
I could care less about his marijuana business and usage. He is a dead beat Dad that doesn't see or support his child, and he is a great kid. Its alright though because he is way better off with his real Dad Tyson.
I could care less about his marijuana business and usage. He is a dead beat Dad that doesn't see or support his child, and he is a great kid. Its alright though because he is way better off with his real Dad Tyson.

That is really unfortunate, if true.
Such nonsense from a bunch of weed wackos ...medicinal my ass cocaine was once medicinal too.. yeah that worked great...
Hey Research done... it's an illegal drug.. it's illegal in the majority of the US ..It's legal only in stupid states and furthermore guess what it's a banned substance in the NFL and almost any company . It's a gateway drug as well despite what some deadbeats want you to believe ... do anything more you need to know
I can buy CBD oil at a headshop in Iowa.
Meanwhile fentanyl, created by big pharma is now killing dozens of people on a daily basis. Great bonus is it's synthetic so it's totally legal with a minor tweak, without a prescription. But yea marijuana is bad mmmkay
Hey Research done... it's an illegal drug.. it's illegal in the majority of the US ..It's legal only in stupid states and furthermore guess what it's a banned substance in the NFL and almost any company . It's a gateway drug as well despite what some deadbeats want you to believe ... do anything more you need to know

You do know that CBD doesn't get you high don't you. BTW, It's on illegal in Colorado nor a number of other states.
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This is exactly the problem, opinions based of stereotypes and false narratives. People from all walks of life, including but not limited to doctors, lawyers, financial executives to school administrators benefit from components of marijuana to address illness, chronic pain and other ailments, including those that suffer from seizures. It's cute but inaccurate and childish for people to point to cheech and Chong and or the image of 'stoners' when discussing this issue and the medicinal values that are readily available but restricted out of fear, misinformation and lobbyist from alcohol and tobacco industries that continue to fight legalization.

And this is it. Everyone just needs it because they somehow hurt. Not just cause they want to get high. I know enough about how things go that you can find a doctor that will say you have almost anything and give you a prescription.
I think stoners are a lot more dedicated to their craft than persons who drink a beer on the weekend.

Well, you're making a selective comparison with the "beer on the weekend". Yes, there are people who smoke weed 24/7. There are also a great many alcoholics who can't get through the day with drinking.
Maybe Cheech and Chong ruined it for us, but I guess we just don't see very many productive stoners out there.
And yet when you visit Ft Collins, Aspen, Boulder, etc you probably wonder how these cities are so great, clean, wealthy, & innovative. And all are & have been ran by people that use marijuana. I'm talking from politicians to lawyers to doctors to financial planners. You get the point.

Oh, and everybody's crazy fit also, go figure.
I also live in Colorado. it isn't all roses that Rocky mountain Hawk wants you to believe. we have more transients than we have ever have. the polititions told us the tax money would go to schools. haha. they give it out if you have matching money to go with it. half the taxes go back into rehabilitation for those with mj problems. after a while the taxes will go to other things just like the lottery and all other bright ideas the government comes up with. I almost hope that other states legalize it so people stop coming to Colorado. the influx of people has gotten crazy here. O and with the influx of people here comes more crime, congestion on the high ways and thousands of houses being built. maybe that sounds fun to some but not to me
I also live in Colorado. it isn't all roses that Rocky mountain Hawk wants you to believe. we have more transients than we have ever have. the polititions told us the tax money would go to schools. haha. they give it out if you have matching money to go with it. half the taxes go back into rehabilitation for those with mj problems. after a while the taxes will go to other things just like the lottery and all other bright ideas the government comes up with. I almost hope that other states legalize it so people stop coming to Colorado. the influx of people has gotten crazy here. O and with the influx of people here comes more crime, congestion on the high ways and thousands of houses being built. maybe that sounds fun to some but not to me
Where do you live? That makes the difference. I bet your in the Denver area. Agree with too many people moving here but the marijuana is a MAJOR reason why our housing values have skyrocketed.

That proves the point that it's not your blue collar workers that are moving here for the marijuana. It's white collared people that are moving here & driving up the market all because this was the only state to get marijuana for a long time.
I live in the Longmont, Loveland, Ft Collins area. gas and oil help this state. with out it this state wouldn't be what it is. I grew up in Ottumwa. now I farm north of denver
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Hey Research done... it's an illegal drug.. it's illegal in the majority of the US ..It's legal only in stupid states and furthermore guess what it's a banned substance in the NFL and almost any company . It's a gateway drug as well despite what some deadbeats want you to believe ... do anything more you need to know

Nope, we know now plenty.

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Smoking Pot is terrible for your health PERIOD. Pot has 4 times as much tar than tobacco smoke. Inhaling the smoke for the plant into the lungs exposes 33 carcinogenic compounds into the person. Mary Jane smokers are just as suseptible to emphysema as cigarette smokers. Its just plain unhealthy. Ingesting it another way may be safer.
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You may have heard that Colorado was growing quickly even before MJ legalization.
I've lived here for 20 years & nope. It was always growing but the explosion really started happening since weed got legalized. The last 5 years or so. Same with the housing market appreciation.
Smoking Pot is terrible for your health PERIOD. Pot has 4 times as much tar than tobacco smoke. Inhaling the smoke for the plant into the lungs exposes 33 carcinogenic compounds into the person. Mary Jane smokers are just as suseptible to emphysema as cigarette smokers. Its just plain unhealthy. Ingesting it another way may be safer.
The bold part is the key. The medicinal folks aren't taking it that way for the most part.
I'm not sure why Babineaux gets overlooked when people talk about great defensive players of the Ferentz. He was a much better player than Ballard and some of the other players mentioned in this thread.
The bold part is the key. The medicinal folks aren't taking it that way for the most part.
Don't fool yourself. In Colorado alone I cannot think of a single dispensary of pot that has any other form for sale than the form that is for smoking. I don't get it. Inhale smoke into your lungs is not a good thinitig. Drinking Alcohol in in quantities that intoxicate you is not a good thing health wise. People are stupid if they think Pot is harmless. The stuff has no positive health benefits for a healthy person NONE.
Don't fool yourself. In Colorado alone I cannot think of a single dispensary of pot that has any other form for sale than the form that is for smoking. I don't get it. Inhale smoke into your lungs is not a good thinitig. Drinking Alcohol in in quantities that intoxicate you is not a good thing health wise. People are stupid if they think Pot is harmless. The stuff has no positive health benefits for a healthy person NONE.
Not trying or wanting to debate you but isn't it ironic how the state with legalized weed & 2nd most breweries per capital is the fittest??

For all the mass quantities of unhealthy things this state has you'd think the residents should look like Texans.
Mary jane should be legal in evry state. Look at important evidence in colorado since they legalized. Crime way down. Revenue way up. Schools getting tons of money from taxes on the stuff. Stuff has tons of medical benefits as well. Only substance with zero physical addiction attributes. Meanwhile states like iowa make pain meds easy to access and we have a nationwide opiate addiction crisis.

U morons on here posting about how it should not be legalized are ignorant to facts and show an inability to admit u r wrong

Maybe YOU should look at the evidence in Colorado. Everything you stated was straight from the campaign to legalize. Traffic accidents and deaths are UP after legalizing. Kids under age 18 usage is UP. New research (I think from Britain) shows regular usage causes changes to the way the brain works. Wake up.
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Don't fool yourself. In Colorado alone I cannot think of a single dispensary of pot that has any other form for sale than the form that is for smoking. I don't get it. Inhale smoke into your lungs is not a good thinitig. Drinking Alcohol in in quantities that intoxicate you is not a good thing health wise. People are stupid if they think Pot is harmless. The stuff has no positive health benefits for a healthy person NONE.
Interesting. I'm in CA, I don't partake, but edibles are overtaking the smokeable offering.
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Maybe YOU should look at the evidence in Colorado. Everything you stated was straight from the campaign to legalize. Traffic accidents and deaths are UP after legalizing. Kids under age 18 usage is UP. New research (I think from Britain) shows regular usage causes changes to the way the brain works. Wake up.
Not sure about your other claims but the Denver Post just had an article about how the marijuana usage of under 18 kids in Colorado is down after legalization. Anyway, carry on.
Don't fool yourself. In Colorado alone I cannot think of a single dispensary of pot that has any other form for sale than the form that is for smoking. I don't get it. Inhale smoke into your lungs is not a good thinitig. Drinking Alcohol in in quantities that intoxicate you is not a good thing health wise. People are stupid if they think Pot is harmless. The stuff has no positive health benefits for a healthy person NONE.
Neither does a Big Mac, Fries and Diet Coke.
Not sure about your other claims but the Denver Post just had an article about how the marijuana usage of under 18 kids in Colorado is down after legalization. Anyway, carry on.
Aug 25th article says traffic fatalities are up since MJ legalized. I found a Dec. 2016 article claiming teen MJ usage is down after becoming legal. It may be true, but why would kids stop using it after it became legal for adults??? I think I found 3 year old articles that showed teen usage increased after it became legal, so maybe that was my source.
Myself, I have never understood the need for alcohol or drugs to feel good and have a good time. (I know I know; I am a goody 2 shoes)
Don't fool yourself. In Colorado alone I cannot think of a single dispensary of pot that has any other form for sale than the form that is for smoking. I don't get it. Inhale smoke into your lungs is not a good thinitig. Drinking Alcohol in in quantities that intoxicate you is not a good thing health wise. People are stupid if they think Pot is harmless. The stuff has no positive health benefits for a healthy person NONE.
What? They all sell edibles, from pills to hard candy, to tootsie roll type candy, I’ve never been to a dispensary that didn’t have a variety of edibles. Also vape oils, creams etc.

You sure you weren’t just at some weed dealers house?
Aug 25th article says traffic fatalities are up since MJ legalized. I found a Dec. 2016 article claiming teen MJ usage is down after becoming legal. It may be true, but why would kids stop using it after it became legal for adults??? I think I found 3 year old articles that showed teen usage increased after it became legal, so maybe that was my source.
Myself, I have never understood the need for alcohol or drugs to feel good and have a good time. (I know I know; I am a goody 2 shoes)
My opinion on why marijuana usage on kids is down here is because it's not a mysterious illegal "bad boy" thing anymore. Hell, there's people twirling signs every few miles at stoplights now in certain cities. There might be other reasons why usage is down though.

As far as the car crashes article, I just skimmed it, there can be multiple reasons for that. Even the article states they can't contribute the increase to marijuana sales.

- more people have moved here because of the marijuana which naturally increases tragic crashes

- sooo many tourists driving around after smoking that may be a big portion of the marijuana crashes

- they weren't really tracking or testing for marijuana use at crashes until it became legal. The % of crashes that were marijuana related before 2012 might've been equal if they had been testing/looking for it back then.
You people need to realize a few realities

1) Marijuana is not good for the previous author stated it's has more carcinogens than tobacco.
2) If you do not believe long term use affects your cognitive skills you are in denial.
3) It is an illegal drug in most states and those that have legalized it have noticed an increase of numerous negative consequences.

These are just realities and the facts... yes I know that other illegal drugs are worse and even some legally prescribed drugs have issues with addictions. The point is we know that marijuana is bad period we do not need to legalize it or promote itzz
Twenty nine states have laws broadly legalizing pot. There is no going back. I'm more concerned with meth and legal opiates.

My point. I developed an abscessed tooth on a Friday. My dentist couldn't see me until Monday. I went to the Dr. and he prescribed antibiotics and a 30 day supply of Hydrocodone (powerful stuff). I questioned the Dr., why would you give me a 30 day supply when I told you I am getting this tooth fixed Monday? I told him to change it to 5 days.
Not a smoker, but can vouch that nothing has changed for my daily life in Colorado since legalization. Derogatory comments, or just strange comments about the state since legalization strike me like they come from some strange bubble where people assume every social moral has fallen apart in Colorado, and the fabric has fallen to pieces.

It's simply odd because nothing here has really changed. It was always booming, becoming more and more popular as a place for fit singles to live throughout the prior decade, and now that influx is starting to marry and settle down, build houses like crazy (which is fodder for an entirely different topic). I've heard there is reason to believe it also might win the Amazon HQ lottery, but who knows. (Wouldn't surprise me.)

The influx of people would dictate more traffic, and more accidents. No way to really pin that down. You might also find data that coincides with the proliferation of smart phones in every auto. Nothing great about that, and the traffic can truly suck through any drive time.

What most people don't discuss, is the surge in work and jobs not directly related to the weed economy, but as bi-product. My company just spent weeks this summer flooring edible facilities. Lots of work that won't show up on any quick statistical analysis. Lots of money being passed around without a joint in sight. Everyone happy nonetheless.

Weed laws are archaic, and silly, and someday people will wonder why they ever cared what their neighbors are doing while watching a movie in their house on a Friday night.

Oh, and Clayborne is the easy and obvious answer to the Ballard question, though CB was a great Hawkeye.
Von Miller of the Broncos failed a marijuana test and was suspended for it. The Broncos supported him and today he is one of the best defensive players in the league. If your good and have a good attitude the team will support you.
I've lived in Colorado for over 30 years and have worked in downtown Denver for 25 of those years so I see the transients hanging out every day on the 16th Street Mall. The population boom and transient boom both started in the 90's, long before legalization. Granted some come here for weed but the vast majority come because Colorado is a great place to live. I'd much rather be on the roads with folks high than drunkards, though both should get you thrown in jail.
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Seriously? So have you been passing the bong with him? He may have had a lot of potencial, but he was hardly either of the things you mentioned. Ever heard of a guy named Adrian Clayborn? Ballard couldn't get off the stuff long enough to pass the drug tests at the combine. Probably why he slid farther then projected in the draft. And as for the last 10 years, I'd throw in a guy like Mike Daniels as well.
Ballard being able to play end & tackle allowed the others to make plays, & Yes ballard was much better college player than daniels. If i remember right i think he had a 1st or 2nd rd grade prior to the draft

No, he didn’t. He was a good player, but we’ve had others who were better.