Chaos at the Capital

Looks like that one left a mark.

Maybe THINK about the consequences of voting for people who supported the insurrection and fake "election fraud" next time.
And THINK about your Down Syndrome child, who will lose government benefits under Project 2025, because people like Stephen Miller do not value their lives and see them as "dead weight".
I haven’t voted for an R, except for someone on the local level, in about 10 years. I think our Sheriff is an R and he’s a family friend. In Nov that will make 3 presidential election cycles not voting for an R for president, Congress or Senate. I have never cast a vote for Reynolds or any other R in our state races in that time frame. I’m for legalizing weed and in Iowa, the Rs do not get my vote. I am not voting for Rs this cycle. I’m not voting for anyone who supports project 25. But you don’t believe me, so why continue?
Are we just going to brush aside vandalism because of team sports politics? I imagine your reaction would be quite different if it was a bunch of MAGA rednecks doing the protesting. Even if you agree with the stance of the protestors, it doesn’t make vandalizing and destroying property ok.
Never said it did, nice strawman though! Way to knock down that paper argument you created for yourself.
The left is such chicken shit hypocrites when it comes to this this. What we saw yesterday, using 100% their definitions, were pure hate crimes against Jewish people. But they’re completely fine with that.

Don’t compare yesterday to 1/6, you fvcking dopes. Compare it to if some ass hole in a pickup truck laid rubber on a rainbow flag crosswalk. We all know you’re ready to hand out the death penalty when shit like that happens. But calling for Hamas to get here and kill Jews is totally fine because hey…no one broke into a building.
If they brought their own US flags they'd be expressing their free speech.

They took down government owned property and burned it...that's called vandalism.
Great, charge them, fine them, make them clean it - where's the outrage for other forms of vandalism? Why the focus on this specifically, because we don't like the message? People are reasonably upset about the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent and continued genocide that our tax dollars are funding, and here we are crying about vandalism. Can't you see the obvious disconnect?
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Great, charge them, fine them, make them clean it - where's the outrage for other forms of vandalism? Why the focus on this specifically, because we don't like the message? People are reasonably upset about the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent and continued genocide that our tax dollars are funding, and here we are crying about vandalism. Can't you see the obvious disconnect?
Why are you and the rest of the lefties on here suddenly fine with hate crimes and hate speech against minorities?
Why are you and the rest of the lefties on here suddenly fine with hate crimes and hate speech against minorities?
Last time I checked Israel is a country, not a minority. Not sure if you're blind, have memory issues or just choose to ignore the dozens of times you've been told this. One of these times it'll sink in!
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Last time I checked Israel is a country, not a minority. Not sure if you're blind, have memory issues or just choose to ignore the dozens of times you've been told this. One of these times it'll sink in!
So “HAMAS IS COMING” here to kill Israel? Or Jews? What you’re saying is that if some dude in a MAGA hat sprayed “THE KKK IS COMING” you’d be defending that. And if that was a rainbow flag burning, you’d be all about protecting free speech still. Right?

Just admit you’re fine with hate speech against minorities you don’t like.
So “HAMAS IS COMING” here to kill Israel? Or Jews? What you’re saying is that if some dude in a MAGA hat sprayed “THE KKK IS COMING” you’d be defending that. And if that was a rainbow flag burning, you’d be all about protecting free speech still. Right?

Just admit you’re fine with hate speech against minorities you don’t like.
Have you ever tried to make an argument that isn't a strawman?
If you don’t think it’s ok, why the attempt to minimize it?
Because some folks seem to be outraged about a burning flag or spray paint as a form of protest more than they are about the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent women and children that we are funding? One of these is worse than the other.
The DC police department has been so depleted of personnel and other resources they can’t adequately respond to such riots/vandalism. If Dems continue to get elected…this very likely will become the norm.
The Dems plan on defunding the police and disarming Americans so that their takeover is as easy as the Nazi's marching into Paris.
Have you ever tried to make an argument that isn't a strawman?
Dude. It’s hate speech. You’re fine with it. We get it. Hamas is coming! Shouldn’t you be rolling out the red carpet? They mean no harm. I mean just look at these “innocent Palestinians”. October 7 didn’t even happen! What good people.

No. It is not.

It's your made-up shit to push outright bans. Which are really happening. Making Idaho air-evac 1 woman a week to prevent her from bleeding out to get abortions in another state. $50-70k a pop.
The word "choice" is the liberal dog whistle for abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.
Last time I checked Israel is a country, not a minority. Not sure if you're blind, have memory issues or just choose to ignore the dozens of times you've been told this. One of these times it'll sink in!
It won’t. He’s NEVER wrong. Lol.
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We know you MAGAts are basically all borderline retarded and just regurgitate the asinine talking points your handlers feed you, but a Presidential candidate voluntarily deciding to resign by the end of the term because polling shows his voters think he is too old is not a “coup”. But hey, we’re all proud of you for trying, champ.
This person teaches children..
It won’t. He’s NEVER wrong. Lol.
Add another hypocrite to the pile. Turning a blind eye to hate speech because it’s only against Jews. But hey, I’m sure “Hamas is coming” for the hot dogs and pizza.

Just a repeat of the same deflections and defenses we saw on college campuses all spring. “Oh they attacked a guy with a yarmulke? Well…that’s just a protest against Israel.”

Scumbag idiots. Be proud of yourself.
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Hot Dog Nbc GIF by America's Got Talent
Have you ever tried to make an argument that isn't a strawman?
It won’t. He’s NEVER wrong. Lol.
Yup. Me and Congressman Schiff. You guys must really hate him.

What happened yesterday in Washington D.C. was the latest, hateful incident in the wave of antisemitism plaguing our country.

“To have strong disagreements is understandable. But to glorify Hamas – a barbaric terrorist organization with the stated goal of killing Jews and destroying the Jewish state – is abhorrent. Hamas raped, tortured, and murdered its victims, and still holds several innocent Americans and dozens of other hostages.

"Protestors also destroyed public property and burned the American flag. The flag represents our country and its people, and our right to protest peacefully and express ourselves freely. To desecrate it is contemptible.

“People have a right to express their views – and they should. But to glorify terrorism and demean the symbol of our country should be anathema to us all."
Dude. It’s hate speech. You’re fine with it. We get it. Hamas is coming! Shouldn’t you be rolling out the red carpet? They mean no harm. I mean just look at these “innocent Palestinians”. October 7 didn’t even happen! What good people.

If I had more time I'd combine these two gifs into one for you, but alas, this will have to do for now.
