Why wouldn't they have done legit science right from the start? They didn't. It has to make one wonder....why?
The manufacturers were getting their asses handed to them in court from all the injuries (oh maybe that's why 🤣), enough so the manufacturers threatened to stop making them. Then they were granted immunity. Then they added yet many more vaccines, again without the science to properly assess safety.
Then they claimed the science was settled. Obviously, a flat out lie. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that obviously something is wrong just based on these two inconvenient truths.
This is only part of what makes up the writing on the wall.
There's a whole laundry list of other bits of evidence that we've gone over many, many times. I can start naming some off if you really want me to again.
It's like you're putting a 1000 piece puzzle together of a pic of a giant pile of crap. Yep, we're far enough along to where it's looking an awful lot like a giant pile of crap.
What exactly do you expect RFK to think?