I think it's awesome Iowa has had the success in wrestling it has, but as someone who couldn't care less about the sport, I'd rather have FSU's success in football. I'd also rather be in Florida this time of year.
This dick measuring contest is stupid. It's a wash. Iowa would win by a nose because we have such great people, but one Steve King erases all that. Yeah, it's a wash.
And Iowa City girls are just as hot as any I've seen in Florida, and I've visited plenty of times, so that's a wash too. For me personally, I would give Florida a slight edge coz they have more black and Latina women, but all things equal it's even.
This dick measuring contest is stupid. It's a wash. Iowa would win by a nose because we have such great people, but one Steve King erases all that. Yeah, it's a wash.
And Iowa City girls are just as hot as any I've seen in Florida, and I've visited plenty of times, so that's a wash too. For me personally, I would give Florida a slight edge coz they have more black and Latina women, but all things equal it's even.