College leftists go all Charlottesville and put the Jew Hate on Full Power

I’m really hoping Sacha Baron Cohen has taken advantage of this situation and is getting some good “kill the Jews” trolling material. Would be a shame if he didn’t.

It would be funny to see klansmen and college protesters arm in arm with their hatred.
Like this guy? You think this is funny?

Like this guy? You think this is funny?

Do you NOT think this is funny?

Or this?

It doesn't have to be done in a stupid fashion like that, you get that right? These kids needs to be made fun of and to look more stupid than they are already looking. That's all I'm trying to say.
Do you NOT think this is funny?

Or this?

It doesn't have to be done in a stupid fashion like that, you get that right? These kids needs to be made fun of and to look more stupid than they are already looking. That's all I'm trying to say.
I think it's funny when considering your hyper outrage for the alleged "college leftists". Completely tactless.

You're going to completely gloss over the fact that pro-israel counter protesters started a "Kill the Jews" chant?
I think it's funny when considering your hyper outrage for the alleged "college leftists". Completely tactless.

You're going to completely gloss over the fact that pro-israel counter protesters started a "Kill the Jews" chant?
Did I gloss it over? Or did I say "it doesn't have to be done stupidly like that kid did"? It would be absolutely funny if done in a subtle way to show how fvcking hypocritical and stupid these kids are. Much like Cohen, the Daily Show and Colbert have done for years to idiots who deserve it (usually on the right).

It's so fvcking dumb and antithetical to the entire concept of college that everything MUST be so serious and any attempt at finding humor in their idiocy is so terrible. Is there anything worse than a 19 year old college kid who already takes themselves so seriously? Not many.

Also, you can stop pretending that when that kid said "kill the Jews" that it was so far off from what many are thinking and saying in a slightly different manner. The fact you guys so desperately want to separate this current brand of antisemitism from that of skinheads and white supremacists, let's us know the truth hurts and is very uncomfortable.
In my mind, the ultimate in courage is using a/your child as a figurative human shield against arrest. Or at least that's what I've heard.

Oh, and the answer to the question is, they get taken by CPS, and you get to argue with them about getting them back if they're yours. Which ought to go really well in Blacksburg.
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So sick of the mob mentality.

"They aren't meeting our demands".

How do you have a right to shut down college campuses, harass students and staff, then make demands?

Arrest their dumba$$es
yep. So let's keep score with respect to terrorist tactics:
1. "They're not meeting our demands" i.e., hostage taking.
2. Don't arrest us there are children present, i.e., human shields.

That's 2 points! You go SJP!!!
These young children will be fine in the hands of social services short term,.. let the arrests proceed.

According to these idiots, the cheat code to commiting crimes and getting away with it is to simply shield yourself with kids. Gross.

Feel bad for those children with parents like that. Do better people
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I got a kick out of the CNN story about how 'about two dozen' faculty members had linked arms to form a human barricade to the lawn entrance, accompanied by a very close-cropped shot suggesting something of an impenetrable phalanx. Or at least an impenetrable phalanx of diamond-ring and khaki wearing people in orange vests. A whole two dozen? Wont the cops just walk around them? I mean, the bit practically writes itself.
So, they cry about having an public area for them to protest, then prevent Jews physically from accessing those same areas. Happening on every campus. Release the hounds. And by hounds I mean the Hell's angels.
This is nothing more than the same anti-American leftists with another anti-American cause to get behind to try and create havoc. It doesn't matter if the cause is BLM or antifa or George Floyd or Michael Brown, or Israel or pro-life. Any opportunity that presents itself for these unwashed educated idiots to gather and show their racism, these anti- American Marxists will. What will be their next cause? But the leftists on this board have no issue with them.
I'd say it's time, regrettably, for nypd to handle the matter. Midouche Shafik is clearly in over her head, despite reasonable efforts.
Her problem is they might tell her to GFH. They could have handled it when it wasn't so dangerous. Now that the building is on fire she wants people to risk her life for her on her time. Eff that.
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I'd say it's time, regrettably, for nypd to handle the matter. Midouche Shafik is clearly in over her head, despite reasonable efforts.

Nah - you rope it, you ride it. She doesn't get the opportunity to have NYPD to do the dirty work so she can have a scapegoat
Hey @Tom Paris you know how you're always wanting me to pay attention to history and such and tie it back to Hitler? Where are you in this thread man? This is right up your alley! You should be screaming "Is this what you wanted, Dems!?" C'mon man. Get it going!

Here...look at this!
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