Cop shoots woman in head because he thought she was going to toss boiling water at him?

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I’ve seen an odd amount of comments that the cop had a “demon”, which is why when she said “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” he freaked out. Like a lot of comments on videos I’ve seen.

Is there a large portion of people who think demons exist in people?
Humans like to try to make connections for things they can't explain.
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I suspect most cops are genuinely good people. I have two family members who I’m confident are good people and probably good cops. But it is very confusing to me why the good cops don’tweed out the bad ones.

In business when we have a poor performer most people know it and everyone is glad when they are gone. They are a drag on the business. I just don’t get why it seems like the bad seeds hang around in law enforcement and only after the fact do we learn about their writeups, etc.

It would go along way if the good cops would simply get the bad ones out of their department. I guarantee they know who they are.
I have one word for you... union.
Guys needs to see inside of a cell.

Im happy departments are utilizing or requiring body cams. This lady certainly didn’t deserve to die and hopefully justice will prevail
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She seemed to be a harmless sweet nice older lady. That was simply unnecessary murder.

"Nice older lady"?!, she was 36, does your mom know you are playing on the internet? :)

Cop should have just gone and pulled the pot himself. With a little forethought, he would have realized he just asked her to pick up a potential weapon. She didn't seem to be advancing or threatening at all. Good luck in your murder trial sir.
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I suspect most cops are genuinely good people. I have two family members who I’m confident are good people and probably good cops. But it is very confusing to me why the good cops don’tweed out the bad ones.

In business when we have a poor performer most people know it and everyone is glad when they are gone. They are a drag on the business. I just don’t get why it seems like the bad seeds hang around in law enforcement and only after the fact do we learn about their writeups, etc.

It would go along way if the good cops would simply get the bad ones out of their department. I guarantee they know who they are.
It’s pretty hard to get a cop fired, even for fellow cops. There is a strong culture of fidelity with cops and it isn’t worth risking being ostracized for speaking out. It’s a lot easier for the good ones to quit.
What might be the easiest way to get rid of bad cops would be to remove their qualified immunity and abolish police unions. Make them carry malpractice insurance like doctors and when their premiums get too high, they are forced out.
I’d like to see wages for police go up, but standards and responsibility go up a lot more.
Saw this on the news last night. Completely inexplicable why that woman was shot. Sure, her “rebuke” was weird, but hardly threatening. I think that cop is headed for incarceration and hopefully for a long time.