Chiefs parade mass shooting stemmed from dispute, 2 juveniles detained


HR All-American
Jul 17, 2023
Montezuma, Iowa
In the woke world of Joe Biden they now call gang shootings - disputes.

They can't even bring themselves to say what it really was. You really can't make this stuff up.

They make it sound as if it's ok to bring a bag of weapons to a parade as long as it's just a dispute.

The mass shooting that erupted at the end of the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, Missouri, appeared to stem from a dispute, according to police.

The shooting, in which one person was killed and 22 were hurt, unfolded outside Union Station as Chiefs fans were leaving a parade and rally on Wednesday. More than 800 law enforcement officers were on duty in the area, as 1 million paradegoers were expected to attend the celebration, according to Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas.

Three suspects -- including two juveniles -- have been detained, according to Kansas City police. Charges have not been filed yet, police said. Several guns were recovered, police said.

The victims' ages range from 8 years old to 47 years old, Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said Thursday.

At least half of the victims are under the age of 16, she said.

Fire officials said the victims included eight critically hurt and seven seriously hurt.

Children's Mercy Kansas City Hospital said it admitted and treated a total of 12 patients, including 11 children, all of whom were expected to make a full recovery.

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In the woke world of Joe Biden they now call gang shootings - disputes.

They can't even bring themselves to say what it really was. You really can't make this stuff up.

They make it sound as if it's ok to bring a bag of weapons to a parade as long as it's just a dispute.

The mass shooting that erupted at the end of the Chiefs' Super Bowl celebration in Kansas City, Missouri, appeared to stem from a dispute, according to police.

The shooting, in which one person was killed and 22 were hurt, unfolded outside Union Station as Chiefs fans were leaving a parade and rally on Wednesday. More than 800 law enforcement officers were on duty in the area, as 1 million paradegoers were expected to attend the celebration, according to Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas.

Three suspects -- including two juveniles -- have been detained, according to Kansas City police. Charges have not been filed yet, police said. Several guns were recovered, police said.

The victims' ages range from 8 years old to 47 years old, Kansas City Police Chief Stacey Graves said Thursday.

At least half of the victims are under the age of 16, she said.

Fire officials said the victims included eight critically hurt and seven seriously hurt.

Children's Mercy Kansas City Hospital said it admitted and treated a total of 12 patients, including 11 children, all of whom were expected to make a full recovery.

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They make it sound as if it's ok to bring a bag of weapons to a parade as long as it's just a dispute.
You are implying that, in your view, that behavior is not OK.

Given the open carry laws in MO, would police have been able to detain this person before the "dispute" got out of control and shots were fired?
Someone under 18 open carrying is illegal. So yes.
Hypothetically, what if the person with the dispute was over 18?

What would happen to the bag of guns they are carrying in that scenario given MO's open carry laws?
Hypothetically, what if the person with the dispute was over 18?

What would happen to the bag of guns they are carrying in that scenario given MO's open carry laws?

If carrying around a bag with multiple handguns:

Over 18 and not in possession of a state CC license, they would have been confiscated and arrested in Kansas City.

Over 18 with a valid CC license, the LEOs have the discretion to confiscate the weapons and potentially arrest the owner given the situation (large crowd), potential use of alcohol, demeanor of suspect, potential for imminent lethal threat. Legally, this is at the discretion of the LEO and there is not a cop on earth that would find someone at that event with multiple firearms in a duffle bag and let the person go.

You are trying very hard to imply that the LEO has no recourse in this situation and would be legally required to let the perp go. That is silly and not even close to true.

None of this actually happened yesterday as well. Since we are in the hypothetical realm, perhaps you would like to know if it was the Easter Bunny carrying that backpack, would the cops have to let him go? I don’t have the answer to that.
If carrying around a bag with multiple handguns:

Over 18 and not in possession of a state CC license, they would have been confiscated and arrested in Kansas City.

Over 18 with a valid CC license, the LEOs have the discretion to confiscate the weapons and potentially arrest the owner given the situation (large crowd), potential use of alcohol, demeanor of suspect, potential for imminent lethal threat. Legally, this is at the discretion of the LEO and there is not a cop on earth that would find someone at that event with multiple firearms in a duffle bag and let the person go.

You are trying very hard to imply that the LEO has no recourse in this situation and would be legally required to let the perp go. That is silly and not even close to true.

None of this actually happened yesterday as well. Since we are in the hypothetical realm, perhaps you would like to know if it was the Easter Bunny carrying that backpack, would the cops have to let him go? I don’t have the answer to that.
I was honestly trying to understand the law and answer the question of if they had recourse. The original answer also implied they could have arrested the kids if they had seen them.

Thanks for half the response.

The other half ..thanks for being an )*(&(*-hole.
I was honestly trying to understand the law and answer the question of if they had recourse. The original answer also implied they could have arrested the kids if they had seen them.

Thanks for half the response.

The other half ..thanks for being an )*(&(*-hole.

Fair enough. I shouldn’t have added the last part. I apologize. I am just frustrated by the constant gotcha bullshit from people every time something like this happens. I am not a fan of Missouri’s open carry law for juveniles. Thankfully KC has the good sense to enact stricter laws. However, there is subjectivity in the law to prevent stupidity like this and to purchase a handgun you still have to meet the federal background check requirements.

But nothing was stopping this. It was kids with a beef that had illegal guns and the collateral damage is a tragedy. That is not new. It just usually happens in poor neighborhoods and doesn’t make the news unless someone wants to make a political point.
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You are implying that, in your view, that behavior is not OK.

Given the open carry laws in MO, would police have been able to detain this person before the "dispute" got out of control and shots were fired?
No, you are absolutely correct. If gang bangers are known for one thing, it's their willingness to follow the law. So if open carry was not the law in Missouri, I can guarantee those bangers wouldn't have had guns. :rolleyes:
No, you are absolutely correct. If gang bangers are known for one thing, it's their willingness to follow the law. So if open carry was not the law in Missouri, I can guarantee those bangers wouldn't have had guns. :rolleyes:
I honestly can't understand what you are attempting to communicate.

The point was that the law actually did provide for preventative action since it was, in fact, illegal for the kids to carry guns. Therefore kids *could* have been detained prior to the shooting if police had seen them. That is good from my POV. As you point out, we have to assume that people with bad intentions do in fact ignore the law.

If dangerous behavior is not illegal, society has no recourse.

And according to Ron, if someone goes to a parade with a bag of guns the police should be able to detain them.

At least there are *some* boundaries. Personally, I do wish there were more.
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I honestly can't understand what you are attempting to communicate.

The point was that the law actually did provide for preventative action since it was, in fact, illegal for the kids to carry guns. Therefore kids *could* have been detained prior to the shooting if police had seen them. That is good from my POV. As you point out, we have to assume that people with bad intentions do in fact ignore the law.

If dangerous behavior is not illegal, society has no recourse.

And according to Ron, if someone goes to a parade with a bag of guns the police should be able to detain them.

At least there are *some* boundaries. Personally, I do wish there were more.
The challenge is knowing the bag has guns in it. Again, this is a shit situation but I am not sure what laws can be made to prevent it. If the kids (or an adult)were in fact open carrying, I am quite sure they first LEO they walk by shuts that down pretty quickly in that situation.
The bottom line is that serious crimes were committed and the gun violence that’s rampant in this country stems from not from a single group or issue but there are some recurring societal erosions that seem to be occurring at a rate that’s increasing.
Kids - teens - are flat out ignoring the law. Disputes my ass. BS.
Mental health issues are definitely involved but so is a societal fear of being up front and frank about how certain group behaviors are being tolerated.

I am certainly no fan of handguns or assault weapons and do not have them in my house or around me.
The challenge is knowing the bag has guns in it. Again, this is a shit situation but I am not sure what laws can be made to prevent it. If the kids (or an adult)were in fact open carrying, I am quite sure they first LEO they walk by shuts that down pretty quickly in that situation.
Remember the “stop and frisk” laws in NYC that allowed the cops to check out suspicious items? And how it was stopped because it was successfully argued by the usual crowd that it was “racist”?
Remember the “stop and frisk” laws in NYC that allowed the cops to check out suspicious items? And how it was stopped because it was successfully argued by the usual crowd that it was “racist”?
Stop and frisk is and was an absolutely clear violation of 4th amendment rights and obviously racist.
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Those were illegal searches that were often racist in nature.
The fact is that if a cop (of any color) stopped a person of color say, in Harlem, then the odds that they were Black were indeed higher.
And when they were forced to abandon the practice the number of victims who died were more often Black too. So Black people were disproportionately the victims of gun crime too.
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Those were illegal searches that were often racist in nature.
CAuZe yU saw it on tv and soMe commentators said iT
Because in fact more Black males between the ages of 15-40 had illegal weapons confiscated in a city with some of the strictest gun laws?
Think about the number of innocent Black citizens who weren’t crime victims because of that?
CAuZe yU saw it on tv and soMe commentators said iT
Because in fact more Black males between the ages of 15-40 had illegal weapons confiscated in a city with some of the strictest gun laws?
Think about the number of innocent Black citizens who weren’t crime victims because of that?
I bet if we put them all in cages too it would prevent even MORE crime.. why dont we do that?? /s
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CAuZe yU saw it on tv and soMe commentators said iT
Because in fact more Black males between the ages of 15-40 had illegal weapons confiscated in a city with some of the strictest gun laws?
Think about the number of innocent Black citizens who weren’t crime victims because of that?
Just think of all the rich white people leaving the country club under the influence each night. Maybe the cops should just stop them all to make sure they are sober.
Conscious decisions are made in regards to which laws will be enforced, in what manner, and in what locations everyday.
Just think of all the rich white people leaving the country club under the influence each night. Maybe the cops should just stop them all to make sure they are sober.
Conscious decisions are made in regards to which laws will be enforced, in what manner, and in what locations everyday.
You do know many municipalities do have random sobriety checkpoints don’t you?
Aside from that your reference to “rich white people” shows you have some racist assumptions yourself. Be smarter.
Hate to break it to you, but it was ruled unconstitutional in August of 2013. Just because you subscribe to alternative facts doesn't mean actual facts are opinions.
A Federal Court not SCOTUS. And it does continue today to a lesser degree- under different guidelines and procedures.
Since NYC is a majority minority city there will continue to be greater numbers of citizens of color who are affected. And a greater number who will be victims of gun crimes.
You do know many municipalities do have random sobriety checkpoints don’t you?
Aside from that your reference to “rich white people” shows you have some racist assumptions yourself. Be smarter.
I picked an example that I hoped would get through to you.
You are implying that, in your view, that behavior is not OK.

Given the open carry laws in MO, would police have been able to detain this person before the "dispute" got out of control and shots were fired?
Considering they were minors the answer is yes the police could detain them. Secondly those that are now in custody probably already had a criminal record.

KC is now called Little Chicago, gangbangers gonna bang bang.
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You are implying that, in your view, that behavior is not OK.

Given the open carry laws in MO, would police have been able to detain this person before the "dispute" got out of control and shots were fired?
If they were carrying openly. People would have been aware, that ****ing kids had guns,which is still illegal
I honestly can't understand what you are attempting to communicate.

The point was that the law actually did provide for preventative action since it was, in fact, illegal for the kids to carry guns. Therefore kids *could* have been detained prior to the shooting if police had seen them. That is good from my POV. As you point out, we have to assume that people with bad intentions do in fact ignore the law.

If dangerous behavior is not illegal, society has no recourse.

And according to Ron, if someone goes to a parade with a bag of guns the police should be able to detain them.

At least there are *some* boundaries. Personally, I do wish there were more.
What good would not allowing carrying a gun do if you don't allow stop & frisk?