Democratic Governors meet with President Biden

Look I disagree that the best strategy at this stage of the game is for him to fold unless he absolutely thinks he should step down. It's late in the game and much more riskier at this junction. At this point I think the chances are much better we win if he stays. Enough of the attacks on each other we disagree on the best path and I trust the Democratic Governors and their assessment as of now. Support your local candidates, get involved and vote. Blue MAGA? Laughable and pathetic. No, anti Fascist trash and pro USA as I've always been and right most of the time. Back to your pity party.
Why should we defer to what Joe thinks is best? Don't you think he may be biased? Maybe his judgement isn't the best because his mind is starting to go. And there's no way these governors think Joe should stay in. They may be saying that but privately I'm sure think he should step down.

I'll vote for Joe if he stay in it. I'd vote for about anybody against Trump. But he will lose the race. That's why so many people are pissed about this. Trump is beatable. Joe isn't going to do it. Trump gave the 2nd worst debate performance of all time on Thursday. Unfortunately Joe gave the worst ever. Can you imagine the contrast that could have been on display if Trump had to debate someone that could have put together a coherent sentence?
Congratulations Democrats on proving your party doesn’t have the integrity to do the right thing either.

I refuse to vote for Trump but can’t in good conscience vote for Biden anymore.

It’s third-party candidate, a write-in, or Mickey Mouse for me.

PS: Chis, it’s not just MAGA members who are in a cult.
We have different interpretations of the word integrity. They are absolutely showing integrity backing a good human being. Their DECISION MAKING SKILLS have proven to be lacking through the years, however. 😀
The alternative is a sexual predator, felon who steals from charities and was a constant fire drill multiple times a week as POTUS. Good luck with that Repubs.
Yep. That still hasn’t sunk in yet for almost all of them. Trump could rape their wives and daughters and they still wouldn’t vote Democrat. No doubt in my mind. He told them he doesn’t care about them…his exact words…and yet they stick with the conman.
Congratulations Democrats on proving your party doesn’t have the integrity to do the right thing either.

I refuse to vote for Trump but can’t in good conscience vote for Biden anymore.

It’s third-party candidate, a write-in, or Mickey Mouse for me.

PS: Chis, it’s not just MAGA members who are in a cult.

The president’s staffers fantasize that they can plow ahead with teleprompter events—he looks stronger at the podium. But no one doubts he can stand and read. His staffers think they can smooth past things with supportive interviews with sympathetic journalists, but that won’t work either, not long term. Because everyone saw the debate, or, since, has seen pieces of it, and the image of a debilitated president has burned its way into the American brain and there’s no erasing it.
The president’s staffers fantasize that they can plow ahead with teleprompter events—he looks stronger at the podium. But no one doubts he can stand and read. His staffers think they can smooth past things with supportive interviews with sympathetic journalists, but that won’t work either, not long term. Because everyone saw the debate, or, since, has seen pieces of it, and the image of a debilitated president has burned its way into the American brain and there’s no erasing it.
You sure he can stand and read? I'm saying no.
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The alternative is a sexual predator, felon who steals from charities and was a constant fire drill multiple times a week as POTUS. Good luck with that Repubs.
Exactly this is the takeaway but the chicken Littles are out in force now. And any Trumper thinking they have the higher ground or standing here is the funniest crap I've ever heard. Hypocrisy and Irony, the definition of both. The GOP is a Fascist, anti American trash heap.
If Biden had wanted to quiet concerns he should have had multiple free-wheeling press conferences in the last week. Instead, they've had him wrapped up in a bubble. A sit-down interview with George Stephanopolous isn't gonna cut it.

Ideally he resigns in the next week and Harris becomes President and potentially gets a poll bump, but I'm in the camp now where he needs to at least drop out of the race.

And again, this was a total self-own. The Biden campaign proposed the debate. Just unbelievable. Just the total incompetence with fascism looming.
What's incredibly, incredibly enraging is that the Democrats had such a huge opportunity when Trump became a convicted felon and they just let the moment pass. Donald Trump is completely unfit for the Presidency and that should have been the focus of the campaign going back to when Trump became the presumptive nominee in December and January. After Trump became a convicted felon they should have immediately started demanding that he step down or be forced off the Republican ticket. Instead weeks later they're looking at forcing their own candidate off the dem ticket.

The Democrats want to run on their "issues", highlight their superior prescription drug proposals. Infrastructure plans. Just such incredible, enraging incompetence.
I wonder what the white house promised these governors. Chances are none of their asses are up for re-election until Biden is long dead and gone.
I wonder what the white house promised these governors. Chances are none of their asses are up for re-election until Biden is long dead and gone.
I think it’s that the Biden’s have the DNC by the balls and love power. DNC has to fall in line with their presidential candidate and now all the governors have to fall in line with what the DNC told them to say and how to frame Biden’s pathetic performance and dementia
I think it’s that the Biden’s have the DNC by the balls and love power. DNC has to fall in line with their presidential candidate and now all the governors have to fall in line with what the DNC told them to say and how to frame Biden’s pathetic performance and dementia
The DNC isn't a thing with any power or significance. Biden as the President and his close advisors have the power and they're trying to whip the next tier of leaders to defend Biden.

It's just irritating to me when people talk of this "DNC" thing that's supposed to be like a Star Chamber in the background making decisions and issuing orders blah blah blah per the Democrats. Nothing like that exists. When the President is a Democrat that's where the main power is--maybe with a powerful House Speaker or Senate Majority leader as a competing power center. That's why there is such paralysis in the party right now, the White House is the center of power in the party and it's shuddering after Biden's debate performance.

What's currently going on is out in the open and is what we're seeing. Per the aftermath of the Governor's meeting, It was notable to me who was speaking to the cameras--Walz, Hochul, and Moore. Moore is the only one of those three who is mentioned as a possible replacement candidate--and Moore is at best a dark horse and a more likely VP pick for one of the others.

Whitmer and Newsom put out tweets, but they were about as cut and paste as it gets, see the "hostage" tweet I posted above.
The DNC isn't a thing with any power or significance. Biden as the President and his close advisors have the power and they're trying to whip the next tier of leaders to defend Biden.

It's just irritating to me when people talk of this "DNC" thing that's supposed to be like a Star Chamber in the background making decisions and issuing orders blah blah blah per the Democrats. Nothing like that exists. When the President is a Democrat that's where the main power is--maybe with a powerful House Speaker or Senate Majority leader as a competing power center. That's why there is such paralysis in the party right now, the White House is the center of power in the party and it's shuddering after Biden's debate performance.

What's currently going on is out in the open and is what we're seeing. Per the aftermath of the Governor's meeting, It was notable to me who was speaking to the cameras--Walz, Hochul, and Moore. Moore is the only one of those three who is mentioned as a possible replacement candidate--and Moore is at best a dark horse and a more likely VP pick for one of the others.

Whitmer and Newsom put out tweets, but they were about as cut and paste as it gets, see the "hostage" tweet I posted above.
The DNC holds the money and decides where that money goes. It’s the same with how we are seeing the RNC run at the moment with Lara Trump as co-chair. These national committees have a big say on what goes on with how the party wants to represent itself and if you don’t fall in line they can withhold $$$ down ballot in your state and for your race.

So even tho it is irritating for you to read it we are essentially in agreement with what’s going on with Biden having the DNC by the balls being the presidential candidate. Money is Power
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The DNC holds the money and decides where that money goes. It’s the same with how we are seeing the RNC run at the moment with Lara Trump as co-chair. These national committees have a big say on what goes on with how the party wants to represent itself and if you don’t fall in line they can withhold $$$ down ballot in your state and for your race.

So even tho it is irritating for you to read it we are essentially in agreement with what’s going on with Biden having the DNC by the balls being the presidential candidate. Money is Power
The DNC is not this independent power broker within the Democratic party even when the Democrats don't control the White House, and when the Democrats control the White House it's a creature of the White House. Just as the military is controlled by civilians and isn't its own independent political entity (at least it's not supposed to be) , the DNC is a tool that's used by whoever is in power.

Bernie Bros liked to talk about the all powerful DNC cock blocking them, just as rightwing media is always spinning fantasies about the DNC as this shadowy illuminati type entity in the background. It's nonsense. Bernie would have directly controlled the DNC if he had gotten the Democratic nomination any of the times he ran.
We have different interpretations of the word integrity. They are absolutely showing integrity backing a good human being. Their DECISION MAKING SKILLS have proven to be lacking through the years, however. 😀

C'mon on, dude.

I respect you and think you're a good guy, but this is ridiculous. My 70-something-year-old uncle is a good human being. That does not mean he would make a good president, especially since he was recently diagnosed with the onset of dementia.

Joe Biden has clear, obvious, and undeniable cognitive issues. He is or is about to be 82. And he's asking the American people to give him four more years as leader of the free world.

"The very'mon, much malarkey...the very idea...look, it's just...the very idea...c'mon, man."
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You got it.
"The very idea, Hox...look, when I was voting against Biden, for Biden to beat Trump, c'mon, man. The very idea...the very idea, that I am a MAGA, is like...look, I could never be a MAGA. I've never heard such malarkey in my...look, when I golfed during my presidency in 2010, I had a six handicap. MAGA was just a COVID, the very idea. C'mon, man."
The DNC is not this independent power broker within the Democratic party even when the Democrats don't control the White House, and when the Democrats control the White House it's a creature of the White House. Just as the military is controlled by civilians and isn't its own independent political entity (at least it's not supposed to be) , the DNC is a tool that's used by whoever is in power.

Bernie Bros liked to talk about the all powerful DNC cock blocking them, just as rightwing media is always spinning fantasies about the DNC as this shadowy illuminati type entity in the background. It's nonsense. Bernie would have directly controlled the DNC if he had gotten the Democratic nomination any of the times he ran.
“Bernie would have directly controlled the DNC if he had gotten the Democratic nomination any of the times he ran.”

Yes I know, that is what I’ve been saying the last two responses about the Biden’s having the DNC by the balls. They control the money at the moment