Democratic voters are wealthier and better educated

Your reading ability leaves a lot to be desired. Please highlight where I said ALL black people are uneducated. Don't bother looking, I didn't say that. What I said was as a racial block they are less educated than Asians or whites and they voted 96% for Obama, therefore Obama was elected largely due to uneducated voters. See how that works, it's rather simple, like you....

My reading ability is quite good actually. My mistake was in trying to educate a simpleton, like yourself.

You see there is this device in English called implicit language (something I'm sure you used unwittingly since you are an obvious idiot) where you don't have to explicitly state something, but what is implied is quite intelligible and obvious to someone with an understanding of the English language beyond the level of an 8th grader. So, while you might not have actually said all black people are uneducated, the way you framed your argument more than implied so. I know, that can be quite confusing to simple people like yourself, but it honestly is a fascinating part of the English language, saying something without actually saying something. I promise, though, I'm not making it up. :rolleyes:

Oh, and rest assured I didn't bother looking. Reading through the inane drivel you posted once was painful enough. I might be a glutton for punishment, but not that much. Oh, and thank you for clarifying what you meant by the "racial block" who voted for Obama. It's good to know that as a racial block they are less educated than Asians or whites. (What about Latinos? Since you're just pulling shit out of your ass, I thought I'd ask for a friend.)

So, since these uneducated blacks, which you say represent 14% of the population (according to the US Census Bureau it's 13.4% so 14% would actually be more than ALL blacks living in America), voted 96% Obama, the math in that scenario clearly speaks to Obama being largely elected by uneducated voters (who just happen to be black, of course)? Lol. Really? Ninety-six percent of fourteen percent propelled Obama to win? Fascinating. Out of curiosity, outside of Obama's 14% base that pushed him over the finish line, was there any other "racial block" that voted for Obama? I mean, could there have been (gasp) educated and non-educated whites who voted for him? Were there any educated blacks who voted for him? After all, again according to the US Census Bureau in 2017, 13.4% of the US population is black. Which is interesting, because you say there are 14% in America, and that they are uneducated, right? Or just the 96% who voted for Obama? So not all of the 14% are uneducated, just the 96% of 14%?

Lol, you know what, never mind. It's already abundantly clearly you're a total fuggin moron. Lol. Get bent.
Everyone with a college degree could vote for one particular candidate and they might still not get elected. Less than 40% have a degree so whomever wins needs some votes from those damn non college educated schmucks.

College educated people know when to properly use "whomever," something you clearly don't.

I think you should just quit now. It's obvious you don't know what the f*** you're talking about.
No, no your reading ability sucks like your logic. Keeeerist Almighty, please don't tell me you're one of those educated elites that have a degree in leisure studies that elevate yourself like you have a Phd in astrophysics or microbiology.

To answer your question ( which you failed to address mine )Latinos are less educated than blacks only 15% have a college degree, but they don't vote in lockstep like blacks do for Democrats. You understand now? The uneducated vote was more important electing Obama than it was electing Trump.

Oh and go fu@k yourself....
No, no your reading ability sucks like your logic. Keeeerist Almighty, please don't tell me you're one of those educated elites that have a degree in leisure studies that elevate yourself like you have a Phd in astrophysics or microbiology.

To answer your question ( which you failed to address mine )Latinos are less educated than blacks only 15% have a college degree, but they don't vote in lockstep like blacks do for Democrats. You understand now? The uneducated vote was more important electing Obama than it was electing Trump.

Oh and go fu@k yourself....

Smh. Nice backtracking, dipshit. That wasn't your original assertion. Nor does it explain your general inability to do math.

Oh, and brilliant comeback. You're a real bad ass in addition to your talents of being a total idiot.

Just quit, dude. You're making yourself look dumber and dumber.
If that's the case poor's are doing a much better job than the ivory tower 1% Democrats ever could.
So with the growth over the years of online education, watered down degrees, and places like Univ of Phoenix granting degrees to anyone with a pulse and a credit card - you’re saying that we have MORE smart people which coincides with more Democratic votes? You can’t be serious.

We all know college debt is skyrocketing and one has to wonder if a student really learned much during college if they thought it was ok to rack up tens of thousands of dollars of debt on a liberal arts degree? These are your new Democratic voters. They made a poor choice and did not learn about ROI in 4-5 years and now want others to bail them out. Shizz, I’d vote left too if I did that!

Sure, some folks are making more but a lot of folks are carrying a massive debt load. This study you cited might actually be worth something if it actually considered actual WORTH, a la net-worth but again, our liberal universities are pumping out degrees to people who don’t understand how to calculate net-worth.

Just want to understand you OP that you are happy your side got more votes from people who are getting crap degrees making crap decisions. Amirite!
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And they still think we can give everything away for free AND let anyone who wants into the country unchecked to raid the treasury. Proving money and education are vastly overrated.
And they own Cortez - she makes up for the 60 million that voted for Trump. Damn.
God made Dems super smart, but - just to be fair - he also made them bad at voting.
And they still think we can give everything away for free AND let anyone who wants into the country unchecked to raid the treasury. Proving money and education are vastly overrated.

The Republican controlled Congress and administration has broken spending records and increased the rate of growth in spending.

You realize this statistic is rather meaningless. Take Silicon Valley for example (Santa Clara/San Francisco counties). Businesses HQ’d there are led by many R’s and don’t forget guys like Rubio took tons of tech donations to his campaign. Many tech exec’s spend time in the valley but reside elsewhere and/or on a plane. The voters there may lean blue but the businesses producing the GDP you speak of often donates to both sides equally.

Oh, and all those companies are incorporated in Delaware anyway which is a Democratic stronghold. I guess using this logic you could say Democrats control everything and the rest of the country except Delaware should not even bother anymore.
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