CIA finally admits covid likely came from lab leak

@DeangeloVickers hates to hear this. They threw all their eggs into this basket, only to be proven a gullible dipshit........again
Not remotely. I don't gaf what Trump said or honestly says about it in the future. Quit putting your TDS on me.
I care about the real facts being shared with the world, accountability, and steps being taken so it can't happen again.
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How many total posts you think you've made across all social media sources arguing for the wet market as the source?

Very few, even though it's the likely answer............could it have came from a leak? Yes, but not likely.......why wouldn't there be leaks like this more frequently?
Surely its a coincidence this comes out just days after the inauguration.
And to think people on this site and all over the country continued to argue against this and bought the ridiculous wet market narrative.
Nothing makes a Deathocrat happier than a corrupt gov't they control creating a bioweapon to depopulate the planet.
As I've said on here many times, the left is a force that desires a lifeless Cosmos. Evil incarnate.
I'm convinced their is low confidence from where it came from. We now your agenda, sorry mine doesn't align with yours. It never will
You hitting the sauce hard tonight? I'm not a spelling and grammar nazi but looks like you might have crossed from buzzed to drunk mid post lol.
You hitting the sauce hard tonight? I'm not a spelling and grammar nazi but looks like you might have crossed from buzzed to drunk mid post lol.

Because I said now instead of know? You got me. Too bad you can't sober up from being a cvnt. That's hereditary from the men in your family. They had "low confidence" in you all along
It’s hilarious that the reaction to a Wuhan lab leak in China is to blame Fauci, like the CCP doesn’t control everything that goes on there.
Fauci Illegally funded gain of function research. This is now proven. Why do you believe he deserves the benefit of the doubt with covid specifically?
If I'm Fauci I'm looking for political asylum somewhere. I'm not sure he's safe with maga prowling around.
He's going to be traded to Russia to prosecute as part of a Ukranian wind down deal in the coming weeks
Can someone remind me again why it matters - in real life and at this point - whether it came from a market or a lab?
I for one would like to know if our tax dollars were used to create the problem that led to many deaths, financial devastation and theft of rights. Especially since fauci wasn't supposed to be funding such experiments in the first place. The government owes us answers.
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Not remotely. I don't gaf what Trump said or honestly says about it in the future. Quit putting your TDS on me.
I care about the real facts being shared with the world, accountability, and steps being taken so it can't happen again.

That when out the window as soon as it turned into a mass of unproven theories, largely due to DJT and his supporters.
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Fred Jr and other low information voters only heard one side for 4-6 years due to differing opinions being censored. This is why the pendulum needs to go the other way where they don’t hear any of that misinformation that they read on social media or heard on MSNBC, CNN, NPR, etc.

They now will continue to double down on ignorance.
You're right no one ever heard that before, except since day 1.
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LOL this is not the result of political pressure at all.

It’s like when management pressures you into a project you know is going to fail but you have to toe the line. “Yeah it is likely that with low confidence I can probably project this might succeed under perfect projected conditions”
This can't possibly be true! @What Would Jesus Do? Assured me with near 100% confidence that this wasn't true. Lmfao guess he's gotta educate himself for a change.
I have always maintained that the lab leak theory might be true, but isn't the most likely. Not close. The CIA view and the Republican view are not the best scientific assessments.
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Even the CIA doesn't really believe the CIA assessment: “CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting,”
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It doesn’t take a f*cking genius to realize that the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan came from the lab studying coronaviruses in Wuhan.
Not just studying them.
Deliberately modifying them so that they were contagious in humans.

This is the research EcoHealth Alliance moved to China after the Obama administration made it harder to get approval to do gain of function research in the U.S.

Tabak confirmed Thursday that the NIAID did indeed fund gain-of-function research on coronaviruses in Wuhan through EcoHealth Alliance according to the colloquial understanding.

According to the policy in place from 2014 to 2018 — the “U.S. Government Gain-of-Function Deliberative Process and Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses” — the definition of gain-of-function research at the time of the experimentsinvolving the Wuhan Institute of Virology included “research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.”

Grant reports demonstrate that “chimeric” or combined coronaviruses studied by EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology caused more severe disease in mice engineered to express human receptors than the backbone virus.

However, Tabak downplayed the risk posed by these chimeric viruses because they were bat coronaviruses, though the public literature described one of these viruses as “poised for human emergence.”

Fauci repeatedly denied that NIAID funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan in high-profile exchanges with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in 2021.

“Sen. Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially,” Fauci said in a July 2021 hearing.

Tabak confirmed in the hearing Wednesday that in October 2021 the NIH communications office changed the definition of “gain-of-function research” on the NIH website.


They were modifying animal viruses to be contagious in humans.
From EcoHealth's website:–-NIH-R01AI110964-.pdf

What do you think this experiment is trying to do:

3.3 Virus characterization: 3.3.a Construction of chimeric SARSr-CoV viruses: Infectious clones with the S gene of novel SARSr-CoVs and the SARSr-CoV WIV1 genome backbone using the reverse genetic system developed in our previous R01 (24). The correct infectious BAC clones will be screened by BAC DNA digestion with appropriate restriction enzyme or PCR amplification. The chimeric viruses will be rescued in Vero cells and then verified by sequence analyses. Our research group is well versed in coronavirus reverse genetics.
3.3.b Primary human airway epithelial cell culture: Primary human ciliated airway epithelial cells (HAE)cultures from the lungs of transplant recipients represent highly differentiated human airway epithelium containing ciliated and non-ciliated epithelial and goblet cells, grown on an air-liquid interface for several weeks prior to use (18, 55, 56). We will prepare HAE cultures from three different patient codes in triplicate in collaboration with the tissue procurement facility at the Cystic Fibrosis Center at UNC. Cultures will be inoculated with chimeric bat SARSr-CoVs to assess efficient replication. A
3.3.c Humanized mouse infection experiments: Briefly, in BSL3, n=5 10- to 20-week old hACE2 transgenic mice will be intranasally inoculated with 1 x 104 PFU of wildtype WIV-1 or chimeric bat SARSr-CoVs with different spike proteins, then monitored daily for weight loss, morbidity, and clinical signs of disease.

K18-hACE2 transgenic mice express human ACE2, the receptor used by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) to gain cellular entry. The human keratin 18 promoter directs expression to epithelia, including airway epithelia where infections typically begin. Because K18-hACE2 are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV viruses, they are useful for studying antiviral therapies to COVID-19 and SARS.
FBI (2021) and Department of Energy (2023).
He’s going to ask you to link to that. When you do he’ll then ask if you read it. Then proceed with some comment like “too easy”

He likes to make demands until he gets to work tomorrow and then he can’t really make demands for a while.

Don’t ask him to link to any of his fantasies that he posts. He won’t. More importantly, he can’t.
I don’t know why you guys engage on such stupid shit. If someone thinks fauci is a mass murderer they are trolling, brainwashed, a moron, or some combination thereof.
The consequence of clearing out my ignore list is that I see Scruffy whether I want to or not.

I'm still resisting putting people back on that list, but he would surely be an early rerturnee.
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He’s going to ask you to link to that. When you do he’ll then ask if you read it. Then proceed with some comment like “too easy”

He likes to make demands until he gets to work tomorrow and then he can’t really make demands for a while.

Don’t ask him to link to any of his fantasies that he posts. He won’t. More importantly, he can’t.
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