JackHawk go read an article on this after the burglary charges were filed...
"According to the Marion Police Department and Linn County Attorney’s Office, the three men worked together to enter and steal items from two garages and seven cars in Marion in the early morning hours of March 18. Police said the men were found in possession of stolen property that was valued between $1,000 and $10,000. The different levels of burglary charges represent breaking into an occupied structure — the attached garages — versus the unoccupied vehicles."
They broke into garages attached to houses, that constitutes an occupied structure. Big difference compared to a detached garage out back, there were people in these structures, peoples homes and sense of security were violated. I was a victim of a burglary a couple of years ago, I was angry that someone had the audacity to come into my property and steal my belongings. How can you serious state that alcohol makes you do stupid stuff, these are felonies. Thank God most college kids can still make good decisions after drinking or there would be a 1000 burglaries every weekend in Iowa City...