Government mandate - fine. It didn't get done by government workers. WPA didn't build the interstates.
Then, you admit that 'capitalists' would NOT have built the interstates WITHOUT the government setting up the plan/outline for the project, correct? That's my point. Capitalists DIDN'T raise the funds, nor did they map out the plan for the interstate system. Government did all that heavy lifting.
Internet? So today you're communicating via the 16 or so college/government computers that were the birth of the internet? The internet as it is today is the result of business doing their things.
The internet has been built upon by private enterprise; it would simply not exist if not for a government project and government laying the foundation. Period. That's not 'capitalists', that's government doing what it can do well: lay down a foundation to facilitate capitalism and further private investment. But 'capitalists' did NOT raise the money for the internet, they did not develop the initial protocols and they did not provide any of the framework. They do now, only because they have much shorter ROI and clearer pathways to profitability - those were not evident at the inception of the internet, and thus private enterprise was uninvolved.
Apollo - I think you're going way past your original argument, which WAS NOT that business benefits from some things the government has accomplished, which it does. Apollo was not done so we could all watch TV, use Velcro or drink Tang. Your original point would have said that was so.
Not remotely close. Apollo was about 'moon landings'. I've referenced satellites, and the FIRST satellite was put into orbit by a GOVERNMENT, and a COMMUNIST one, at that.
The fact that private enterprise has recognized the utility of satellites (long AFTER the military did) is precisely what private enterprise does - identify opportunities and profitability via shorter term ROI. But governments were coming up with ways to build and launch satellites, and fund those activities, well BEFORE any private enterprises were. No private 'capitalist' entity launched a satellite until >50 years AFTER governments did it. Their purpose (military) is not relevant; none of that technology would exist and could never have been exploited for private purposes if not for NON-capitalist motivations.
And, FWIW, the GPS system is STILL run by a GOVERNMENT entity, NOT any private, capitalist entity. That system alone has provided massive ROI for many private companies building products which interact with it.
You're completely mistaking that I'm somehow 'against' capitalism, and 'for' socialism, which is absolutely incorrect. I'm simply pointing out that capitalism and free market forces are NOT always the driver for technologies, and are NOT always the most effective means of accomplishing things.