Democratic donors are now expressing worry

It's a valid question. Why do Republicans love a felon rapist who is owned by Putin so much?
You already know the answer. They don’t give a shit. They have been brainwashed. Brainwashed in the exact same way that protestors on college campuses this Spring were brainwashed. The same way the you and I have been programmed by outside influences.
You already know the answer. They don’t give a shit. They have been brainwashed. Brainwashed in the exact same way that protestors on college campuses this Spring were brainwashed. The same way the you and I have been programmed by outside influences.
That's some pretty deep brainwashing. We've never had such a flawed candidate. Nobody, even Biden, has come close. And even now the Rs refuse to consider replacing him. Nobody should have respect for Republicans anymore.
That's some pretty deep brainwashing. We've never had such a flawed candidate. Nobody, even Biden, has come close. And even now the Rs refuse to consider replacing him. Nobody should have respect for Republicans anymore.
Its is deep brainwashing. It’s a cult. That word has been repeated on the board for years. It’s true. Cults are brainwashed. Cults get talked into insurrections. Cults chant “Lock her up” and “Let’s Go Brandon”.

Cults also repeat the same talking points given to them by their cult leaders. Liberals should self reflect once in a while on how they interact. What the media and leaders tell them. We see the same talking points repeatedly here daily by both sides. Some of you are programmed very well.
Its is deep brainwashing. It’s a cult. That word has been repeated on the board for years. It’s true. Cults are brainwashed. Cults get talked into insurrections. Cults chant “Lock her up” and “Let’s Go Brandon”.

Cults also repeat the same talking points given to them by their cult leaders. Liberals should self reflect once in a while on how they interact. What the media and leaders tell them. We see the same talking points repeatedly here daily by both sides. Some of you are programmed very well.
First paragraph good.

Second paragraph is nonsense. Dems are the only ones self reflecting right now.
First paragraph good.

Second paragraph is nonsense. Dems are the only ones self reflecting right now.
Shame you're not self reflecting about how you all lied and claimed this man was mentally sharp the last several years. World view shattering moment for your cult at the debate as joe biden was revealed for what he is. You'll still vote for him of course, so give me a break with the reflection nonsense. You all will move on and not actually learn anything from this at the end of the day just like every other time something about this man is revealed. Ashley biden diary page 68 as a single example.
Shame you're not self reflecting about how you all lied and claimed this man was mentally sharp the last several years. World view shattering moment for your cult at the debate as joe biden was revealed for what he is. You'll still vote for him of course, so give me a break with the reflection nonsense. You all will move on and not actually learn anything from this at the end of the day just like every other time something about this man is revealed. Ashley biden diary page 68 as a single example.
He blames Trump for his own HIV. Is there anything more pathetic than an angry, sick, old queen with an axe to grind vs. their own responsibility?
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First paragraph good.

Second paragraph is nonsense. Dems are the only ones self reflecting right now.
Only because it was exposed on National TV to 30 million viewers. Up until that point their heads were in the sand.

I already know your retort. There are too many, way too many Republicans with their heads buried in Trumps ass. I think the issue is, you aren’t seeing those of us who have and are self reflecting. I don’t think I’m an anomaly. I see their posts here daily.
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This one's for you, Chis.

Are you all getting texts several times per day to donate? I get them from both parties, but the Democrats have really ramped up their requests. Most say something about a 700% or 800% match. I took a poll on how Biden did in the debate. It was from the D party. At the end of the survey, they asked for donations, with Obama’s pic, not Joes. I found that a bit odd.
You already know the answer. They don’t give a shit. They have been brainwashed. Brainwashed in the exact same way that protestors on college campuses this Spring were brainwashed. The same way the you and I have been programmed by outside influences.
Lol IDK if the protestors have been brainwashed anywhere near to the same extent as the people who grew up during the cold war
I dunno part is me is thinking hey we all have bad days. Maybe that was it. The question is how is Biden on a daily basis which is difficult to ascertain with his camp and the administration shielding him.
It's a valid question. Why do Republicans love a felon rapist who is owned by Putin so much?
I guess you missed that one time in history when Putin said he was waiting for Biden to come into office so Putin gets the green light on Ukraine, that green light that Biden gives him and Trump does not?????
I dunno part is me is thinking hey we all have bad days. Maybe that was it. The question is how is Biden on a daily basis which is difficult to ascertain with his camp and the administration shielding him.
you don't think the previous bad days prior to the debate counted? state of the union address? falling, stumbling all the time? freezing up, mumbling? It's been going on a while.
Of course, everyone is staying anonymous but there have been several reports about donors who are angry about the debate. Who can blame them. Why give millions of your hard earned money to a guy who, at this point, has a tough road to reelection
The BEST anonymous people. Lots of 'em
That's some pretty deep brainwashing. We've never had such a flawed candidate. Nobody, even Biden, has come close. And even now the Rs refuse to consider replacing him. Nobody should have respect for Republicans anymore.
You're right but they're salivating at this. It's like running unopposed. They're going to wreck this country and take it back to the antebellum era.
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