Cael is no different than Dan Gable. They both left their schools to coach elsewhere. But it was okay for Gable because he was a star and was great at Iowa. Well, Sanderson was also a star and quickly grew to become a star coach.
Of course, the claims now for success are that he is in fertile recruiting grounds and that is how he does it. Be for real! In Dan Gable's run of Nattys, the fertile grounds were the midwest. Iowa, Ok St, and Ok became the dominant teams. That's where the recruits came from Even as such, each pulled a few stud kids from other area just as PSU has recently done. (Texas, Minny, Calif. Ind) for example.
I guess all I'm asking is try to be objective. I know there are many that are objective and can respect PSU's recent successes. I just can not figure out the hate that is often spewed here; it's even more confusing because most posters here truly follow and understand wrestling. Did I dislike Dan Gable for what he produced? As an opponent, of course. Did I understand the value of his contributions to wrestling? Without a doubt.
When it come to the promotion of wrestling, DG, TB and CS are on the same team. Why is that so hard to accept?
And as I have said on previous posts, I have been to Iowa for 36 straight years to visit the in-laws (sadly now only 1) as my wife is an Iowa grad. Love the friendly people there.
You might be surprised that people in PA are friendly, too. Healthy competition can be good.
Lol at you comparing the Gable and Sanderson situations. They aren't remotely analogous aside frome a superficial comparison.
Cael absolutely screwed his old coach and alma mater, which by the way has never been the same. Think he cares?
Add in a handful of other unsavory dealings by Cael, and it's pretty obvious what a scumbag he is.
Same team for the promotion of wrestling? I wouldn't take Cael on my team if you paid me. I wouldn't want him to be my club coach, let alone my college coach or to speak for the sport.