JB will have to be beaten out...he won't go quietly into the night if he's still the best. He lives the life, handles injury well, and adapts well to changes in how people wrestle him. JB is a great athlete but I think his best attribute (and underrated) is his toughness. Like any great competitor, he wrestles with a chip on his shoulder. Fans in the U.S. who underestimate him, dirty wrestlers overseas, corrupt refs...if its out there, it fuels him. IMO, he wants to leave zero doubt that he was the best in the world. Going to be a tough road but I wouldn't bet against him.
Hard not to take this cat for granted because he makes the superhuman look routine. Very proud to call this guy an American and having him repping our sport so well. Tough, technical, athletic, and full of desire. Please keep pushing DT and Dake to keep the chip on this guy's shoulder...keeps him sharp.
On my road trip, was listening to FRL with JB. Much of it was about race. One of the topics was about pigeonholing black guys as "athletic" instead of having all the other attributes needed to be an elite wrestler. JB opined that fans sometimes think his success is due to his athleticism.
I remember an interview with Magic Johnson on this issue. Good white guys like Bird were "gym rats" who worked their butts off while guys like Magic were born dribbling the ball of out of their Mom's wombs (his words). Magic wanted the credit for putting in the work to be elite.
In both cases, this is a largely a media driven narrative in most sports. JB may have started out on the world stage as a one or two trick pony but he has evolved. Any thinking wrestling fan has an idea how much hard work it takes and has given JB the credit. So JB, if you read these boards, you were recognized a long time ago for all of your attributes. Good luck and bring the gold back.