DEI—-can we all agree

Case in point @Huey Grey ☝️

How does spending $$ on training fix this? People are who they are.
You probably don't fix this level of homophobia. But there are plenty of people with homophobic beliefs that might not be aware that what they're saying is homophobic.

So they sit through the training. Maybe they even think it's a waste of time. But at the end of the day maybe they decide not to make an off color remark the next day.

The result is the same. Less bullshit in the workplace.
If DEI means someone is going to get a job over a more qualified applicant, then no I don't agree with it.

That would be like forcing teams to draft more white dudes in the NFL.

The reverse is true too. Diversity training can lead to the best person for the job. Consciously removing your bias about the person in the wheelchair, or the person with the accent, and instead focusing on their resume and their actual qualifications.
Can we all agree that the only reason we have this is because fascists are all butthurt they might have to work with someone else besides other fascists?
No we can’t.
But I bet we’d get more people who would agree that they would be “butthurt” having to work with persons who believe that…
Until we have studies, where applications are sent in with "black" names and traditional white names, and the call backs are 50-50 by companies, then maybe DEI needs to continue to be a bit of a thing. For now it's at least 80-20 that the white name gets contacted back.
No, we can't! It's getting people killed every ****ing day, hindering production and destroying morale! Please go fly from/to a busy airport where the control tower is staffed with trannys because they are trannys!!
OMG they are less than 1% of our population but in your drug addled brain they are taking over our air traffic control towers and our bathrooms and whacking off kids pee-pee's. be afraid, be very, very afraid. ROFLMFAO
Until we have studies, where applications are sent in with "black" names and traditional white names, and the call backs are 50-50 by companies, then maybe DEI needs to continue to be a bit of a thing. For now it's at least 80-20 that the white name gets contacted back.
I think there might be some merit to that. The latest estimate of the US Black population (2021) was 12.6% which does tilt the ratios in favor of Caucasians (59.3%) and Hispanics (18.9).

Imagine the odds an Asian person has to hurdle(5%)???
Iowa has just under 85% of its population as white. I bet you could see a stream of white applications and no Black applicants in some areas of Iowa.

BTW did you land your job by beating out other candidates who were diverse ? And just what is a “black name”???

I think intentional elimination of fellow humans just because their skin is different than mine or they have a different orientation at birth is just plain stupid and shortsighted.
Until we have studies, where applications are sent in with "black" names and traditional white names, and the call backs are 50-50 by companies, then maybe DEI needs to continue to be a bit of a thing. For now it's at least 80-20 that the white name gets contacted back.
So make it an HR related training and focus on them?

I don’t need to know that it is Generations month and how the company is almighty on connecting millennials and boomers. I swear they make up shit to make propaganda about how they helped some community so that said company looks like they are almighty and ethical.
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The sad thing is it wouldn't be necessary at all if so many people weren't asshats.

Like most other "movements" the true believers send the pendulum too far one way and the reactionaries send it back too far the other and everyone acts like a dickhead in the interim until it settles somewhere in the middle.
Yep. You’ve described damn near every issue in play today.
Until we have studies, where applications are sent in with "black" names and traditional white names, and the call backs are 50-50 by companies, then maybe DEI needs to continue to be a bit of a thing. For now it's at least 80-20 that the white name gets contacted back.
I'll take, "things I'm pulling out of my ass for $500 Alex".
The reverse is true too. Diversity training can lead to the best person for the job. Consciously removing your bias about the person in the wheelchair, or the person with the accent, and instead focusing on their resume and their actual qualifications.
on paper and in theory it can be made to look good and reasonable and that's likely how dei got traction. in practice it is anything but good and reasonable -- anecdotally when i look around me and see actual dei execs they are the dimmest bulbs around and are causing massive damage financially and morale wise. i would submit that even if dei is not rejected at least how dei is implemented must change if it's spirit is to thrive
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OMG they are less than 1% of our population but in your drug addled brain they are taking over our air traffic control towers and our bathrooms and whacking off kids pee-pee's. be afraid, be very, very afraid. ROFLMFAO
The real DEI issues today aren't about training. Training and education aren't bad things... so long as they aren't some of the ridiculousness we've seen where non minorities are blamed and made out to be some brand of evil oppressors.
When DEI alters how people are hired and promoted based on factors other than skill and qualifications, then it's a major problem with inevitable negative ramifications.
Until we have studies, where applications are sent in with "black" names and traditional white names, and the call backs are 50-50 by companies, then maybe DEI needs to continue to be a bit of a thing. For now it's at least 80-20 that the white name gets contacted back.
Source: I made it up

Study: DEI Training Could Make Racial Tensions Worse

A new study found reading extracts by Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi led people to perceive racism where none existed.

Two of the biggest grifters out there. Seeing Robin fork over money to matt walsh's "help" in his last movie "am I racist?" is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
I like how people act like this is new. I've been filling out company diversity sections of contracts for over 20 years at least. You didn't do business with Proctor and Gamble for instance if your diversity report didn't pass their standards in 1999 for crying out loud. "Oh no people are asking about DEI what will we ever do!"
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I'll take, "things I'm pulling out of my ass for $500 Alex".

We study the results of a massive nationwide correspondence experiment sending more than 83,000 fictitious applications with randomized characteristics to geographically dispersed jobs posted by 108 of the largest U.S. employers. Distinctively Black names reduce the probability of employer contact by 2.1 percentage points relative to distinctively white names.

Consistent with the mean differences in Table 1, Black applications are contacted 2.1 percentage points less often than whites, a highly statistically significant difference (p < 10 32). The corresponding estimate from a logit specification implies that Black applications face roughly 12% lower odds of a callback. [emphasis mine]

Diversity of all kinds should be valued, not just the visible traits, who they sleep with, or what body they think they're trapped in.

In a perfect world you'll be able to hire on merit and still have diversity. That should be aspirational, not forced or mandated.

Be respectful and kind, that's pretty much it...
There would be no DEI if there was no discrimination to begin with. If you didn't want DEI training then you probably shouldn't have been racist and homophobic in the first place.
this is the loser thinking that kills democrats. Your soap box is so high you can't smell the BS you're dropping.

We study the results of a massive nationwide correspondence experiment sending more than 83,000 fictitious applications with randomized characteristics to geographically dispersed jobs posted by 108 of the largest U.S. employers. Distinctively Black names reduce the probability of employer contact by 2.1 percentage points relative to distinctively white names.

Consistent with the mean differences in Table 1, Black applications are contacted 2.1 percentage points less often than whites, a highly statistically significant difference (p < 10 32). The corresponding estimate from a logit specification implies that Black applications face roughly 12% lower odds of a callback. [emphasis mine]

In what world does this, "Distinctively Black names reduce the probability of employer contact by 2.1 percentage points relative to distinctively white names" equal "80-20 white name gets a call back" as the poster I responded to said? It doesn't. Which means you're both dumbasses.
I think there might be some merit to that. The latest estimate of the US Black population (2021) was 12.6% which does tilt the ratios in favor of Caucasians (59.3%) and Hispanics (18.9).

Imagine the odds an Asian person has to hurdle(5%)???
Iowa has just under 85% of its population as white. I bet you could see a stream of white applications and no Black applicants in some areas of Iowa.

BTW did you land your job by beating out other candidates who were diverse ? And just what is a “black name”???

I think intentional elimination of fellow humans just because their skin is different than mine or they have a different orientation at birth is just plain stupid and shortsighted.
I did NOT get my first job I thought I was easily going to get - principal of one building was my aunt's brother and the principal of the second building was a friend of my FiL. Great interview. The whole time they knew they were hiring a woman.

Are you serious about not knowing what a "black name" is?

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Still can’t answer the question. Eh? Why does Phillips 66 need more butt pirates? “Drilling” jokes aside, I don’t see what sodomy has to do with actually converting minerals into an energy source. Pray tell.
There is no connection between sodomy and oil drilling. There is, however, a connection between shitty, phuckheaded remarks and DEI training.
Can we all agree that DEI is a good thing but Corporations and Governments should not make people take quarterly tests, push it endlessly on their websites homepage to make them seem not racist or something, act like they should get an award because they hired “X” number of these many people, etc…

Wouldn’t a simple blurb in the “who we are” section of the website be enough?

As one who is not a fan of "DEI Programs" I mostly agree with this. However, if a private company or a public company with shareholder agreement wants to make it part of their business they should 100% absolutely be able to do so.

DEI is not nearly the boogeyman the dumbphucks amongst us make it out to be. It's also not a savior and you can't deny some have used it in a negatively opportunistic way. Frankly, it needs to just disappear because there's no way the current approach is going to work.
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OK, but what does that have to do with COP’s business? Are they in the business of energy production, or are they in the business of butt-piracy?
Nothing. People should be able to work in an environment that isn’t hostile. People should be hired on merit. But your kind of stupid little remarks get us all DEI training. Nice job.
Nothing. People should be able to work in an environment that isn’t hostile. People should be hired on merit. But your kind of stupid little remarks get us all DEI training. Nice job.
Well now wait a minute. If hiring should be based on merit, then why do we need DEI hiring quotas? In COP’s case, why not just have PE quotas, ChE quotas, CPA quotas, Marketing Specialist quotas, etc. ?
Well now wait a minute. If hiring should be based on merit, then why do we need DEI hiring quotas? In COP’s case, why not just have PE quotas, ChE quotas, CPA quotas, Marketing Specialist quotas, etc. ?
I don’t phucking know. All I replied to was your asinine comments and how that is connected to DEI training. Keep up.