Conservative attacks on birth control could threaten access


HB King
May 29, 2001
Republican lawmakers in Missouri blocked a bill to widen access to birth-control pills by falsely claiming they induce abortions. An antiabortion group in Louisiana killed legislation to enshrine a right to birth control by inaccurately equating emergency contraception with abortion drugs. An Idaho think tank focused on “biblical activism” is pushing state legislators to ban access to emergency contraception and intrauterine devices (IUDs) by mislabeling them as “abortifacients.”

Since the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion two years ago, far-right conservatives have been trying to curtail birth-control access by sowing misinformation about how various methods work to prevent pregnancy, even as Republican leaders scramble to reassure voters they have no intention of restricting the right to contraception, which polls show the vast majority of Americans favor.
The divide illustrates growing Republican tensions over the political cost of the “personhood” movement to endow an embryo with human rights, which has also animated the debate around in vitro fertilization. Mainstream medical societies define pregnancy as starting once an embryo has implanted in the wall of the uterus. But some conservative legislators, sharing the views of antiabortion activists, say they believe life begins when eggs are fertilized — before pregnancy — and are conflating some forms of birth control with abortion.

“Folks are trying to redefine when life begins, but it’s just not scientifically supported,” said Courtney Joslin, who leads public policy research on issues pertaining to women and families for the R Street Institute, a center-right think tank. “There’s just been a crowding-out effect where some far-right legislators have undermined Republicans’ ability to talk about birth control in a sensible and rational way.”

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Republicans in at least 17 states have blocked largely Democratic-led attempts to pass laws assuring the right to birth control since 2022, according to a Washington Post examination of legislation. Most recently, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) vetoed a bill meant to ensure access to contraceptives, saying that while he personally supports such access, he was loath to “trample on the religious freedoms of Virginians,” including medical providers.
Former president Donald Trump recently suggested in a TV interview that he was open to restricting access to contraceptives. “We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” Trump told KDKA News in Pittsburgh when a political editor asked whether he supported any restrictions on a person’s right to contraception. Pressed further, Trump said, “Things really do have a lot to do with the states, and some states are going to have different policy than others.”

Trump walked back his comments after his advisers briefed him about the blowback on social media, according to a person close to the Trump campaign who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss strategy. “I HAVE NEVER, AND WILL NEVER ADVOCATE IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL, or other contraceptives,” Trump wrote on his social media platform.
Democrats are seeking to capitalize on the moment. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) announced that he expects to hold a vote Wednesday on the federal right to contraception, forcing lawmakers to take a stand.

Why birth control misinformation is on the rise

Birth control misinformation has become prevalent on social media and is particularly dangerous in post-Roe America. We break down how we got here. (Video: Drea Cornejo, Brian Monroe/The Washington Post)

Birth control does not cause abortions​

In Missouri, state Rep. Tara Peters said she was shocked when the bill she co-sponsored to allow women to pick up a year’s worth of birth-control pills hit a wall of opposition from fellow Republicans, some of whom she said privately accused her of promoting a “Trojan horse” bill to access abortion drugs. Despite the fact that birth-control pills do not cause abortions, the bill died.

“It was Republican men,” Peters said. “It surprises me that the ones that know nothing about those types of things are the ones that are making the decisions.”
She noted that even after she attempted to educate them, a faction continued to spread misinformation equating the pill with abortion. She warned that could have political costs for the Republican Party.
What better year to pass this legislation than an election year to show that we are making women a priority?” said Peters, echoing an argument made by former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway.
Kelley Packer, a Republican former state representative in Idaho who served as vice chairwoman of the House Health and Welfare Committee, and two other Republican women formed the Idaho Contraceptive Education Network in December to protect access to birth control by combating misinformation that conflates contraception with abortion. Their primary target: legislators who do not understand the science behind how contraception works.

“We want to make sure that policymakers are making sound decisions based on facts,” Packer said.
Many Americans do not understand the difference between abortion pills, which end a pregnancy, and emergency contraception, which prevents it. Nearly three-quarters of Americans incorrectly think that emergency contraceptive pills can end a pregnancy in its early stages, according to a 2023 poll by KFF, a nonprofit focused on national health issues.
Antiabortion groups are stepping in to fill that knowledge gap with misinformation.
The Idaho Family Policy Center, an influential conservative Christian think tank, is recommending that state lawmakers ban access to emergency contraception and IUDs, which the group mislabels as “abortifacients” in a January policy paper outlining next steps “now that we’ve successfully eliminated elective abortion.”

“We’re not opposed to all types of birth control or family planning. We’re simply saying that state policy should be consistent and recognize the rights of all preborn children once fertilization has occurred and a new life has been created,” said Blaine Conzatti, president of the Idaho Family Policy Center.
Major medical societies say it is inaccurate to characterize emergency contraceptive pills, a backup birth-control method used within days of unprotected sex, and IUDs, which are long-acting and reversible, as causing abortions because neither of them end an existing pregnancy.
Emergency contraceptive pills such as Plan B and Ella work by inhibiting or delaying ovulation, thereby preventing sperm from fertilizing the egg.

The Food and Drug Administration directly addressed the misinformation linking Plan B to causing abortions in a 2022 update on the agency’s website after reviewing “the best available scientific evidence” on the drug’s effects on fertilization and implantation. “Plan B One-Step will not work if a person is already pregnant, meaning it will not affect an existing pregnancy,” the agency said. “Evidence does not support that the drug affects implantation or maintenance of a pregnancy after implantation, therefore it does not terminate a pregnancy.”

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TL;DR Summary:

Republican lawmakers in multiple states have blocked efforts to expand access to birth control by spreading misinformation, falsely claiming that methods like birth-control pills and emergency contraception induce abortions. This campaign, fueled by far-right conservatives since the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion, aims to curtail access to contraception, despite polls showing widespread support for it among Americans. The misinformation has caused tension within the Republican Party, with leaders trying to reassure voters while some legislators push for restrictions based on the belief that life begins at fertilization. Democrats are seizing on the moment, pushing for federal protections for contraception, while groups like the Idaho Contraceptive Education Network are working to combat misinformation and protect access to birth control.
TL;DR Summary:

Republican lawmakers in multiple states have blocked efforts to expand access to birth control by spreading misinformation, falsely claiming that methods like birth-control pills and emergency contraception induce abortions. This campaign, fueled by far-right conservatives since the Supreme Court overturned the right to abortion, aims to curtail access to contraception, despite polls showing widespread support for it among Americans. The misinformation has caused tension within the Republican Party, with leaders trying to reassure voters while some legislators push for restrictions based on the belief that life begins at fertilization. Democrats are seizing on the moment, pushing for federal protections for contraception, while groups like the Idaho Contraceptive Education Network are working to combat misinformation and protect access to birth control.
What do these wackados plan on doing with all the unwanted babies?
How should you feel about this article?

Pro Choice Folks:
If you support efforts to expand access to birth control and are concerned about the impact of misinformation on reproductive healthcare, you might feel frustrated or outraged by the actions of lawmakers and antiabortion groups described in the article.

Pro Life Folks:
If you believe that birth control methods like emergency contraception and IUDs are morally equivalent to abortion and should be restricted, you might feel justified by the efforts to block legislation aimed at expanding access to these methods.
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What do these wackados plan on doing with all the unwanted babies?
This has been my question for years…why do they want millions born into poverty? I don’t want to pay for them. I know people right of me don’t want to pay for them. Crime will continue to rise. Why do they want this? Nobody ever has an answer. I think Doobi might have said that one of these kids, out of millions, could become president. That’s the best they have.
IUDs have been a controversy for decades.

Wack jobs are the ones who calously dont think about human life and also seem to be beating the drum to get to ww3 no respect for life.
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It's interesting seeing the left's Newspeak terms being used in real time to push their agenda. "Sowing misinformation" lol I'll give the left this, they have a better understanding of the value of wordplay than the "far right" does.
IUDs have been a controversy for decades.

Wack jobs are the ones who calously dont think about human life and also seem to be beating the drum to get to ww3 no respect for life.
What about respect for the lives of women. We’ve got states putting bounties on women who leave and have an abortion in another state. Idaho you can’t have an abortion even if the women’s life is in physical danger essentially. They’ve had women airlifted out because an abortion is needed to safe their lives. Delaying procedures that the medical community knows are necessary , because women have conditions that will deteriorate. But lawmakers completely ignore the medical realities to virtue signal.
What about respect for the lives of women. We’ve got states putting bounties on women who leave and have an abortion in another state. Idaho you can’t have an abortion even if the women’s life is in physical danger essentially. They’ve had women airlifted out because an abortion is needed to safe their lives. Delaying procedures that the medical community knows are necessary , because women have conditions that will deteriorate. But lawmakers completely ignore the medical realities to virtue signal.
You are making a leap of all or nothing. The pro aborters have no budge and would do partial birth...making the same leap.
You are making a leap of all or nothing. The pro aborters have no budge and would do partial birth...making the same leap.
The all or nothing pro choice crowd isn’t making and interpreting new laws. And putting women’s lives unnecessarily at risk. Because women are seen as secondary to the child. Having to medically abort a child is a heavily emotionally draining experience.
Couple that with having to be transported out of state in a bad medical condition or having to wait until they are at deaths door isn’t pro life.
The all or nothing pro choice crowd isn’t making and interpreting new laws. And putting women’s lives unnecessarily at risk. Because women are seen as secondary to the child. Having to medically abort a child is a heavily emotionally draining experience.
Couple that with having to be transported out of state in a bad medical condition or having to wait until they are at deaths door isn’t pro life.
Some elements of course you are right. Most prolifers aren't in that group. Thus an overreaching statement.
Some elements of course you are right. Most prolifers aren't in that group. Thus an overreaching statement.
Most pro lifers need to vote for better candidates then or the fallout is going to be messy.
Opposition to birth control is stupid for so many reasons. Besides pregnancy prevention, birth control medication is prescribed for other medical uses including endometriosis, a serious female medical condition.

This stupidity is driven by Christian extremists who seem to be exerting more control over the Republican Party. It’s a war against women - the largest single voting bloc. Keep up the good work!
Most pro lifers need to vote for better candidates then or the fallout is going to be messy.
Reagan didnt really do a lot. Prolifers are thrilled when someone panders to them they lose critical thinking skills. The same people bought the Bush wars thinking they were good because the expressed pro life but didnt do much.

Pro abortioners are also very pro Biden and are blind in re to the Ukraine war which really another oil war.
Reagan didnt really do a lot. Prolifers are thrilled when someone panders to them they lose critical thinking skills. The same people bought the Bush wars thinking they were good because the expressed pro life but didnt do much.

Pro abortioners are also very pro Biden and are blind in re to the Ukraine war which really another oil war.
Well pro lifers are going to end up having less skilled OB-GYN doctors in their states. Which will lead to worse outcomes for pre and post natal care. Which leads to a higher infant death rate. So essentially with some of these laws the unintended consequences will be more dead babies or fetuses. Most likely greater than the number of abortions the laws were intended to prevent. Well done.
This has been my question for years…why do they want millions born into poverty? I don’t want to pay for them. I know people right of me don’t want to pay for them. Crime will continue to rise. Why do they want this? Nobody ever has an answer. I think Doobi might have said that one of these kids, out of millions, could become president. That’s the best they have.

Out of wedlock births skyrocketed after the birth control pill became norm in the 1960's. What happened then was sexuality became decoupled from procreation in the eyes of the American mainstream culture.

That being said, I don't believe birth control should be illegal.

Well pro lifers are going to end up having less skilled OB-GYN doctors in their states. Which will lead to worse outcomes for pre and post natal care. Which leads to a higher infant death rate. So essentially with some of these laws the unintended consequences will be more dead babies or fetuses. Most likely greater than the number of abortions the laws were intended to prevent. Well done.
Scare tactic. Also there are plenty of pro life ob gyn doctors. Simply scare tactics a lot like Putin taking over Europe. He is a problem. But tglhat isnt realistic.
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Reagan didnt really do a lot. Prolifers are thrilled when someone panders to them they lose critical thinking skills. The same people bought the Bush wars thinking they were good because the expressed pro life but didnt do much.

Pro abortioners are also very pro Biden and are blind in re to the Ukraine war which really another oil war.
Good stuff, thanks for the laugh.
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