Cannon dismisses the docs case in FL

That means the hurr appointment was an illegal appointment too. Guess that means his report and audio from his deposition cant be used by congress.
Hur underwent senate confirmation. Smith has never had a senate confirmation nor vote. Big difference.
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If nothing else, I don’t think they can. This would be a horrible precedent to let stand.
unless it's so horrible that everybody laughs at it. which it might be.

but standing in the shoes of a future SC, I wouldn't want to have to go through this whole tedious fight in every investigation with every defendant
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This is philosophical question. Why would Cannon stick her neck out on this?


She is inexperienced but has experienced counsel and has been rejected by appellate decisions, which you would think would provide guidance.
All the above.
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Well how can Weiss be a special prosecutor against hunter biden if he was not appointed by congress which is stupid judge's reasoning to disallow Jack Smith's appointment.

I am sure there is ample ample precedent against her ruling that congress has to make these appointments
Get the facts straight. A special prosecutor is not appointed by congress, they are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate or appointed to a position created by law, by congress. The confirmation can be as simple as a vote or can be after hearings. Weiss was confirmed as a U.S. Attorney. Jack Smith has never been through any of that process for any position.
His appointment was challenged from the start.
He underwent senate confirmation when he was nominated for us attorney but not as a special counsel. I don’t see where cannon makes that distinction.
And as such was appointed to a position created by law from congress. You either are confirmed to a position or appointed by the president and confirmed.
Get the facts straight. A special prosecutor is not appointed by congress, they are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate or appointed to a position created by law, by congress. The confirmation can be as simple as a vote or can be after hearings. Weiss was confirmed as a U.S. Attorney. Jack Smith has never been through any of that process for any position.
His appointment was challenged from the start.
Special prosecutors are appointed by the attorney general, not POTUS/Senate.

Prior to today, it was never considered a requirement for the job. You’re confusing this with the various US attourney positions, which DO require senate confirmation.
again, i'm not fully up to speed on 2xj, and you may be right that it's only a 'final' decision of a factfinder that it attaches to, but it is a bit odd to me that the same prosecutor found to lack authority (before we even get to the sufficiency of indictment issues) could simply go somewhere else (rather than upstairs to the circuit).
IIRC, jeopardy attaches when the jury is sworn or when the first witness is sworn in a bench trial. So that shouldn't be an issue here. FRCrP 18 requires venue where the offense was committed, unless a statue or rule permits otherwise (plus convenience factors for defendant and witnesses). Perhaps the statue that defines the offense permits venue elsewhere?
Special prosecutors are appointed by the attorney general, not POTUS/Senate.

Prior to today, it was never considered a requirement for the job. You’re confusing this with the various US attourney positions, which DO require senate confirmation.
History says wrong. Do you believe the Attorney General can appoint a special counsel that has unlimited scope to investigate, prosecute and spend unlimited funds with zero oversight?
You realize that would give the Attorney General more power than the three branches of government. They would be allowed an unlimited budget with zero oversight.
That is why most special counsels are former U.S. attorneys as they have been confirmed by the senate and the confirmation has not been allowed to expire.
Jack Smith had never been confirmed nor held a position created by congress, both of which means they have been somewhat "vetted".
Under your supposed theory, the Attorney General could pluck an attorney out of any law firm and make them a special counsel with wild powers.
I think the remedy for the government is to have someone in the DoJ to refile.

I saw this theory and initially liked it. Would get re-shuffled (likely) to another judge. But I don’t think the AG would want to allow precedent of having this decision out there.
He was approved as US attorney for Maryland, not as a special prosecutor.

Smith was likewise initially confirmed by the senate.
Smith was a private citizen working over in the Hague. He was never confirmed by the Senate like Hurr was. Hurr was an approved US Attorney. US Attorney's have specific jurisdiction and budget. Smith has unlimited funding and brought cases in both DC an Florida. The two are not anywhere the same.
This would mean that numerous special counsels were unlawfully appointed.

Here’s the thing (and I know you know this)…the current SCOTUS would twist anythjng to favor Trump right now while ruling the opposite (like Hunter Biden) for the other side.

It’s beyond ridiculous the lengths to which institutions have been corrupted to favor the Orange Turd with the tiny peen. It’s stunning.
There was NO statute passed by Congress to allow for special counsel. DOJ passing their own rules doesn't count, bonehead. It's exactly why TWO former AG made the amicus brief and one of them showed up in Cannon's court when she had the hearing. It's completely unconstitutional and you left wing loons don't know what you're talking about.
There was NO statute passed by Congress to allow for special counsel. DOJ passing their own rules doesn't count, bonehead. It's exactly why TWO former AG made the amicus brief and one of them showed up in Cannon's court when she had the hearing. It's completely unconstitutional and you left wing loons don't know what you're talking about.
I saw this theory and initially liked it. Would get re-shuffled (likely) to another judge. But I don’t think the AG would want to allow precedent of having this decision out there.
Yes, but there might actually be an issue with Smith appealing the case itself if he's not recognized as legitimate counsel for the government. It's a nuance, but if Cannon had not dismissed the case, but ruled Smith out, co-counsel could be allowed to continue the case AND appeal Smith being dismissed. I don't know enough about the federal rules and process, and this is novel.
Mueller was appointed by rosenstein without senate confirmation and Bua, Wilkey and Lacey were all appointed by Barr without senate confirmation.
Bob Mueller was the second longest FBI Director. This is a lawful position created by Congress and his having been appointed to that position is a qualifier. We are talking Special Counsels of which the other three are not. The last six;
Patrick Fitzgerald
Bob Mueller
John Durham
Jack Smith
Robert Hur
David Weiss
I explained Bob Mueller, the others except Smith were Senate confirmed to position being approved by the Senate. We can go back further in history if you want.
Yes, but there might actually be an issue with Smith appealing the case itself if he's not recognized as legitimate counsel for the government. It's a nuance, but if Cannon had not dismissed the case, but ruled Smith out, co-counsel could be allowed to continue the case AND appeal Smith being dismissed. I don't know enough about the federal rules and process, and this is novel.
You are correct. It is a situation that would never have played out if they had chosen someone that had been confirmed at some point by the Senate or held an appointed position authorized by congress.
The election will be over by the time an appeal makes it through the system. There are so many other issues with this case it was going to take a couple of years to play out anyway.
The election will be over by the time an appeal makes it through the system. There are so many other issues with this case it was going to take a couple of years to play out anyway.
And the government took their time filing it.