Casey’s breakfast pizza

Is not good. Sitting here with a piece in my lap. It’s terrible. I think the crows will get the remainder of this piece. Come at me, bro.
Most overrated pizza in the world.

Having said that, it's necessary in the interest of fairness to say that the length of time the pizza has been sitting there has a great deal to do with how edible it is.
Most overrated pizza in the world.

Having said that, it's necessary in the interest of fairness to say that the length of time the pizza has been sitting there has a great deal to do with how edible it is.

That's why you order a whole bacon flatbread. Arguably the best breakfast pizza out there.
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Casey’s pizza is a grease bomb. Sometimes I want that, but I think happy Joe’s Denver breakfast pizza is way better.
Sorry for the pr0n

Prepaid gas and bought said disgusting slice of pizza. Got gas pumping, got in car, took bite of said disgusting pizza, set the slice in my lap, thought about how inedible it was, and created this thread.
Do you not have a passenger seat?
I love fresh Casey’s breakfast pizza. But feel like A$$ 30 min. Later. I can eat their regular pizza any time.
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Regular Casey's pizza is delicious. I could eat many, many slices of that. But the breakfast pizza....... just terrible. Every time.
I’m one of the least picky eaters you’ll ever meet. I’ll eat almost anything edible. But this pizza was/is always just terrible.

GTFO! Casey's breakfast pizza is like Layla,Voodoo Child,Eruption,Whole Lotta Love,Whippin Post,Black Napkins et al.
You either get it or get the hell out of this forum.Good day Sir.
When you order fresh, tell them to cook it a few minutes longer, that way it will remain stiff and not fall down your arm.
I’m with op, it reminds me of the St. Louis style of pizza with that process cheese base. Y’all need your tastebuds checked if you think breakfast pizza from Casey’s is good.
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It is dependent on which Casey's you purchase from. The one in my town sucks @$$. However, every store that I have been to in other towns is much better. I would also agree that you have to get a fresh one when dealing with the breakfast pizza.
How often can you eat their breakfast pizza before you become a complete tub of shit? Seems as though breakfast pizza should be a special occasion type of thing rather than a regular occurrence. JMHO.
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