Convicted felon and known gang member murders Omaha police officer

First of all this is what happens when we have guns all over and also why will anybody think this will change when scum all over America wants guns in the hands of criminals. GET RID OF THE GUNS!!!!
First of all this is what happens when we have guns all over and also why will anybody think this will change when scum all over America wants guns in the hands of criminals. GET RID OF THE GUNS!!!!

How do you propose we do this? Search everybody's homes and and melt them all? Do you really think that would work?
First of all this is what happens when we have guns all over and also why will anybody think this will change when scum all over America wants guns in the hands of criminals. GET RID OF THE GUNS!!!!

But pond scum like this Marcus "thug" would find other means to kill people had he not had a gun.
How do you propose we do this? Search everybody's homes and and melt them all? Do you really think that would work?

It will work better than cops and kids getting killed in the streets every night while people keep there perfect little guns. Go to every house with tanks. Do you think rhat would work??
It will work better than cops and kids getting killed in the streets every night while people keep there perfect little guns. Go to every house with tanks. Do you think rhat would work??

Absolutely. Let's do that. You lead the way.
First of all this is what happens when we have guns all over and also why will anybody think this will change when scum all over America wants guns in the hands of criminals. GET RID OF THE GUNS!!!!

I do seem to recall at Christmas time the Salvation Army operating a guns for criminals program alongside their toys for tots campaign. So you bring up a good point when mentioning the large numbers of people who want guns in the hands of criminals.
They SHOULD BE!! They have cops getting killed by guns everywhere and everybody says they are sad but they all want to keep guns??? That is loony as a nut farm to think that makes any sense!!
Guns are merely an inanimate object the thug pulling the trigger is the killer. I was in Cabelas last weekend and there was thousands of guns and nobody died.

Why do you think that happened?
Dead and innocent, but mostly the fact that it was murder of an innocent woman by apiece of north O shit

So now the line is dead and innocent and woman and murdered by a piece of north O shit.

Well, phew, that pretty much only encompasses this case, so I guess we can carry on like normal now.
Then that supports us all getting killed by guns which sounds pretty great to me. What does the bible say about guns?? Maybe we should go on that book since it shoul matter more than a old piece of paper that slave holders did!!
Guns weren't around bro. Use guns safely and get rid of gun accidents, and all of a sudden the majority of people killed by guns are thugs....not all...but the majority.
Guns are merely an inanimate object the thug pulling the trigger is the killer. I was in Cabelas last weekend and there was thousands of guns and nobody died.

Why do you think that happened?

I vote you most angry HROTer.
I want to know if Flick was trying to be a dick by putting an unflattering pic up of her?
The picture is not very flattering, but it was the official photo put out yesterday by the police department. It was the one all the Omaha Television Stations had on during their coverage. I don't think Flick was being disrespectful by posting it.
The picture is not very flattering, but it was the official photo put out yesterday by the police department. It was the one all the Omaha Television Stations had on during their coverage. I don't think Flick was being disrespectful by posting it.
There were plenty of other pictures available but by all means don't let the facts get in your way.
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Its not like she was somehow a lot more attractive in the other photos. Good golly people.
Can you really not read, or comprehend what you read?

If putting up and laughing at unflattering photos, especially of those people that we shouldn't do it about publicly, is now off-limits on HROT....what the hell are we still doing here?
Honestly? Whether she is a police officer or not, doesn't matter much to me, other than it being in the line of duty. It is a tragedy, an absolute tragedy.

Using your logic, placing details affects the degree of tragedy?

So by you saying that it was tragic that it was in the line of duty, it wouldn't be tragic if she died while driving a child to soccer practice?

Strange distinction on your part.
Using your logic, placing details affects the degree of tragedy?

So by you saying that it was tragic that it was in the line of duty, it wouldn't be tragic if she died while driving a child to soccer practice?

Strange distinction on your part.

Reading my post again, a day later, I don't think that is what I said, or certainly not what I intended. I was saying, it doesn't matter that she was a LEO. It only matters to mention it, because she was, in fact working. Whereas in your situation there would be no reason to mention it. "Mother killed driving child to soccer practice."

You seem to be echoing my exact point: The fact that she was a police officer does not make this MORE tragic. If this had happened to any profession, such as janitor (example I used earlier), or in your example not a profession but a mother-driving-to-soccer it is equally tragic. Thanks for the input.
Murders of police officers happen "exponentially more"? Excellent time to post your statistics.

Also, you are the one bringing up the comparison, which is what is disgusting. Again, this is a tragedy, good job trying to politically exploit complain about political exploitation.

Edit to add: I know he won't post statistics backing up his hyperbole, so I thought I'd waste a few minutes. Per Officer Down Memorial: 47 officers killed in non-accidental gunfire in 2014. If that is exponentially more, wonder what the rate of death while in police custody (your first comparison), or death by ....... oh wait, you can qualify it by "unjustified", and allow the justification to be by the agency itself.
Never said incidents of cops killed was greater, I said innocent people killed by thug gangsters outnumbered cop on innocent black murder. Read more.
Never said incidents of cops killed was greater, I said innocent people killed by thug gangsters outnumbered cop on innocent black murder. Read more.

You are just a liar:

When do the protests start? What about the riots and how long until the media outrage? Why is it only when a career drug dealing, waste of a human being, dies in police custody is there mass histeria driven by the left?
Yet when a mother serving her community in so many ways is killed by the exact same type of career criminal, most barely bat an eye. Politics... one helluva drug.

No, that just happens to be a fact in both cases.
You're ignoring the point like much of society is ignoring the epidemic of killings like this, of truly innocent people. Murders like this happen exponentially more often than unjustified shootings of blacks by cops, yet the left would rather focus on the rare instances when a human pos like Mike Brown decides to assault and charge a cop and ends up dead, bc it furthers a political advantage. And it's disgusting.

Clearly you were talking about KILLINGS LIKE THIS, i.e. a cop killed in the line of duty...or as you termed it: mother "serving her community"....and that "murders like this happen EXPONENTIALLY more often."

Yeah, "read more" is right you buffoon.
But not as easy. I am glad he is dead but this poor cop died for no good reason and if NOBODY has guns than we all will have a better chance to live!

So, taking law abiding citizens guns will stop criminals from killing? You won't get guns out of criminal hands, ever. Imagine what happens when citizens have nothing to protect themselves. Crime goes up, not down. This idiot had several previous charges dropped. He should have been in prison, not walking the streets. Maybe a good starting point would be the screwed up Judicial system we have.
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Then that supports us all getting killed by guns which sounds pretty great to me. What does the bible say about guns?? Maybe we should go on that book since it shoul matter more than a old piece of paper that slave holders did!!


Yes why would I not be?? We keep going off of constitution AMENDMANT but all that is is a bunch of guys like we have arguing here saying that they want guns and writing over what was supposed to be because that is what an AMENDMANT is. So if that is all true and it is why do we not go off the bible?? It does not talk about guns and things was just fine without them then why not now???
Yes why would I not be?? We keep going off of constitution AMENDMANT but all that is is a bunch of guys like we have arguing here saying that they want guns and writing over what was supposed to be because that is what an AMENDMANT is. So if that is all true and it is why do we not go off the bible?? It does not talk about guns and things was just fine without them then why not now???

No the police lead the way that is why they are paid anyways. How would you really foot like Jade helm??
You want the police to go to every house in a tank and remove the guns, but Obama just said that he wasn't going to allow military vehicles to police departments anymore. There goes that theory.
Where's Sharpton and Obama and the "black lives matter" crowd?

There have been 40 homicides in Baltimore since Grey's death (most involve black on black shootings) and not a peep from the protestors, Sharpton, Obama. So I guess those lives only matter when its an officer that pulls the trigger?

T&Ps to the family of the slain officer.
You are just a liar:

Clearly you were talking about KILLINGS LIKE THIS, i.e. a cop killed in the line of duty...or as you termed it: mother "serving her community"....and that "murders like this happen EXPONENTIALLY more often."

Yeah, "read more" is right you buffoon.
You're wrong, that wasn't what I was referring to which is why you didn't highlight the words "of truly innocent people" but keep changing the subject. I used this as an example to prove my point which you clearly either missed or are choosing to ignore to argue semantics. The fact is you'd rather get all lathered up and freak out when the rare cases of career criminals being abused by cops happen vs. cases like this when truly innocent victims, trying to lead positive lives that contribute to society, get killed by the same type of worthless career criminals. Ask yourself why and get back to us.
They SHOULD BE!! They have cops getting killed by guns everywhere and everybody says they are sad but they all want to keep guns??? That is loony as a nut farm to think that makes any sense!!

So (God forbid) if you are confronted by a person with a gun, would you rather have a gun to defend yourself or just stand there and watch you and\or your family get shot?

Those that are shooting are not legal owners of guns... The cops\officers\sheriffs I know all want the "good" guys to carry as they know the "good guys" - the ones that take the classes and only use the weapon when forced are not going to cause problems.

I hope and pray I never have to use mine, but if forced I pray I can pull it out and defend my family.
Cops are supposed to be the good guys.

We should mourn them when they are killed or injured, in or out of the line of duty. We should act to help them do their jobs safely and well.

That said, it's hard not to see postings like this as insulting cases of false moral equivalence. Insulting both to the reader, and to good cops. Sort of like the "where is the outrage" posts we used to see here one a near-daily basis. Sort of like the "War on Christmas" complaints from the Fox News contingent and religious nuts.

It's awful what happened to her. Yet another sad example of bad guys killing good guys.

Note that nobody is trying to assassinate her character; nobody is trying to defend the killer. As we have in all the recent deaths-by-cop cases.

A tragic story of a good cop being murdered doesn't excuse the supposed good guys killing anyone - good, bad or indiferent - without real provocation and only as a last resort.

The cases that have been in the news lately have been cases where either the cops were the bad guys or their behavior was seriously suspect.

When someone who defends bad cops holds up the tragic death of one of the good ones - in a transparent effort to reframe or distract from the bad acts of some cops that have been in the news, that comparison deserves all the derision we can heap upon it.

Criminals aren't expected to be good guys. That why we have cops and the laws they enforce. Cops are expected to be good guys. That's why we hire them to do their job. And that's why we should be outraged and demand action when they act like bad guys.