courtroom stories. Some you won't believe...well, because they are kind of unbelievable.

Just a teaser....once brought an opposing parties' stripper outfit to a custody hearing to court. It made the judge happy. @Herkmeister You probably had her dance for you
How did you procure it?
I'm pretty much always against rushing to burn a marriage down when someone strays. Lots and lots of marriages survive that and eventually provide lasting satisfaction for both people, and stability for the children. It depends a lot on the circumstances of the betrayal of course. There's a big difference between someone getting drunk on a work trip and kissing a waitress and finding out your husband has an entirely separate family in another state.

But 8 months in? Go ahead and end it. Someone cheating that soon means they never wanted the marriage in the first place, and got married out of family pressure, financial insecurity, etc. It's overwhelmingly likely there isn't an actual legitimate marriage to save there.