Dembele is an ideal 5 in Fran’s system (though if his perimeter shot develops could easily take the Keegan/Kris Murray route). Nice bounce, good rebounder, nice back to the basket game, good screener, good midrange game, and should have the athleticism/quickness to provide versatility on defense. Don’t know much about his dribbling skills, but shows some pretty good touch with both hands
He will pair nicely with Freeman as front court guys in the 2023 class. If you include Amarion Nimmers in this class as an athletic scoring guard, you have to be excited about the future of Iowa hoops with some already strong young talent on the team and a potential starting lineup haul of Harding, Nimmers, Sandfort, Dembele/Freeman, Freeman/Dembele
Hopefully more video comes out this winter as Dembele has blown up to become a 4*. Would love to see some more of him than what is currently available
Great land Fran