CNN “Fact Checking” Grade: F-

The last 4 years have been a magnificent turnaround for America's economy.

Even the WSJ stated that last October.
KF is just really full of anti-Biden bullshit…I fail to understand the hatred he shows ol’ Joe…but it is fictitious at best…

I have said many times before….quite honestly, my “finances” have done markedly better when Democrats were in charge of the WH than when Repubbers were in charge….without exception.
Clinton gave me a reason to HOPE…Obama got me back in my feet and growing financially again…and Biden “re-caught me up” (again) and got me growing some more….Junior absolutely deflated my retirement $$ and Trump was at best “a break even” President..
My solution is MORE Dems in the White House and controlling at least 1 house of Congress…A rising tide raises ALL ships…

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