Close friend pleading with me to not vaccinate our baby

Pfizer is such an honest company. Who WOULDN'T trust them to put the health of their patients first. 🤷‍♂️

NEW YORK, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Pfizer (PFE.N),will pay $59.7 million to resolve charges that a company it acquired defrauded Medicare and other healthcare programs by paying kickbacks so doctors would prescribe the migraine drug Nurtec ODT, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Friday.
The Justice Department said that from March 1, 2020, to Sept. 30, 2022, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals violated the federal False Claims Act by providing speaker honoraria and meals at high-end restaurants to doctors, to induce them to prescribe Nurtec more often.
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RFK doesn't want your kids vaccinated, if you say the businesses have as much a pull as you claim, and Trump is the president for big business, then most likely RFK couldn't do anything. Maybe RFK will encourage men to have multiple affairs. Pretty sure that will increase the STD rates and lower the life expectancy of Americans.
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Just for information purposes of the above posted study. 1. Not peer reviewed. 2. Not put in scientific journal. 3. Funded by anti vaccine group 4. The 2 researchers(will use that term lightly) frequently accused of faulty research finding issues with vaccines.

As stated earlier multiple biases that affect the findings and conclusions.
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I'm good with just waiting to see what happens. If RFK is confirmed, the VSD data is made public, and it indicates vaccines do not cause autism, then I will stop claiming that they do.
Fyi- I win the bet even if you didn’t accept. Never peer reviewed, not published in scientific journals. just an online crowdsource.
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30 seconds . . . we don’t have an explanation. Sorry saw some stupid shit. Get that out of here LOL.
Dikembe Mutombo No GIF
Here's an excellent vid that summarizes some of the high points. Every parent should watch before vaccinating their child:
Nothing to see here...just a death rate 5X higher in the vaccinated children. 👀

Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR=10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR=2.12 (1.07–4.19)).

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Nothing to see here...just a death rate 5X higher in the vaccinated children. 👀

Among 3–5-month-old children, having received DTP (±OPV) was associated with a mortality hazard ratio (HR) of 5.00 (95% CI 1.53–16.3) compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children. Differences in background factors did not explain the effect. The negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (HR=10.0 (2.61–38.6)). All-cause infant mortality after 3months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (HR=2.12 (1.07–4.19)).

Yes, and Peter Aaby, the lead on this is (or was) very well respected among the pro-vax community. Also, they (Gates) continued to use the DTP vaccine in Africa, even though Aaby's studies (this was 1 of 2) came out showing they were killing more children than they were saving.
He's back 😱

I thought with RFK about to kick you in the ass you'd flown the coop.

Read and Learn

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Read and Learn


NGL Joe.. was worried about ya my friend
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The mRNA jabs are a gift that keep on giving. 👀

The risk of hypothyroidism significantly increased from 6 to 12 months post-vaccination (HR: 1.14–1.30, all 95% CIs above 1). Among mRNA vaccine recipients, the risk of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism was significantly elevated at 12 months (HR: 1.16–2.13).

Irrelevant risk levels, compared with the risks posed by the virus.

During or after SARS-CoV-2 infection, Graves' disease and subacute thyroiditis might be triggered resulting in hyperthyroidism; alternatively, the effect of the virus on the hypophyseal.hypothalamic axis might cause central hypothyroidism.
Overall, the results of this study indicated that abnormal thyroid function is common in patients with COVID-19, particularly hyperthyroidism, and that TSH suppression appears to be associated with higher levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Although more research is needed, these investigators suggest that COVID-19 associated with systemic immune activation may possibly cause thyroid inflammation and result in hyperthyroidism.
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Irrelevant risk levels, compared with the risks posed by the virus.

During or after SARS-CoV-2 infection, Graves' disease and subacute thyroiditis might be triggered resulting in hyperthyroidism; alternatively, the effect of the virus on the hypophyseal.hypothalamic axis might cause central hypothyroidism.
Overall, the results of this study indicated that abnormal thyroid function is common in patients with COVID-19, particularly hyperthyroidism, and that TSH suppression appears to be associated with higher levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Although more research is needed, these investigators suggest that COVID-19 associated with systemic immune activation may possibly cause thyroid inflammation and result in hyperthyroidism.
RFK is going to make you wish you'd extended your leave from here permanently. Glad you're here to this point. Make sure you stick around for the fireworks, bud.
This is quite possibly one of the most eloquent smackdowns I've witnessed. If you like a good public shaming of one's audience, right to their faces, this one is for you.

So great they have to be mandated for many to accept them.

So great their manufacturers threatened to stop making them unless the government removed all liability.

So great they're one of the most controversial topics of our lifetime.
So great that try to imagine the world without them. Polio, measles, thousand more dead from influenza every year.